Trimming Hair-Necessary?


Well-Known Member
I normally trim my hair once every 2 months when I relax. I get my friend to trim just a tiny bit, I dont have split ends so I just trim to keep it even and precise when I rollerset. Is it necessary to trim hair this often what are the benefits or consequences of doing/not doing this. I ask because I was just looking at some feature of the months and Sherrylove in particular says she only trims her hair once every 6 months and her hair is in immaculate condition.

What do you ladies think?
I am definitely pro-trim. My hair would never have gotten to its present length had I not trimmed. The purpose (to me) of a great trim besides esthetics is PREVENTION and CURE: prevent split ends, cure (by cutting away) the ones you have. My hair is much healthier b/c of trimming.
I only trim when I need a trim. As long as my ends are healthy I don't see no need to cut something off.
I definitely like to keep up with my trims, preferably not waiting longer than 3 months. I find that waiting, even when I know good and well that I need one, only sets me behind further in my goals. My hair splits pretty easily because of the bleach and perm.
NAY007 said:
I only trim when I need a trim. As long as my ends are healthy I don't see no need to cut something off.

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Allandra said:
NAY007 said:
I only trim when I need a trim. As long as my ends are healthy I don't see no need to cut something off.

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I agree with this also but I do like my hair even and will trim for evenness, also. Really, it's a personal decision. Some people don't care about evenness.
i look at my ends pretty often. I dont do a trim, if i see a hair that's split--which doesnt happen much surprisingly-- i take a scissors and snip that hair, just right above the split. Just that one hair, not the hair and all it's healthy friends around it. But every 6-8 months i do have my sister or mom dust my ends just so that my hair stays looking "neat". my mom is paranoid of cutting too much and my sister is a perfectionist and i trust them so i ALWAYS let them dust my ends.
hairlove said:
Allandra said:
NAY007 said:
I only trim when I need a trim. As long as my ends are healthy I don't see no need to cut something off.

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I agree with this also but I do like my hair even and will trim for evenness, also. Really, it's a personal decision. Some people don't care about evenness.

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For some strange reason (but heck, I aint complaining
) my hair seems to grow pretty even.
Allandra said:
NAY007 said:
I only trim when I need a trim. As long as my ends are healthy I don't see no need to cut something off.

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Mos' def'!
I don't trim my hair. I deal with split ends on an individual basis. I don't think it is necessary to get trims on a set schedule. I think it should necessarily be based on the condition of your hair and how you want your hair to look.
Allandra said:
hairlove said:
Allandra said:
NAY007 said:
I only trim when I need a trim. As long as my ends are healthy I don't see no need to cut something off.

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I agree with this also but I do like my hair even and will trim for evenness, also. Really, it's a personal decision. Some people don't care about evenness.

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For some strange reason (but heck, I aint complaining
) my hair seems to grow pretty even.

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I would say for the most part, mine does, too...but after 5-6 months (like this time) without a trim, I can see slight differences though I doubt if anyone else can.
I have not trimmed my hair scince I started taking care of it and that was in January 2004, and it seems to be growing fine. I am not planning on trimming my hair again until I reach my goal which will hopefully be in January 2006, during that time I will add trimming to my regimen for twice a year. Until then i will be trim free
lonei said:
I normally trim my hair once every 2 months when I relax. I get my friend to trim just a tiny bit, I dont have split ends so I just trim to keep it even and precise when I rollerset. Is it necessary to trim hair this often what are the benefits or consequences of doing/not doing this. I ask because I was just looking at some feature of the months and Sherrylove in particular says she only trims her hair once every 6 months and her hair is in immaculate condition.

What do you ladies think?

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Hey Lonei.....It's funny you brought up this topic.....Because now that I plan to be napptural, I will probably only need to trim it once per year.....I noticed that I did not have to trim my ends as often (while my hair was in a relaxed state)when I totally cut out blowdrying, hot curling, constantly combing my hair and keeping my hair covered in inclement weather ........
I think the less you manipulate (combing, brushing, wrapping, etc)your hair and the non use of direct heating instruments should keep one's ends in decent shape where they do not have to be trimmed often....
And, of course, keeping the ends moisturized....
i think it's different for everyone. i personally experimented & didn't trim for an entire year just to see what would happen. In November 2003 I only needed to take off an inch & still reached my end of brastrap goal! My stylist who trimmed me could not believe I had not trimmed in a year & my hair was in excellent shape. So, I'm gonna do it again. Prior to that I was trimming every 3-6 mths which was entirely unnecessary for me. I'd realized that the typical stylist comment "if you don't trim your hair won't grow" theory doesn't apply to everyone.
I don't think trimming is necessary unless the ends are just ragged, cannot be brought back to life, and making the overall appearance of your hair worse. I was an advocate of regular trims, but the more I thought about it, the less they seemed necessary. I think this post by Supergirl (thanks Supergirl, if you're reading
) was a really good one about trimming. I could probably use a trim right now, lol, but before I make any sudden moves, I'm going to pick up some Tigi Ego Boost and try to revitalize my ends first.

Edited to add: Oops! I forgot the link
this post from Supergirl.
I feel that for the purposes of acheiving length, hair should be trimmed only as need. The amount of time is going to vary from one person to the next. My last real trim (done by my mother) was at the end of December and, surprisingly, my ends are even.