Trim/Not Trim Scnerios


Instagram: adaybyjay
When I visit the salon in a couple of weeks, it will have been 4 months since I've had my last trim. How do I look at my hair to determine if a trim is required? How to detect split ends?

The following site demonstrates split ends but my hair doesn't appear to look like any of these....

My stylist trims every other relaxer no matter what. She's kind enough to spin me around and show exactly what needs trimming. She's big on establishing a "weight line" to the hair to make the hair appear thicker/healthier. A "weight line" evens the length of my top and bottom layers. In the past, I've always retained length on the top layer but not on the bottom layer, thus making my ends appear thinner simply because the bottom layer is not even with the top layer. I'm hoping this will change now that I'm on my HHJ. Is this scenario trim worthy for establishing a weight line?

If your ends look thin, split, or uneven then you might need a trim.

Are you asking if you should trim your hair just to establish the weight line??
If your ends look thin, split, or uneven then you might need a trim.

Are you asking if you should trim your hair just to establish the weight line??

What it do Chelly Chelz....(I just gave you a name) :grin:

My ends have never looked uneven or split (to me). The only trims normally suggested are weight line trims.

My top layer (forehead to crown) of my hair has always been longer than the bottom layer (crown to nape). The stylist always suggest I trim the top layer to even it up with the bottom layer to create a weight line.

So yes, my question is -- is this a valid trim scenario? Now that I'm on my HHJ, hopefully I can retain length on the bottom layer and not be faced with this in the future.
I depends on if your in the health vs. style vs. length camps.

A healthy hair care mentality would say trim all those nasty ends but can do so with a search and destroy, no real trim needed.
A style first mentality would say, trim for the weight line in order to appear thicker.
A length goal mentality would say F it! If I don't need it, I ain't getting it. I can trim for weight later when I reach X length and search n destroy in the process.
I depends on if your in the health vs. style vs. length camps.

A healthy hair care mentality would say trim all those nasty ends but can do so with a search and destroy, no real trim needed.
A style first mentality would say, trim for the weight line in order to appear thicker.
A length goal mentality would say F it! If I don't need it, I ain't getting it. I can trim for weight later when I reach X length and search n destroy in the process.
Hey Fine -- Personally, I'm a length goal chick but I'm not hardcore. If you tell me I need a trim, I'm subject to cave. If I don't, it's forever in the back of my mind and I get all worried about would the split ends travel or would the damage get worse over time.

On the flip side, my stylist proclaims to be a healthy hair person....but based on your definition, she fits more in the style category.

All I want is length and health -- dangit, can't I just have them both. :wallbash:
I would like to hear the replys to this too as I have the exact same problem. My bottom layer is slower than the top, so even though I don't have splits, it makes the hair ends looks thin in the back...but its just he tops hairs hanging over the bottom. I don't want to trim because then I'll never know how long my hair can get.
I am the opposite. My bottom layer grows faster than my top layer. So as my hair grows, my ends look thin, but arent necessarily. But I do also have split ends, so I do a trim and S&D. I am OCD about split ends.
:grin:UM... WHERE DA PICK AT? so we can REALLY see whats going on with ya hair! :look:

and i say, dont trim anyway. just do a S&D. IMO
This scenario is just hypothetical right this scenario plays out time and time again when I go to the salon. I rarely have splits though, just difference in my length in my top and bottom layers. I looked at my hair (both top and bottom layers) and it looks OKAY but the salon has a way of pointing out your flaws. Funny how that works. I'm doing my homework before going to ensure I'm ready for her when she comes at me. I'll post a pic after a cowash in a few days.

I would like to hear the replys to this too as I have the exact same problem. My bottom layer is slower than the top, so even though I don't have splits, it makes the hair ends looks thin in the back...but its just he tops hairs hanging over the bottom. I don't want to trim because then I'll never know how long my hair can get.
My problem exactly! What have you been doing before --- trimming or just letting it grow uneven?

I am the opposite. My bottom layer grows faster than my top layer. So as my hair grows, my ends look thin, but arent necessarily. But I do also have split ends, so I do a trim and S&D. I am OCD about split ends.
I need to research S&D. I would have to do that myself as my stylist will likely not do it.
I am letting it grow in "uneven", using the Split Ender, the twist technique and microdusting the hemline. I am 5'11" so getting to BSL is SOOOO slow for me and this is my next huge hurdle.

Remember, uneven does NOT mean damaged or split. This is just what the stylists would like us to believe and what has kept most of us at SL for years.

I am going to DC and PS my way to BSL.
I am letting it grow in "uneven", using the Split Ender, the twist technique and microdusting the hemline. I am 5'11" so getting to BSL is SOOOO slow for me and this is my next huge hurdle.

Remember, uneven does NOT mean damaged or split. This is just what the stylists would like us to believe and what has kept most of us at SL for years.

I am going to DC and PS my way to BSL.
What's PS? And yes, often I'd think uneven meant unhealthy. Now I know better! I'm 5'11" also and wear my bra low so that makes it even tougher.
I am letting it grow in "uneven", using the Split Ender, the twist technique and microdusting the hemline. I am 5'11" so getting to BSL is SOOOO slow for me and this is my next huge hurdle.

Remember, uneven does NOT mean damaged or split. This is just what the stylists would like us to believe and what has kept most of us at SL for years.

I am going to DC and PS my way to BSL.

I really want to try the Split Ender for this reason, or I'll be forever stuck at bsl. I'm the type of person that likes one length, so once thinness starts to appear I bring out the scissors. I still get length, but it's super slow....maybe 2 inches of progress a year with that method. If I use the Split Ender, at least I can feel confident that I'm still getting the trim that's needed and then maybe even it up at the end of the year. Do you like your Split Ender?
What's PS? And yes, often I'd think uneven meant unhealthy. Now I know better! I'm 5'11" also and wear my bra low so that makes it even tougher.

I know...low bras really add a whole other mental challenge to reaching milestones... I'm 5'7" and it's frustrating for me as well

PS is protective styling :)
I think it all depends on BOTH the health of your hair AND your goals. My goal is the reach full WL by December, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. :lachen:

Seriously, I never see split ends, but my hemline is sooo uneven. My sides grow faster than the top and back sections, so looking at my hair from the back, I have a "W-thing" happening. :look: Nobody notices, though, because I hide it with updos and curly styles.

Half of my hair is almost WL, so I'm basically waiting for the center of the W to reach it (until the end of the year)...then I'll trim. :yep: