trimming hair


New Member
does anyone trim there hair with having only 13, 15, or 20 twists or braids in there hair or do u have to make alot of twists or braids in your hair in order to trim it. does it matter how many twists or braids u have in your hair? i'm just curious to know the answer to my question because i'm not good in making alot of twists or braids in my hair because it doesn't come out right and i guess i'm too lazy to do it but my mom twists my hair. i know the twists or braids doesn't have to be prefect when your trimming.

oh i wanted to add are u trimming your hair good getting all the split ends if u just make 13, 15, or 20 twists of braids? thanks in advance!
I don't trim hair in braids. In fact, I should have trimmed when I relaxed a week ago, but I won't. Especially after seeing babygurl's fotki, where she said she hasn't trimmed in 2 years!
wow, i would really be scared to trim my hair while it is in braids. You could be hacking off perfectly good hair and missing tons of split ends, just because of the way the hair is braided. And not to mention how uneven you would make your hair.. Why wouldn't you flat-iron your hair one day and just do an even snip? that is what i would do if i were natural...
cocoberry10 i sure didn't know that u couldn't trim your hair while in braids but isn't it ok to trim while in twists?

mizani_mrs well i wouldn't be trimming my hair while in braids. also, i'm really not planning on flat ironing my hair anytime soon. i'm trying to stay away from heat but one day next year i'll do it to see how long it has gotten.