Trimming/Dusting on Wet/Dry

How do you clip

  • wet

    Votes: 15 13.3%
  • dry

    Votes: 91 80.5%
  • it does't matter

    Votes: 7 6.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
When You go to the salon to get a trim/dust... Do you request your clip to be on dry hair? Wet hair? Or do itnot matter?

I'm asking because I think that half of cut diasasters could have been avoided if you clipped on dry hair. Meaning that the stylist will not take as much hair off when the hair is dry.
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when I did go to the salon they would only trim after a fresh relaxer when my hair is the straightest and it would be done while wet. I would prefer on dry hair if not on a relaxer day so that i can have it as straighten as I can get before its cut
when I did go to the salon they would only trim after a fresh relaxer when my hair is the straightest and it would be done while wet. I would prefer on dry hair if not on a relaxer day so that i can have it as straighten as I can get before its cut

Ok so its about being blunt for you? I can understand that.

How about for you guys who are just cleaning up the ends.....why do you let them cut on wet hair? Wouldnt it be best on dry hair, so that they cut after the hair has shrunk back from the water stretch?
My stylist trim my freshly relaxed hair when it's wet. I guess that's why it always looks like a chop rather than a trim!
I only let them get near my hair when its dry and straightened otherwise I think it will just be uneven since when my hair is wet it just curls and waves up.
My stylist trims dry hair only. She says so she can see exactly what she is doing. She doesn't want to touch unnecessary areas...and I am grateful for that.
My stylist trims dry hair only. She says so she can see exactly what she is doing. She doesn't want to touch unnecessary areas...and I am grateful for that.

I agree with your stylist, since the ends look thinner when they are wet, its easier to trim off too much hair.
My stylist has always trimmed on wet hair, usually right after a relaxer but sometimes a couple of weeks after. She never has 4 wks post and beyond. However, I plan on getting my hair dusted from now on and letting my mom do it at home on dry hair. I always wondered why the need to cut on wet hair? I guess its probably easier for the stylist since the hair is saturated and pieced together? Anyway, I have come home with a fresh haircut and even layers without requesting it way too many times to!!!!:nono: I have finally learned my lesson and learned to speak up to my stylist.
My stylist trims on dry hair. After she takes out each individual roller she will trim that section of hair. She said she does it that way too to try to get the shorter pieces also. I haven't had her do it yet but what do y'all think about that?
I only let them get near my hair when its dry and straightened otherwise I think it will just be uneven since when my hair is wet it just curls and waves up.
Same with me, if I let her cut it wet it wont be a good site. Long pieces here and there. So dry for me!:rolleyes:
When the hair is wet it sticks together and you can't see individual hairs and splits. My stylist typically trims on dry hair after the blow dry. The only time she cuts wet is if I am getting a wash and go (the ones she does look so much better than mine).
My stylist trims on dry hair. After she takes out each individual roller she will trim that section of hair. She said she does it that way too to try to get the shorter pieces also. I haven't had her do it yet but what do y'all think about that?

I think that is a technique for split ends. But if your just clipping for neat ends, I would do it this way. it will take forver for your hair to catch up if you want even length. If your maintaining layers then its fine i suppose.
I don't go to a salon, but anytime I trim my hair, I do it dry, and as stretched as possible (usually in braids or twists), so that I can take off as little as possible.
I voted is doesnt matter.

I dust dry, however my stylist clips on wet. She knows how paranoid I am so she only clips just the very ends!
I have coarse, 4b, highly-texturized hair. Plus I have a gazillion different layers. Trimming on my wet hair would not be very accurate. When it is straightened and dry, I see EXACTLY what I am cutting off.
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I think that is a technique for split ends. But if your just clipping for neat ends, I would do it this way. it will take forver for your hair to catch up if you want even length. If your maintaining layers then its fine i suppose.

I was thinking the same thing. I'll try that method if I think my hair really needs it.
When I was transitioning I did it while wet but now that I'm natural it's going to be when it's dry.
My stylist trims on dry hair. After she takes out each individual roller she will trim that section of hair. She said she does it that way too to try to get the shorter pieces also. I haven't had her do it yet but what do y'all think about that?

my hairdresser does this too. I think this is best. you wind up not cutting off too much and it goes with the natural shape your hair grows in. this is just my opinion.
When I get a "hair cut" or a "trim" I have her do it on wet hair. (I personally think it give me more of a blunt cut.) When I am "dusting" which you know is 1/8" or 1/4" of hair I always do on dry hair (becuase I dont want to take too much off).
My hair is fine so it's more difficult for stylists to see what's going on. They always suggest trimming me "dry" and that's what I always get done. If hair is more "dense" it's easier to see, wet or dry.
When You go to the salon to get a trim/dust... Do you request your clip to be on dry hair? Wet hair? Or do itnot matter?

I'm asking because I think that half of cut diasasters could have been avoided if you clipped on dry hair. Meaning that the stylist will not take as much hair off when the hair is dry.

Very true. I posed this question about a year ago. SistaSlick replied with a great analogy. She compared hair to a peice of paper. When paper is dry, we are able to make cuts with optimal precision...same with hair...straightened hair, of course.
My new stylist likes to trim my hair when it's dry. She's the best I've come across in a while now. :)
i give myself a "dusted trim" on wet hair every 3 months or so. I twist it and snip off 1/8" or even less!! I get a blunt cut result every time. I prefer it this way :yep:
I trim/dust my own hair and do it while dry. I know LondonDiva trims her hair while wet and loves it, I'm not brave enough :lol:
I don't allow anyone except my sister to trim my hair any more due to setbacks from stylists. I prefer trimming or dusting on dry hair.