Trusting God Despite the Natural


Well-Known Member
I need a little pick me up.

Discuss a situation where you trusted God's plan despite what was occurring in the natural world.

Example (real story):
A single woman who was 36-ish and without children. Her biological clock is ticking according to "statistics". Her doctor tells her she better stop waiting for a "husband" to come along and just go to the sperm bank if she wants to have kids. The woman says she knows God's plan for her (i.e., husband and kids) and going to the sperm is not part of the plan. I met the woman when she was 42 and pregnant with her first child. She had met her husband a year before. Despite what statistics and even her own doctor were saying, this woman trusted God's plan for her. Almost 6 years she waited.
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In in my early walk with God, I use to struggle with tithing in that I didn't have a full understanding of its importance. At the time I was barely making enough to pay bills but I remember one Sunday I said to myself God help me to trust in giving my tithe. I had enough cash on hand to pay my tithe and to get me to work for about three days. So I went to work that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I just enough money to get back to work Thursday morning and that was it.

I came in the office that Wednesday morning, internally struggling because I wanted to believe that God would make a way but I just didn't know how. So I planned to ask one of my co-workers for some money until payday which was that Friday. Well, after lunch in the middle of floor this co-worker walked over to me and said Since you are a Christian do you give your tithe to the church. I said yes, I do and she responded so what happens when you run out of money after you give your tithe. I said God still takes care of me. She laughed so loud everyone is the office stopped and looked at us.

I still had a stone face in front of her but on the inside I was shaking because I was worried that I had no more money and now I can't borrow any from her like I had planned.

On the ride home, I am still thinking what am I going to do. I called all my friends and my sister and for some reason couldn't reach anyone. I check my mail and there is a check for $1000 that I had no clue I was going to receive.
Second story:

I was helping my sister cook dinner and grabbed a pot. It burned the palm of my hand, across the center to point the skin melted like it had been slit in half. I had just moved to Atlanta and didn't have a job or medical coverage at the time. I can't say I was really aware of the dept of my injury so I ran cold water over it at first.

I was in the bathroom and I heard as clear as day, God say, Not only will I heal your hand, I am going to heal all your past hurts. I am the God that heals you. It was at that point that I burst into tears, my sister looked at my hand and begged me to go to the emergency room. I just looked at her and repeated what I heard from God. She said Ok. We wrapped it in ice for the night, the next day I wrapped it in a gauge. I wore the gauge for about three days, I didn't put anything on the wound.

I was playing with my niece one day and my sister was fussing at her for messing with my hurt hand. I told her I was fine and decided to cut off the gauge. My hand was completely healed, no scars at all. Even today I can't remember which hand was burned that day and He had healed me from so many things of my past as well.
I guess you just have to stand if that is what you firmly believe. I don't believe in cute stories and things because it doesn't happen for everyone. There have been a many times when I would tithe and things still didn't work out. Or when I had faith and prayed the my situation would turn around and there were signs that were going to go in my favor and they didn't. I think of my job now. I thought omg this is a blessing a job in my field. However now that I'm here yes it's a blessing because its a change from what I had but it's not any better in the sense of my goal. It's very basic. However in all of this fighting feeling like a loser for being in my eyes a admin role, I will stand that God will provide for me and the goal and dream I have will manifest into what is suppose to be.
The lady you mentioned loolalooh truly believed and was strong.
Second story:

I was helping my sister cook dinner and grabbed a pot. It burned the palm of my hand, across the center to point the skin melted like it had been slit in half. I had just moved to Atlanta and didn't have a job or medical coverage at the time. I can't say I was really aware of the dept of my injury so I ran cold water over it at first.

I was in the bathroom and I heard as clear as day, God say, Not only will I heal your hand, I am going to heal all your past hurts. I am the God that heals you. It was at that point that I burst into tears, my sister looked at my hand and begged me to go to the emergency room. I just looked at her and repeated what I heard from God. She said Ok. We wrapped it in ice for the night, the next day I wrapped it in a gauge. I wore the gauge for about three days, I didn't put anything on the wound.

I was playing with my niece one day and my sister was fussing at her for messing with my hurt hand. I told her I was fine and decided to cut off the gauge. My hand was completely healed, no scars at all. Even today I can't remember which hand was burned that day and He had healed me from so many things of my past as well.
I don't know but I completely started crying when I read this. Thank you.
Whhhooooo girl! This really touched me!:yep:

Second story:

I was helping my sister cook dinner and grabbed a pot. It burned the palm of my hand, across the center to point the skin melted like it had been slit in half. I had just moved to Atlanta and didn't have a job or medical coverage at the time. I can't say I was really aware of the dept of my injury so I ran cold water over it at first.

