True Transitoning


Well-Known Member
Tell me what you ladies think. Is true transitioning going from relaxed to natural hair ONLY? Or can we count relaxer to texturizer as a transition as well? I was going to try a texturizer instead of a relaxer, but now I think this may not be a big enough change to get my hair on the road to health.
IMHO Transitoning is from relaxed to natural. If you are going to tex. you are going from chemical to chemical, where is the transition? We all know relaxers and tex are the same thing, it is a timing factor.
IMHO Transitoning is from relaxed to natural. If you are going to tex. you are going from chemical to chemical, where is the transition? We all know relaxers and tex are the same thing, it is a timing factor.

You are absolutely right. Rel. to tex. is going from chemical to chemical.
To me a transition is simply a change from one state to another, texlaxed hair although it is still applying chemicals is a different texture to relaxed hair.. theres no harm in calling it a transition as long as your clear about the change itself.. many assume its going from relaxed to natural as its the norm.
The term was originally used to refer to the transition from relaxed to natural hair. The transition included the physical change of the hair as well as the mental attitude change toward embracing natural hair. The term has been adapted to the change from bone straight to moderately/mildly relaxed hair. When I first heard the latter description my eyebrow raised a bit (ok more than a bit), but as this is a change I believe it is a valid description (at least on hair boards).
In my opinion, it's going from relaxed to natural. But a transition is a transition if there's any change. So technically, going from relaxer to tex is a transition as far as the style of the hair. I guess we can call that a small step. Going from relaxed to natural is the big leap and more of a transition. There I go...talking in circles!:drunk:
It is a small step toward total transition (so i would still give you credit for doing this) and you can see how your hair is with more curl and 'test the waters' to see if you can take it further by stretching until you do not need to relax anymore. It also makes the demarcation line less noticeable if you ever want to take the plunge to natural. Its a change BUT i believe that after a while, no matter how careful you are with textlaxing - it is a chemical and one wrong move or years of accidental slight overlap will eventually turn the texlax into a regular ole' relaxer and can possibly cause the same damage. Basically i think you can texlax once to make ur new growth blend easier on ur way to being natural, but continuing to do so is not really transitioning..