Tried SLS free shampoo Aubrey


New Member
Being on this forum is awesome, I read many of post about sls :nono:( Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ) shampoos and shampoos with out it. My hair was breaking off something bad and dry constantly So I was thinking let me research and get opinions and decide my course. So I went to Vitamin Shoppe (after I did my Christmas shopping Dang kids:wallbash:) Purchased was around eight dollars not bad.Went home later that day tried it did not lather first time the 2nd wash it did loved the smell did not bother me at all the way some other users said or dried my hair out my hair did not tangle either but all products not for everyone and this is my personal opionion. My hair feels so so different can not explain it I love this shampoo my hair seems to have life now scalp does not itch if you are considering giving SLS shampoo a try you should if you don't like it hey at least you tried. I would recommend it.
You are fortunate, for quite a few members including myself, AO strips the hair. I LOVE the conditioner, but the shampoo is a no go for me.