Trimming story *Long*


New Member
Ok, I started seeing this lady in the salon. She dyed my hair in February and it came out perfect. So in October, I decided to go back to her again. At that time, I hadn't had a perm in 4 months because my hair wasn't taking to them. So, I explained to her my situation, and so, she asked me, "How do you want it styled?"

I said, "I want it trimmed, and then I want a curly pin-up."
She said, "Oh, I'm DEFINITELY going to trim it!"

This made me really uneasy. I know my hair needed a trim badly, but dag! She made it seem like she was going to do it anyway! So, she trimmed it and I couldn't tell how much she chopped until I shampooed a few days later. She didn't trim too much though.

I went back to her last Friday. She knew I was getting a perm, so when she was done washing out the conditioner, she combed my hair down, and I said to myself, No she is not! Check this out ya'll. The type of scissors she had, you could barely hear them. She was just a snipping at my hair, mind you, I didn't ask for a trim. I let her do it anyway.

To make a long story short
she didn't style my hair right at all. I told her the same curly pin-up that she did last time, except with height in the front and she did it totally different and it looked flicted. So, as she was separating my curls, I asked politely:

"Do you think my hair is healthy enough to get my roots dyed?"

Mind you, I shouldn't have even asked because I hadn't had my hair dyed since February, which is more than enough time to get my roots done. Do you know what she said?

"Your roots are okay. It's just your ENDS!"

So, I'm sitting there stunned. What do my ends have to do with my roots? More importantly, why have you been trimming my hair and my ends are still in such terrible shape?
And she didn't elaborate anymore. She didn't tell me what was wrong with my ends, what could fix it, NOTHING! She just made her statement and then there was silence!

After a minute or two, I said, "So, what should I put on my ends to get them healthier?"

This beech said, "Some oil."

And that's all she said. I'm sitting in that chair turning colors, I was so mad!

So, as I'm getting ready to leave, she runs to me and goes,
"Do you want to make an appointment to get your roots colored?"


I said, "No! I want to wait if my ends are like you said they are."

She said, "Okay. Well, I'm trying to trim them as I go. Your hair should be okay in another month."

First of all, in another month is when I would come back to get the color job done anyway. Secondly, if my hair was so messed up, why would you even ask me about making a color appointment, and third, whose hair is "okay" in just one month?

Moral of the story: Hairdressers not only have a license for hair, but they know how to mess with your minds. I think she purposely told me my ends were messed up so I could start coming to her more often to fix them. I also think she did my hair flicted so I would think to myself, "This doesn't look right. I need to go back to her soon to get this done over."

She also charged me for that trim I didn't even ask for. I won't be going back to her, ever. And my hair is shorter than it was with my last touch-up.

Sorry, I just felt like ranting.
<font color="brown">Karonica,

I am sorry to hear about your hair woes. Do your ends look/feel damaged or split (your perception)?

If not, I am curious to know the reason your ends are supposedly bad (as she sees it). If she has been trimming them "as she goes", then what is the problem? Why would she need to keep trimming? If OIL can "fix" your ends, then it sounds like your ends may have a problem with moisture retention. That does't necessarily mean that they are split or damaged . . . and it certainly doesn't mean that she needs to trim your hair every time she lays eyes on you. Why didn't she just suggest that you apply oil to your ends and leave it at that?

Just an inquiring mind that wants to know . . .
AngieK </font>
My ends were not split at all. I don't see the point of trimming ends, unless they are split, or just for evenness. I use oil on my hair all the time, and how would that fix split ends? She was lying, I knew it. Even my mother said there was nothing wrong with my hair, and she's my worse critique.

