Trimming hair - wet or dry?


Well-Known Member
OK I tried to do a search but it's not working for me. When do you ladies trim your hair? When it's wet or when it's dry? I usually trim dry but I know a friend who always trims wet. Is one better than the other?

I prefer to trim dry because I get a better idea of how much to take off. I get lots of shrinkage when my hair is wet so I'd probably end up taking of a lot more than I should.
What do you do?
I've always done wet.....I can't say that it's really working for me....I think I'll try dry.
Next trime is today!!
I have done both, but I love to get my ends trimmed dry. That way, if there are any split ends (and your stylist is paying attention, lol), then s/he will be more likely to see them and get rid of them.
you can do it on either. However its not reccomended to do it when when your hair is so curly that you have to put alot of tension on it or if you have relaxed hair w/ new growth b/c the new growth isn't uniform everywhere. I can tell you that I start getting new growth at my crown and that ususally where I have the most new growth when its time to get a relaxer. Usually when people cut AA its ONLY right after a relaxer other than that its usually dry.

I trim my hair when its dry for better control and to see if I missed any split pieces.
OK I tried to do a search but it's not working for me. When do you ladies trim your hair? When it's wet or when it's dry? I usually trim dry but I know a friend who always trims wet. Is one better than the other?

I prefer to trim dry because I get a better idea of how much to take off. I get lots of shrinkage when my hair is wet so I'd probably end up taking of a lot more than I should.
What do you do?


me too