Triflin A?? Mail Carrier


lost my daggone MTG! :mad: I ordered some MTG Sat and I happened to check the status of delivery on yesterday. It said my package was at the PO...ok...fine. When it didn't come today, I decided to check again. The website said it had been delivered at 3:41 yesterday. Dang...I thought someone took it out of the mailbox but then I remembered when I got home at 4pm I saw the mail truck next door. I wondered why he was delivering so late. But anyway...I grabbed my purse and headed for the PO. When I got there I had to wait forever and a day to see the supv. She gave me a song and a dance about what could have happened to my package. I told her I wanted the carrier wrtten up...suspened whatever the next step he is up for. She had the nerve to get indignant with me. But I told her in no uncertain terms that if she didn't write him up I was going to write her butt up. I go back home and decided to check on a book that I had ordered also. I'll be darned if that wasn't delivered at 3:01pm. I think my carrier put my packages in the wrong box. I told her not only did I want this carrier disciplined but I want him to pay for my packages. I don't need help throwing my money away...I can do that all by myself! I want to know why the hell he delivered one package at 3:01 and the other at 3:41? WTH??? I know I will be back up there tomorrow! Somebody is gonna reimburse me. Shooot...I was anxiously waiting on that MTG. Now there's no telling when I might get it cuz I am not paying for it again. Sorry yall...but I just had to vent.
I am sorry that this happened to you. I know what you mean, the mail service around my way is not all that grand either !
I'm so sorry this happened to you. My mail service sent one of my packages back to the company from which it came stating that I refused it. I believe he did this b/c it was kind of heavy and he was too lazy to bring it to my door. My UPS guy isn't any better, he leaves my ish outside of my door. Luckily for me, the little old lady across the hall gets it before anybody else can snatch it up and she gives it to me when I get home. I'm waiting for something to go wrong one day so I can insert my foot into his ass and twist it around really good for him. Hey, maybe that's what your mail carrier needs.
Well I'm glad you brought this subject up, cuz I'm ticked off at the whole damn postal service. I dont' know if someone is smokin' sumthin, intercepting the packages, robbing the carrier, or taking the packages outside of my door, but I am a very, very unhappy camper! I guess I am fighting mad and don't really want to discuss it.

I'm out!
Chinagem said:
I'm so sorry this happened to you. My mail service sent one of my packages back to the company from which it came stating that I refused it. I believe he did this b/c it was kind of heavy and he was too lazy to bring it to my door. My UPS guy isn't any better, he leaves my ish outside of my door. Luckily for me, the little old lady across the hall gets it before anybody else can snatch it up and she gives it to me when I get home. I'm waiting for something to go wrong one day so I can insert my foot into his ass and twist it around really good for him. Hey, maybe that's what your mail carrier needs.
Oh ggawddd you said a mouthful!!!! My mail carrier is the most careless SOB I know and lazy as hell!!! My house sits a distance from the street and when he doesnt FEEL like delivering anything he leaves my packages and mail with my next door neighbors and mind you we do not get along.I have told him taht if he does again he won't be carrying a mail bag but tossin salad in prison!!! Ugghhh he works my nerves!!!
I wouldn't be surprised at all at the theft that goes on inside the postoffice. I mail alot of packages to my neice in college and I had it weighed by one of the attendants there.The package was full of goodies and her nose was going like a blood hound shakin and sniffin the package asking me "Is that popcorn in there girl?" When she said that I just took my package and walked straight out the door!!! I know that package would not have arrived safely because ole girl was smiling and looked real hungrywith that deteriorating gold tooth hanging in her mouth! On another occasion I had several catalogs that I ordered come to my house with the little circle seal to hold the catalog shut intentionally opened up . It looks as if someone at the postoffice had taken a lunch break and thumbed through the catalog with greasy fingers and slipped it back in the mail holder. This is trifling at its best!!! I was too pissed!!!
That's exactly what they did! I used to work there many years ago. People would take magazines in the bathroom with them and read them as if they were theirs...folding the pages back...leaving greasy fingerprints...and if they feel like it they might bring it out the bathroom/breakroom. I have never seen such trifling-ness in my life. There are good people working there but those are the ones they give the hard time to. If you are nasty, lazy, triflin, drunk, doped up but come to work are a good employee. That's exactly why in just a few short years the post office will become private industry. Initially when I called the 800 number to complain, a white woman answered the phone to take the complaint. I asked her where was she cuz she was not able to look for my package. She politely told me she she worked for the post office's customer service line. This is a private company handling these calls for the post office. Some people are gonna wonder why they won't have a job in a few years. The public is getting tired of the post office's shoddy service and when it becomes privatized they won't get any business at all. I am going to waddle my butt right back up there tomorrow and be ready for battle. I already warned the supv if she did not write that carrier up, I was going to write her butt up. She can play with me if she wants to...but a little weak apology will not settle this matter. I order too much stuff online to have to be worried about whether it will be delivered or not...and I am not about to stop. I am going to create such a stir that whoever is carrying my route will be sure to get off their triflin butt and deliver the mail and deliver it correctly...even if I have to write my congressman...they do respond to complaints.
sorry to hear that. i have my packages delivered to the job - someone's always there to accept it and once i've found out my package has hit the mailroom, i'm on the case. mainly, i don't trust my forever-getting-lazier mail carrier either. has my poor mom wondering if it's because she didn't give him a present last Christmas.
Chinagem said:
EWWWWW @ them taking it in the bathroom while they did their biznassss

Yeah and double EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW at leaving greasy fingerprints.

The supv called me the next day and said she had my packages. I went to pick them up and asked her what happened to my packages...she told me the carrier had left them at the wrong house. *roll eyes* Mind you, it rained all day Friday and there were 3 packages...not 2...they had no evidence of being left out in the rain or in a damp mail box. I asked her if she was going to write the carrier up...she says she didn't have to because I filed the complaint. Little does she know...I also wrote the postmaster of that post office. I wanna know how in the hell the carrier retrieved the packages from the wrong house? If the carrier delivered them to the wrong honest person would have left them in the mailbox...a dishonest one would have collected the packages and kept them. I think the carrier took the packages and put them back in the post office somewhere...probably in another carrier's bin. The packages were missing for 3 days and the last day it rained and my packages were nice and dry. They are full of it...but I am going to stay on them becuz I order too much stuff online and I like the convenience and I am not about to stop my habit because I am afraid my packages won't be delivered due to negligence by the post office.

BTW...I got the MTG. It smells just like Glovers Mane. Question...why are some ladies saying that when they use it, it runs down their neck? Is it that oily or are they using too much? If you only use a few drops on your scalp and massage it in, will it still run?