I was in the bathroom and I heard as clear as day, God say, Not only will I heal your hand, I am going to heal all your past hurts. I am the God that heals you. It was at that point that I burst into tears, my sister looked at my hand and begged me to go to the emergency room. I just looked at her and repeated what I heard from God. She said Ok. We wrapped it in ice for the night, the next day I wrapped it in a gauge. I wore the gauge for about three days, I didn't put anything on the wound.

I was playing with my niece one day and my sister was fussing at her for messing with my hurt hand. I told her I was fine and decided to cut off the gauge. My hand was completely healed, no scars at all. Even today I can't remember which hand was burned that day and He had healed me from so many things of my past as well.
In in my early walk with God, I use to struggle with tithing in that I didn't have a full understanding of its importance. At the time I was barely making enough to pay bills but I remember one Sunday I said to myself God help me to trust in giving my tithe. I had enough cash on hand to pay my tithe and to get me to work for about three days. So I went to work that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I just enough money to get back to work Thursday morning and that was it.

I came in the office that Wednesday morning, internally struggling because I wanted to believe that God would make a way but I just didn't know how. So I planned to ask one of my co-workers for some money until payday which was that Friday. Well, after lunch in the middle of floor this co-worker walked over to me and said Since you are a Christian do you give your tithe to the church. I said yes, I do and she responded so what happens when you run out of money after you give your tithe. I said God still takes care of me. She laughed so loud everyone is the office stopped and looked at us.

I still had a stone face in front of her but on the inside I was shaking because I was worried that I had no more money and now I can't borrow any from her like I had planned.

On the ride home, I am still thinking what am I going to do. I called all my friends and my sister and for some reason couldn't reach anyone. I check my mail and there is a check for $1000 that I had no clue I was going to receive.

Second story:

I was helping my sister cook dinner and grabbed a pot. It burned the palm of my hand, across the center to point the skin melted like it had been slit in half. I had just moved to Atlanta and didn't have a job or medical coverage at the time. I can't say I was really aware of the dept of my injury so I ran cold water over it at first.

I was in the bathroom and I heard as clear as day, God say, Not only will I heal your hand, I am going to heal all your past hurts. I am the God that heals you. It was at that point that I burst into tears, my sister looked at my hand and begged me to go to the emergency room. I just looked at her and repeated what I heard from God. She said Ok. We wrapped it in ice for the night, the next day I wrapped it in a gauge. I wore the gauge for about three days, I didn't put anything on the wound.

I was playing with my niece one day and my sister was fussing at her for messing with my hurt hand. I told her I was fine and decided to cut off the gauge. My hand was completely healed, no scars at all. Even today I can't remember which hand was burned that day and He had healed me from so many things of my past as well.

Both stories are true testimonies to trusting God despite the natural. Thank you so much for sharing. Just WOW! They really touched me as well. Praise God.
I guess you just have to stand if that is what you firmly believe. I don't believe in cute stories and things because it doesn't happen for everyone. There have been a many times when I would tithe and things still didn't work out. Or when I had faith and prayed the my situation would turn around and there were signs that were going to go in my favor and they didn't. I think of my job now. I thought omg this is a blessing a job in my field. However now that I'm here yes it's a blessing because its a change from what I had but it's not any better in the sense of my goal. It's very basic. However in all of this fighting feeling like a loser for being in my eyes a admin role, I will stand that God will provide for me and the goal and dream I have will manifest into what is suppose to be.
The lady you mentioned @loolalooh truly believed and was strong.

Yes, her faith was as firm as stone. Most women would give up 36 years old and even more at 40, but her faith did not waver. She was singing in the church choir (minding her business and focused on praising the Lord) when her husband first noticed her. The rest is history.
Bumping. I know there are more stories out there. Don't hold back. Your testimony can be a blessing to others. :)
Lissa0821 thank you so much for sharing your story! so touching and inspiring. it's a great reminder that God is faithful and he still does miracles! :yep:
quick story:
i went through an experience once where i was being cheated of something i felt i had earned. i felt very strongly about it and wanted to fight for my rights. In the midst of it all, i kept feeling the Holy Spirit asking me to fall back and let God fight the battle.

it was tough and i was very sad about it but i obeyed. i allowed the people involved to do what they wanted to do but i just kept on praying. lo and behold, 4 months later, the tables turned.

the thing they cheated me of was returned to me 3 fold (i kid you not. THREE fold) and they lost out in the end. i never had to say a harsh word. never had to fight. never had to struggle. God came through for me and all i had to do was believe.
I guess you just have to stand if that is what you firmly believe. I don't believe in cute stories and things because it doesn't happen for everyone. There have been a many times when I would tithe and things still didn't work out. Or when I had faith and prayed the my situation would turn around and there were signs that were going to go in my favor and they didn't. I think of my job now. I thought omg this is a blessing a job in my field. However now that I'm here yes it's a blessing because its a change from what I had but it's not any better in the sense of my goal. It's very basic. However in all of this fighting feeling like a loser for being in my eyes a admin role, I will stand that God will provide for me and the goal and dream I have will manifest into what is suppose to be.
The lady you mentioned loolalooh truly believed and was strong.

