Tried the Profectiv shamp.. very pleased


Active Member
For anyone that has followed my hair progress, you know i've battled overprocessing, chewed out looking hair, tangles , knots and extreme breakage/shedding. KLately i have a new "problem" (underprocess), but its mild in comparison to my other hair wars.
Since my overall hair is in better condition, I've found that more and more products work great on my hair! ok let me get to the point... TODAY my braid out is gorgeous (i'm soo optimitic about my hair its crazy /images/graemlins/drunk.gif) and yesterday i only lost 3 hairs in the WHOLE wash condit combout sequence!!!! (Unheard of!).
I did a warm olive oil preshamp (armyqt, and others this is doing wonders for my hair) let it sit 1.5 hours w/2 caps

Washed with the profectiv shamp 1x, i like the smell and lather, has SLES, but my hair seems to be very tolerant to it. I had really clean, but soft hair afterwards

Applied the Elasta Intense condit, let it sit for 1 hour with 3 caps and a sauna towel, rinsed and combed with the force of water, and it was super easy. My hair wasn't the softest, but it felt really conditioned... AND YES, THIS IS AN OFFICIAL RAVE!!!! I'm going out to buy 2 more bottles of this stuff AND their H2 leave in (itching 2 try it). I cant imagine myself conditoning without this! LD, and everyone else please try this... a million thanks to armqt
(BTW i notice that everytime i condit w/ the inetnse i loose very little hairs. In combo w/ the preshamp oil, my comb outs were super easy)

Combed out with Joico integrity leave in, which is growing on me seriously. I actually love this stuff now.. and to think i wanted to sell it!
Did my twist out with WGO oil and my hair is gleaming todaY. I have the springy look from the summer!!
Lost 3 hairs!!!! I thought 15 lost hairs was amazing.. this is great.. washing every 3 days has been a godsend for me
YAAAY /images/graemlins/clap.gif Beana I'm so happy for you!! /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif It is so wonderful to hear success stories. If you keep this up, you'll have no problem waiting for the next relaxer. I'm really glad you like the Elasta Qp Intense conditioner. It is very detangling, especially when coupled with the H-two leave-in. I know you're loving Joico, I do 2, but I personally prefer the H-two. 3 hairs lost, definitely cause for celebration. /images/graemlins/dance7.gif
Please keep us posted on the next wash. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hey...Armyqt gets a million thanks but where is mine /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Armyqt recommended the elasta /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif i recommended the prefectiv shampoo /images/graemlins/smile.gif, so give me my props cheeky Beana or it's /images/graemlins/spank.gif and I'll make you take it all back. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Nah, but glad to hear it all worked out for you. I was rooting for you to get a lucky hair break, you always seem to be fighting with your hair you poor thing.
my bad LD .. (wonders how she 4got the person who persuaded her to get the shamp!..) Thanks for the rec. I really liked it, it came at a time when i was fighting with my CON.. it just was NOT doing its thing!

BTW (this is to everyone) i've gotten most of my hair success products at the recommendation of Londondiva.. if she wasn't around i'd be in some hot mess.

Lately (and luckily) most of my hair battles have come from styling mishaps (there is only so much one can do with underprocessed hair). My recent complaints all stem from not getting a desired "look". I can honestly say that my hair health is making awesome progress and i think i'll be going uphill from here on out.
Ahhhh Beana my hair twin (tries to stop herself from crying like Halle at the Oscars) that's so sweet to know. Thank you. **runs away and hides in embarrasement** I'm glad to have been of help to you. /images/graemlins/smile.gif