Trims - Wet or Dry???


New Member
Do you all get (or do) your trims on wet or dry hair?? My old stylist used to trim mine dry, but that was when I used to blowdry on a regular basis.

The stylist I have now trims it wet, then rollersets it.

I'm thinking that maybe when you trim it wet, you're really trimming more than what it looks like, due to the shrinkage factor...
Hey Lindy,

I use to demand wet because for some reason I though it was better. However, a stylist told and showed me how for trims its better dry. She pointed out that ends look thinner wet and your hair stretches more. Just from personal experience I find I can get a true gauge of of much really needs to be trimmed dry. Then I tell them what to cut
i used to only imagine doing them wet, and that's how i had them done throughout highschool and college. since then, i've had to change stylists (location) and she insists on dry. i've since been thinking this is a more accurate trim.
dry as well. the hair sticks together when its wet so its harder to detect split ends and flyways when they're smoothed down with water. plus i let some body do that to my hair when it was wet and i ended up with a very blunt bush because my hair was so thick. what a nightmare.
I like a wet trim for exactly the reason ayeshia hated it.... my hair is NOT thick (anymore) so when I trim it dry that "bushiness" Ayeshia hated, is "thickness" and "density" on me (which I love

I never go home with shorter hair than I expected with this recent stylist who trims wet. I suspect it's because she knows there's shrinkage/stretching with wet hair and she adjusts the trim (cuts less) than I actually want or need so that I end up with what I want. She always get all my ends too.
Thanks for the input, ladies...
I'm getting my touchup & trim this afternoon, and I plan to BEG my stylist to go easy on the trimming this time!! I'm getting close to bra-strap now and I'd hate for him to mess me up!!
(I seriously dread touchup time; I get sooo nervous, about possible breakage and about the trimming!!
Your hair appears longer when it is wet, so it is best to cut dry so that you can see the true length of the hair after it is cut.
My stylist trims my hair while it's wet. I've never had a problem with her cutting too much. She's basically just dusting anyway.
I'm happy to report that my touchup and trim went great! I made SURE he didn't cut too much this time, by talking endlessly (while he was putting the relaxer in) about how I'm trying to grow my hair, and how it seems to take soooo long
By the time he started trimming he definitely knew better than to mess me up!!
He took the tiniest bit off, and that was just fine with me!!
Good question Lindy! This is exactly why I will NOT let anyone other that an African-American stylist work on my precious strands. My stylist determines wet vs dry depending on the clients hair and how it hangs---does it hang straight for instance. She prefers to trim my hair when it's dry.
I trim my own hair and I trim dry...I trim other people's hair dry, too. I may try wet one day though, since some people on here said it makes the hair look thicker (I am always on the quest for extra thickness).I guess I get that same effect from cutting at a diaganol, though.
I once had my hair trimmed dry. at first i was confused because i was so used to having my hair washed and then trimmed but i thought it looked thicker once she cut it. i mean almost instantly and it had body and movement. i was thankful i skipped all those other steps and not that much was taken off. God bless you all.
a stylist once told me that trimming while wet makes the cut more precise and defined. However she said that Trimming while dry is what she recommends for split ends maintenance
Lindy that is such a good point you brought out about making your stylist aware of your goal. I really think that most of the beauticians out here are not on the same page as us and that is why we are continually disapointed.
Good For You!
Thanks BeautyofTruth, Hairlove, and CrownnGlori!!
I was really determined that he not cut off a lot yesterday, cuz he trimmed off too much (I thought!!
) at my last touchup in August!!
I guess he made up for that last night...

My hair doesn't look any longer to me right now though... Maybe that's because it's a bit curly from the rollerset. I'll be able to measure my growth when I wash my hair this weekend.
I BETTER be at least an inch (hopefully two!!) closer to my bra-strap length goal!!
beana3 said:
a stylist once told me that trimming while wet makes the cut more precise and defined. However she said that Trimming while dry is what she recommends for split ends maintenance

[/ QUOTE ]

I've heard this too.
I like the look of my ends better when it is trimmed wet but since I have 3-4 different textures with differing amounts of shrinkage I have it trimmed dry once its been flat ironed or freshly wrapped to make the trim more accurate.
dry for trims. i alwayed thought if wet hair was being cut, then it was being styled, like a hair cut, not a trim.