I agree with GoddessMaker. Even though I am a believer in God, I believe that most things are coincidental. Things happen not because of what we do. A combination of things can happen whether you do something good or bad.

For example:

1. Person A does a good deed for Person B, something bad happens to Person A
2. Person A does a good deed for Person B, something good happens to Person A
3. Person A does a bad deed to Person B, something bad happens to Person A
4. Person A does a bad deed to Person B, something good happens to Person A

We want to think that Example 2 and Example 3 happens the most, but it's not necessarily true. I've seen all four of these instances happen in real life. And God is in control over all these scenarios.

I will give an example from my own experience. My dad believes that if you tithe 10% or more of your gross income, you will be blessed. If not, you will be cursed. Well, 3 years ago, I was laid off. My dad said it was because I did not tithe 10% of my gross income which I disagreed with. After 6 months of unemployment, I got a temp job paying only $10.12 an hour. I did not tithe at all. My dad would get on me for this. I still did not tithe. Well a month later, I was blessed with a full-time permanent job with benefits making over twice as much as the temp job, more than any job I ever had in my life so far. Then a year later, I was promoted to another position within my current organization making even more money.

Tithing does not mean you are trusting God. You are actually trusting man's agenda for your life. Trusting God is relying on Christ's sacrifice for the punishment of your sins. Trusting God is realizing that he is sovereign over every good and bad thing that happens in our lives. We live in both a physical and spiritual realm. We cannot take credit for anything that happens to us or we will eventually end up disappointed time and time again.
I agree with @GoddessMaker. Even though I am a believer in God, I believe that most things are coincidental. Things happen not because of what we do. A combination of things can happen whether you do something good or bad.

For example:

1. Person A does a good deed for Person B, something bad happens to Person A
2. Person A does a good deed for Person B, something good happens to Person A
3. Person A does a bad deed to Person B, something bad happens to Person A
4. Person A does a bad deed to Person B, something good happens to Person A

We want to think that Example 2 and Example 3 happens the most, but it's not necessarily true. I've seen all four of these instances happen in real life. And God is in control over all these scenarios.

I will give an example from my own experience. My dad believes that if you tithe 10% or more of your gross income, you will be blessed. If not, you will be cursed. Well, 3 years ago, I was laid off. My dad said it was because I did not tithe 10% of my gross income which I disagreed with. After 6 months of unemployment, I got a temp job paying only $10.12 an hour. I did not tithe at all. My dad would get on me for this. I still did not tithe. Well a month later, I was blessed with a full-time permanent job with benefits making over twice as much as the temp job, more than any job I ever had in my life so far. Then a year later, I was promoted to another position within my current organization making even more money.

Tithing does not mean you are trusting God. You are actually trusting man's agenda for your life. Trusting God is relying on Christ's sacrifice for the punishment of your sins. Trusting God is realizing that he is sovereign over every good and bad thing that happens in our lives. We live in both a physical and spiritual realm. We cannot take credit for anything that happens to us or we will eventually end up disappointed time and time again.

^^ to the bolded. I agree with this. What will happen when God does not give you everything you pray for. This is where true faith is tested.

In the midst of disappointment is He still God? Will you still trust Him?
Lissa0821 .. awesome testimonies of real life faith .. the hand healing one has me teary-eyed! Thanks for sharing..
@Poohbear and @Health&hair28: Thank you for sharing. I agree: it is true that tithing does not necessarily mean that one is trusting God. I agree: it is true that we must trust God in the midst of disappointment.

Tithing does not necessarily mean that one is trusting God.
One can use tithing as trusting man's agenda. However, when tithing has the right intention behind it (i.e., giving because you want to give and giving in spite of hardship), then He will take care of you. I think the message behind Lissa's story is this: Do not be afraid to tithe (or give) even in tough times. Why? Because God will take care of you. This is an instance of trusting God in spite of the natural. (I can certainly attest to experiencing this especially since being given the spiritual gift of giving.) Does that mean that those who do not tithe are cursed? No. Does it mean others should start tithing in order to reap financial benefits? No.

