Trimming Natural hair Wet VS. Dry


New Member
Hello Everyone!

I have been natural for a while now, and my ends are pretty bad. I've been looking at youtube videos etc on how to self trim natural hair only to find that theres two ways of doing it. I've heard that trimming on dry hair is more acurate but I see alot of people trimming on wet hair. I wanted to know
1. How do you trim your hair?
2. Is your hair trimmed dry or wet?
3. Has it worked on NOT making your hair uneven, but healthy?

I want to retain length and I feel like my ends can be my downfal. Please help! Also I don't really want to go to a salon or flat iron my hair to trim it. Thanks! :yawn:
I cut my hair damp after two dozen or so twists. I do this once in the summer and two to three times in the winter since I flat iron more. I'm not all that concerned about unevenness right now because it's summer. I seldom flatiron in the summer so it looks pretty even when it's dry. In a few more months I'll get it trimmed professionally after straightening to even things out for my straighter styles.

I've done it this way for years. Back when I always used to wear my hair straight, I took off about two-three inches every 6 months. I found flat ironing anything slightly beyond SL too much of a hassle.
@[URL="" said:
Analiyah9[/URL];16560415]Hello Everyone!

I have trimmed my hair both dry and wet. I would make the decision based on how I wear my hair. If you wear your hair straight pretty often then trimming it dry is best. But if you don't trimming it wet works just fine because you don't need it to be even, just healthy.

I also think it depends on your curl pattern. A looser curl pattern may be easy to trim wet and loose. My 4b hair is easier trimmed when its twisted to reduce the shrinkage.

If you aren't trimming off that much it shouldn't be too uneven. Also some people will blow dry and trim. Some also use curlformers which gets the hair fairly straight and trim from there. If you can rollerset that's also an alternative. You have lots of options.

Do you wear your hair straight a lot? Do you have a curl pattern that will work with trimming it wet? Or would it be better to do it in twist?
I also agree that it depends on how you wear your hair.

I just trim while in twists and also when my hair is dry. I run my fingers down the length and feel where it starts to get bushy and cut at that point .... I never straighten my hair, so if its uneven then no biggie.

I do this maybe 2 times a year and on average I end up cutting 1/4 to 1/2 inch
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I trim my hair when it is dry and straightened. I can't see my split ends when my hair is wet, and I cut based on where I see splits starting.
I always trim my hair when it's dry. I think I would end up cutting too much if my hair was wet.

I bought a Splitender recently and that seems to work well for a self trim. I do not try to cut my hair even since I straighten only a few times per year.
Since my hair is a lot looser and I don't straighten, I have gotten it trimmed wet/damp.
Do you think twisting your hair while dry and clipping of the raggedy ends might be the BEST option? With out making your hair uneven?
[USER=238150 said:
Analiyah9[/USER];16562949]Do you think twisting your hair while dry and clipping of the raggedy ends might be the BEST option? With out making your hair uneven?

You might want to tell us more about your hair and how you wear it. Are you natural or relaxed? Do you wear your hair mostly straight or curly? Do you have a tight curl pattern or loose?

Trimming in twists works well for naturals who wear their hair curly most of the time.

I twist while wet. I haven't noticed it makes a difference whether i am twisting wet or dry because I am shooting for trimming just a bit off the bottom usually just 1/4 to 1/2 inch. But my hair is tightly curly. Not only can I see the damage on my ends, I can also feel it.

However, if you are nervous about it, do it while dry. That will work fine as well.
You might want to tell us more about your hair and how you wear it. Are you natural or relaxed? Do you wear your hair mostly straight or curly? Do you have a tight curl pattern or loose?

Trimming in twists works well for naturals who wear their hair curly most of the time.

I twist while wet. I haven't noticed it makes a difference whether i am twisting wet or dry because I am shooting for trimming just a bit off the bottom usually just 1/4 to 1/2 inch. But my hair is tightly curly. Not only can I see the damage on my ends, I can also feel it.

However, if you are nervous about it, do it while dry. That will work fine as well.
I am natural and I wear my hair curly most of the time. However if I do flat iron it I don't want my hair to become uneven. When my hair is wet it is an s pattern. My hair is a bit loose.
1. How do you trim your hair? (a) after a blow out (b) while in twists (c) after flat ironing
2. Is your hair trimmed dry or wet? always dry
3. Has it worked on NOT making your hair uneven, but healthy? I'm not so concerned with even-ness since I mostly wear my hair in a textured state. But generally, when I do wear my hair flat ironed (once a year) I will even out my ends.
Dry when straightened. Damp in twists when worn naturally and I need a trim without wanting to straighten.
I am natural and I wear my hair curly most of the time. However if I do flat iron it I don't want my hair to become uneven. When my hair is wet it is an s pattern. My hair is a bit loose.

I think westNDNBeauty's recommendation will work for you.