I had a bad feeling about her, something about her personality just wasn't right. I think she took advantage of me because she knew I was too nice.
I agree Karonica!! She did take advantage of you like so many hairdressers do!!! I swear, this is the third post I've read today about an awful experience at a hair salon!!!! Don't they realize THEY are the reason so many of us are doing our own hair and it's looking and feeling and growing better than ever!!! I WON'T go back unless when my hair gets very long (couple inches past bra strap/waist length) I just have too hard a time relaxing.........and then I'll ONLY go somewhere that THIS BOARD recommends and that lots of people or a couple of trusted people RAVE about! Otherwise, I'm better off on my own!!! I'm so sorry Karonica that you had to go through that! She really sort of sounds full of &amp;*%^ and jealous to me!!! She may be one of the jealous ones that trims your ends without asking just to get you shorter!!! There are those kinds of sorry hairdressers out there!!! I don't trust them as a group! Maybe there are a few good individuals, but as I group I have no use for them!
Oh I'm so sorry Karonica. I've had a stylist say that my hair needed some "grease" before and I'm thinking if you would give me a real conditioner maybe it wouldn't be soo dry STOOPID! Anywho I say that to say this bump her you know she's wrong and don't let anyone tell you different, oh and PM me the name of this salon so I never traipse my behind in there.
Well i went to an ex hairdessor of mine and told her what i wanted done. she did the total opposite. there is no way i know i told her to cut my hair where 1 inch would be left on one side and a little longer on the left, cut super high up in the back and plus i was nicked up in two places in the back and burnt on my forehead from the relaxer. its not cool to feel cold air on your head when you sleep, cry and waiting in anticipation for months to fly so your hair can grow back to a decent short length. she charged me 80 bucks for a cut that i didnt ask for and perm. that was my LAST time!
your hair will grow back before you know it.
when i switched over to my hairdressor i have now, after the other hairdressor jacked me up she comforted me with these words.....
"a really good trim is beneficial cause it gets rid of a lot of the split ends"
it gives you a great start for growth i (newgrowth)believe and at least you know it will grow in thick and healthy.
let your hair take its course. trust me, your hair will be back plus some before you know it.
some hairdessors dont know when to quit. a trim and cut are two different things.
I also had a bad trimming experience recently from a hairdresser who didn't ask my permission...except she cut off 4 inches of my hair to get rid of "damaged ends". It was one of those scissors that make noise when you cut alot off at once, that's how I knew she did it.
Karonica, I feel your pain. My hair is now shorter than it was from my last touch up, and it cost me 80 bucks too.
This is a painful lesson for many of us. I honestly belief that if we did our own hair, we would take the time to do relaxers/trims better than the hairdressers themselves.
Man, man, man
... these hairdressers are really crazy.
I just read the other post about the perm and was like OMG!!!
what's wrong with them? I've said this b4 and i'm gonna say it again. If you feel uneasy about anything somebody is doing 2 YOUR hair, you have every right to set them straight or leave. Even tho it's freezing in NYC, i would get out of a chair with my hair wet in a blink of an eye if one of them so called 'stylist' wasn't coming correct. They want our money. They will say whatever needs to be said to get us to think they know what they r talking about, make another appt., and spend more of our money on their rent. When i got my hair permed a few weeks ago, i told the lady i want a trim... showed her how much to chop off with my thumb and forefinger... she said 'i know mommy, i know what a trim is' and i told her to show me BEFORE she snips it and she did. the one time i fell asleep in the chair is the time this chick CUT my hair and i asked for a trim. i was PISSED but i blamed myself b/c i should have known better. i am very outspoken esp. when it comes to my appearance. if i don't like a style when it's done, best believe they are going to do it again. Wow, i am really ranting over here
. But K, i would NEVER EVER EVER in my long legged life go back to her again!!!
Thanks ya'll. I didn't even trip til I was sitting at my desk yesterday stretching my hair to see how far I was from bra-strap. I was thinking, "Where's the rest of my hair!"
the last time my stylist put some scissors to my head, she had the nerve to cut my hair without even asking me.
she did not give me a trim. She gave me a frigging one inch cut that set me back... i aint even have split ends. I know more about haircare than that
. Everybody that goes to her lacks hair on the sides any darn way. I had to tell the dog don't cut my hair anymore, I'll find someone else to do it.

