
Well-Known Member
Here are some articles about trusting God. I know that they've helped me!
What Is Blind Trust?
[SIZE=+1]What is blind trust? Good question. Blind trust is when you put your total, and I mean TOTAL, FULL, ALL, EVERYTHING trust in God. But what most of us do is we give the problem to God for a little while (or only give certain parts of the problem to Him - hanging onto parts ourselves!), and then when things don't go the way we think they should, we run and get our problem back! And, when we do this, God CANNOT work! Maybe what we want isn't coming as soon as we think it should. Or things are not going the way we hoped. Or we try to help God along - boy, what a mess!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Asking God for something is like using a credit card: When we ask for something, we "give Him the card". As long as He has it, He can work. But when we "take it back", for whatever reason, He has to stop working and wait for the "card" back. And when we try to help God out, we wind up with the "card stuck in the machine" - and nothing gets done until we get our hands out and let God work! But now he has to fix the "mess" we made before He can start![/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Blind trust is like a horse in a burning building. First you must cover the horse's eyes before you can lead him out. Sometimes God doesn't explain what's happening to us or where He is leading us - When He does this, we are to blindly trust that HE knows what He's doing! If He were to explain it to us, it might scare us (just like the fire would scare the horse!) and we wouldn't follow His sure leading.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]God loves us and wants to help us with ALL our problems. All we have to do is LET Him! Even the little ones matter to Him - He wants to help! And we know that God is all power and all knowledge - So stop and think: How much better off we would be if we put our TOTAL trust in God and let Him do for us what HE knows is best![/SIZE]

What to do After You've Given the Problem to God

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[SIZE=+1]After you begin to learn to blindly trust God with all your problems, BEWARE: Satan is bound to try to tell you it won't work! He will use every trick he can think of to get you to worry and doubt God. One way to know if you've really turned it all over to God is if you aren't worrying about it any more. If you find yourself constantly thinking and talking about the problem, chances are you are still holding on to it yourself. If you've laid everything at the feet of Jesus, there is NO cause for worry! When you do this, Satan has no ground to stand on. When he brings it to your mind, just tell him you won't listen - GOD has the problem, not you. So if Satan wants to talk to someone about it, he has to face God - which, of course he won't even think of!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Jesus told us to come to Him when we are troubled and weary and He promised to give us rest. He said His yoke is easy and His burden is light - How true are these words of our Precious Savior!! He takes ALL our burdens upon Him and in exchange gives us a yoke with NO burdens. How calm and joyful it is to be free from burdens in the Saviour - resting in Him, trusting Him moment by moment - praising Him even in the middle of bad times, for we know we're in His care! Even though the circumstances of the day might suggest a day spent in worry or concern, the knowledge of God provides a day of rejoicing in the face of our circumstances! Rejoicing in the day the Lord has given us opens up possibilities and closes the door on worry and futility!![/SIZE]
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Walking With Him

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[SIZE=+1]When Peter saw Jesus walking on the water, He jumped out of the boat and started walking towards Him. As long as his eyes were on Jesus and not the high waves, he did fine. As soon as He looked at the waves (problem!), he began to sink. He called to Jesus to save him, and immediately Jesus did. Then Jesus asked him, "Peter, why did you doubt?"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]I believe this is a valuable lesson to us as Christians. When we have problems all around us, it doesn't matter. The world offers two choices:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]1. Sink: Let the problem scare you and cause you to give up hope.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]2. Swim: TRY to handle the problem yourself.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]But GOD has a better option: To walk on the top with Him![/SIZE]

All three women in this story shared how important it was for them to trust God with their future. But how do we do that? Here are a few ideas to help.

Know Who God Is
As a Christian, I’m tempted to spend most of my quiet time telling God my troubles, searching the Bible for direction or going over my list of needs. God wants us to come to Him with our problems, but if that’s all we do we’re missing something important. We need to read and meditate on the Word to know God better. We can only trust someone we know.
All of us have a distorted picture of who God is. Because of our fallen nature, Satan’s lies and life’s circumstances, we don’t fully understand what an awesome God we serve. Ask God to teach you about himself. Then dig into the Bible to discover who He is. One way to do this is to study the names of God. God is so huge that it takes a variety of names for us to begin to comprehend Him. Here’s a list to help you get started.

The Names of God
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace — Isaiah 9:6
Redeemer — Isaiah 59:20
Lamb of God — John 1:29
Light of the World — John 8:12
I Am — John 8:58
The Gate — John 10:7-10
Good Shepherd — John 10:11-18
The Way, the Truth and the Life — John 14:6
Almighty — Revelation 1:8
Look over the list and ask God to point out a description you need to know better. Then, look up the Scripture. Write it out, personalizing it with your name, as if God is speaking to you (He is!). Then, ask Him to teach you about that aspect of himself.

Know How Much God Loves You
When I was a junior in college, I was in a small discipleship group. Our college pastor announced one night, “I’m going to teach you a prayer. It’s so simple; you’ll be tempted not to pray it. But if you do, it’ll change your life.” The prayer she taught us was, “Lord, teach me that You love me.”
I accepted her challenge and began praying that prayer often, whenever God brought it to my mind — whether that was while I walked across campus, took a shower or lay in bed at night. Gradually, God gave me a deep and secure sense of His love for me.
I became convinced, not just in my head, but also in my heart, that God loved me. It resonated deep in my soul. If you’ll pray that prayer and diligently seek His answer, God will teach you how very much He loves you. It’s easier to trust someone when we know he or she really loves us. When we get a glimpse of who God is and become secure in His love, it becomes easier to trust Him with our future.

I trusted in, relied on, and was confident in You, O Lord; I said, You are my God.
My times are in Your hands; deliver me from the hands of my foes and those who pursue me and persecute me.
PSALM 31:14, 15 AMP
In this chapter the Psalmist is saying that he trusted God to deliver him, and he trusted Him to do it at the right time. Trust requires us to say, “My times are in Your hands” (paraphrase).

I have learned that trust requires us to accept that some questions will be unanswered and to place our times in God's hands-believing that even though we do not know all the answers, He does. He has a perfect timing for all things in our lives. We all desire and believe for good things to happen in our lives, NOW not later!

As we continuously mature in the Christian life, we learn to believe for things not NOW but in God's perfect timing. Hebrews 11:1 says, “NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” We can always have faith now, but we cannot always have the manifestation now.

Trusting God often requires not knowing how God is going to accomplish what needs to be done and not knowing when He will do it. We always say, “God is never late,” but He is generally not early either. Why? Because He uses those opportunities to stretch our faith in Him, and we grow during times of waiting.

One of our partners recently was in need of financial help from God in paying some unexpected taxes. The taxes were due April 15. The couple gave a special offering to Life In The Word believing God for the miracle they needed. On April 14 they had the money for their taxes. Why not April 1 or 5? Why does God sometimes wait until the very last day or minute?

The reason is that He is teaching us lessons in trust! Trust is not inherited; it is learned! We learn to trust God by going through various experiences that require trust. By seeing God's faithfulness over and over, we let go of trusting ourselves, and gradually we enter God's rest and place our trust in Him.

Looking at it like this, it is easy to see how timing plays an important part in learning to trust God. If He did everything we asked for immediately, we would never grow and develop. Timing and trust are twins. They work side by side.

Copyright © 1994 by Joyce Meyer
Thanks so much this is what the Lord has been laying on my heart all week. Thanks for sharing the prayer, I'm going to take up the challenge and be open to learn to love/delight in the Lord.