Trimming wet or dry hair


Well-Known Member
Which is the best way to trim your hair wet or dry? I personally trim when my hair is dry so that you can see the split ends better but i noticed a lot of women trim wet hair i would like to know why
Very true wish4lenght but i saw the weirdest thing of course at the domincan salon the famous maribells on flatbush avenue in brooklyn they trim while setting the hair the woman parts the wet hair and then trims the section she is about to put on the roller then rolls the hair and repeat. now i want to know how the hell do they know the hair is even by doing this because sometimes the hair is not all the same lenght but seeing this freaked me out
dam girl u work fast. the article is good granted i know all these things already so why the heck people still trim wet hair especially at salons
I've heard that a wet trim gives a more blunt appearance after it dries.
I personally trim my hair dry and my stylist trims mine on dry hair also.
When I used to frequent the dominican salon, they trimmed on wet hair.
Unless your hair is straight when it is wet I don't think it would be a good idea. My hair is curly. It is a must to cut on dry STRAIGHT hair or I would end up looking a HAM!