what the hell is wrong with these stylists? Karonica, I am really feeling your pain. Don't let her touch your hair anymore with scissors.
See this is why I am now friends with my stylist. I found her in May, she does exactly what you ask her to. I loved her from the moment she held up my hair before trimming to confirm how much at every snip. I have her home number, we talk on the phone occasionaly coz I only see her for touch-ups every two months. I bring her little gifts from my travels and I'm gonna have her over for a meal during the holidays. I am keeping her close and not letting her go.
Um, I'll be needing the name and phone number of that stylist please! My crew will be getting in touch with her ...
Typical, Last year a stylist cut 2" when I only wanted a 1/2" trimm, telling me that my hair was majorly split, mind you I only straighten my hair a couple times a year. And another stylist didn't ask if I wanted a trimm, but tried to sneak up behind me with the scissors, I called her on it, and said I don't need a trimm-her "your ends look alright". I just had it cut 1 week before, so don't believe them, you know your hair better than anyone else. The only people who trimm or cut my hair besides me are those Supercuts shops they do what you tell them and it's cheap too.
My friend went to a salon for a wash and set and her mother had just drastically chopped her hair about 2 weeks before. The stylist had the nerve to ask her if she wanted a trim. You can easily distinguish freshly cut ends, and I know that lady knew she didn't need one. This really is a shame. Talk about depressing.

I have an appointment in 2 weeks with someone else I've never been to. I think I'm going to carry a stun gun.

What are you going in for NOW? Your hair is fine! Stay yourself up OUT of the salon.
You'd be brastrap by next week if you'd just sit tight and bun up.
I know, I know. I'm just getting a wash and curly pin-up. I just love the feeling of being in a salon.

But after this appointment, I will not be going back to a salon until touch-up time. I promise.
megonw said:

What are you going in for NOW? Your hair is fine! Stay yourself up OUT of the salon.
You'd be brastrap by next week if you'd just sit tight and bun up.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL But thats how they get us. I love the feeling of going to the salon and being taken care of too.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience...dont go back there !!

I absolutely HATE going to the hairdressers and havent been in about 4 years. I feel really uncomfortable and vulnerable sitting in that chair. Then they start judging you and giving you loads of unasked for advice. Probably I am the one with 'issues' but I have had more bad experiences than good that is for sure. I stay away -- I'd rather spend my money on quality hair products:)

hair 3c
Sorry to hear about your bad experience...dont go back there !!

I absolutely HATE going to the hairdressers and havent been in about 4 years. I feel really uncomfortable and vulnerable sitting in that chair. Then they start judging you and giving you loads of unasked for advice. Probably I am the one with 'issues' but I have had more bad experiences than good that is for sure. I stay away -- I'd rather spend my money on quality hair products:)

hair 3c
Sorry to hear about your bad experience...dont go back there !!

I absolutely HATE going to the hairdressers and havent been in about 4 years. I feel really uncomfortable and vulnerable sitting in that chair. Then they start judging you and giving you loads of unasked for advice. Probably I am the one with 'issues' but I have had more bad experiences than good that is for sure. I stay away -- I'd rather spend my money on quality hair products:)

hair 3c
Karonica, you're lucky to live in a major metropolitan area. There are a lot of stylists in D.C. and I'm sure the board can recommend some stylists who care about haircare rather than just the style (or their pocketbooks), so it's good that you have options. It's a shame that some of these people try to take advantage of customers just to make more money. A lot of them will try to keep cutting your hair to make you come in more often since they think shorter hair requires more maintenance. There's so many places to get our hair done theses days that we no longer have to settle for someone who doesn't respect our views of how we want our own hair to be maintained.
I agree Karonica!! She did take advantage of you like so many hairdressers do!!! I swear, this is the third post I've read today about an awful experience at a hair salon!!!! Don't they realize THEY are the reason so many of us are doing our own hair and it's looking and feeling and growing better than ever!!! I WON'T go back unless when my hair gets very long (couple inches past bra strap/waist length)......and then I'll ONLY go somewhere that THIS BOARD recommends and that lots of people or a couple of trusted people RAVE about! Otherwise, I'm better off on my own!!!!

You hit the nail on the head!!!
I don't know where these gosh-awful hairsylists come from but you couldn't PAY me to go to one! I am so done with hair stylists. WAYY too much grief. :wallbash: It is one of the worst experiences ever and when I was a kid, I used to dread the hair salon 1000 times more than the dentist. Maybe if they were gentle, sweet natured and pleasant, not vindictive and RUDE, i would be more inclined to go. But from now on, I am doing my hair on my own! They are not getting one penny from me! :grin:
The last time i went to a stylist, she turned the chair away from the mirror, before i sat down, and gave me a "look", when i turned it back to face the mirror, so that i could see how much she was cutting off.