We must trust God in the midst of disappointment.
God's answers to some of our prayers will be "no". What will happen then? Are we going to turn away? We should not. God isn't merely around to be our "Giver". He is so much more than that. I hope for this thread to be about "when God gives a promise to you". Not so much about, "I prayed for this and He gave it to me." The stories above are "God gave a promise to me." He does give personal promises to people. Sometimes those promises are directly opposite of what the "natural" tells us. Biblical examples that come to mind include Abraham and Sarah trusting God for a son, Hannah trusting God for a son, Israel trusting God for the Promised Land, etc. Those times too call for us to trust in God.

Ultimately, I hope those reading this thread do not run off with the idea that God will give us everything we want. That is not my intention. My intention is to get us focused on trusting God's plan (whatever it may be) in spite of the natural.
@Poohbear and @Health&hair28: Thank you for sharing. I agree: it is true that tithing does not necessarily mean that one is trusting God. I agree: it is true that we must trust God in the midst of disappointment.

Tithing does not necessarily mean that one is trusting God.
One can use tithing as trusting man's agenda. However, when tithing has the right intention behind it (i.e., giving because you want to give and giving in spite of hardship), then He will take care of you. I think the message behind Lissa's story is this: Do not be afraid to tithe (or give) even in tough times. Why? Because God will take care of you. This is an instance of trusting God in spite of the natural. (I can certainly attest to experiencing this especially since being given the spiritual gift of giving.) Does that mean that those who do not tithe are cursed? No. Does it mean others should start tithing in order to reap financial benefits? No.

We must trust God in the midst of disappointment.
God's answers to some of our prayers will be "no". What will happen then? Are we going to turn away? We should not. God isn't merely around to be our "Giver". He is so much more than that. I hope for this thread to be about "when God gives a promise to you". Not so much about, "I prayed for this and He gave it to me." The stories above are "God gave a promis to me." He does give personal promises to people. Sometimes those promises are directly opposite of what the "natural" tells us. Biblical examples that come to mind include Abraham and Sarah trusting God for a son, Hannah trusting God for a son, Israel trusting God for the Promised Land, etc. Those times too call for us to trust in God.

Ultimately, I hope those reading this thread do not run off with the idea that God will give us everything we want. That is not my intention. My intention is to get us focused on trusting God's plan (whatever it may be) in spite of the natural.


This thread does not give off that impression. It's a good thread. :yep: I saw a point she made and I remembered times when I asked God for something and I just knew it was His will. And He did not do it but in the midst of my disappointment. God is still God. He is still worthy to be praised and we are to continue to trust Him and walk by faith.
I've prayed many times and didn't get what I wanted or felt i needed at the time,
God knows all things and he's still God and God of my life.
I've been praying for certain things for YEARS and God has not given me these things. I know He still loves me. I'll continue praying for these things because I still have faith. God is good no matter what!

Any way the stories made me cry. It's always good to hear a testimony. God has been so good to me over the years and I'm always in awe at the favor I've received when a situation seemed absolutely impossible.

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I used to tithe years ago every Sunday and I would have money coming to me out of the woodworks but for the past couple of years I have not been tithing and money has been an issue, very tight budget. I started tithing again on Sunday. As Christians all God ask from us is Obedience. Following Gods word will not get you everything you want in life but will get you everything you need according to his will. The concept is so simple yet we as Christians complicate it way more than need be. One thing I have learned is that where I am today is partially due to my decisions in life. Let's not forget we have free will and sometimes our poor choices have poor consequences.
Kinkyhairlady said:
I used to tithe years ago every Sunday and I would have money coming to me out of the woodworks but for the past couple of years I have not been tithing and money has been an issue, very tight budget. I started tithing again on Sunday. As Christians all God ask from us is Obedience. Following Gods word will not get you everything you want in life but will get you everything you need according to his will. The concept is so simple yet we as Christians complicate it way more than need be. One thing I have learned is that where I am today is partially due to my decisions in life. Let's not forget we have free will and sometimes our poor choices have poor consequences.

Eta: I've been praying for certain things for years and God has yet to answer my prayers but I also realize mistakes I made in the past have affected some of my prayer requests. It's ok though because I'm coming to terms with a lot in my life.
For those who said that they have been praying for year and still nothing, hold on just hold on:

Two things:

My son and his dad had never met. We were both young and we allowed misunderstandings to get in the way of raising our son. As I raised my son I never spoke bad about his father, but I continued to pray continued to pray that one day he they would connect and get to know each other. But God, it took 19 years but as of November, 2011 they have met and have a such a relationship that you would think that they have been together for all those years. That is nothing but God.

Seven years ago, God gave me a vision to host a conference in my city, I didn't know how it would manisfest, I didn't have the money to do such a thing. I let it go and didn't do anything, well 7 years later the conference will be October 4-6, 2012. He put the right people in my life to organize it, to pay for it and the speakers to present. That's God.

Trust Him he will come through