Tried Mega Tek and NO RESULTS


New Member
:grin:Hello Ladies,

I am fairly new here -- been lerking around a month or so. I have read many threads and used some advice of the ladies.

Is there anyone, like myself who have tried Mega Tek and gotten absolutely no results but COCONUT HAIR? Yes, yes... I've used the product for about 1 month now. I condition with it every day ~to every other day. I have my ritual like many of you.

I am on my 3rd month stretch and would like to go an entire year being temp. chemical free. I was hoping to see some results from using MTG like most of you ladies, but nuff'n...*sniff*:wallbash:

Please provide your hair ritual of MTG usage. Any input would be grateful! :grin:
WHAT!? My sister is transitioning and wants to buy this. I'm curious now too since seeing such incredible growth pics. Some are just unbelievable!
Hey NaturalG~

I've been reading on the site, and understand that most women have been using the product for 3 months. I have to be honest here, if I can't see NG in at least 6 weeks, then it is not for me. I am not going to purchase "more" of the product.:nono:

Everyone is different, maybe it will work for your sis....:look:
:grin:Hello Ladies,

I am fairly new here -- been lerking around a month or so. I have read many threads and used some advice of the ladies.

Is there anyone, like myself who have tried Mega Tek and gotten absolutely no results but COCONUT HAIR? Yes, yes... I've used the product for about 1 month now. I condition with it every day ~to every other day. I have my ritual like many of you.

I am on my 3rd month stretch and would like to go an entire year being temp. chemical free. I was hoping to see some results from using MTG like most of you ladies, but nuff'n...*sniff*:wallbash:

Please provide your hair ritual of MTG usage. Any input would be grateful! :grin:

You say you condition with it...does that mean you're placing it on your scalp or are you running through the length of your hair with it? Most of the ladies using MT are applying it to the scalp only and massaging for 5 minutes or more.

If you are applying it to your scalp only but still not seeing any results, MT may not be for you (although most ladies are waiting at least 3 months to see a major increase in length).

I'm at the one month mark myself, but I have already noticed a difference in length and fullness. I would give it a bit longer.
I think most people are using a combo of MT and OCT (OCT for growth, MT for thickness) and that's where most of the good growth has come from.
I would at least give it the three months. There are too many ppl here using it and getting results for you not to have any. I'm not saying that just because everyone here gets results it will work for you; everyone is different, but at the same time I think it does work. I have been using only a week and I can see the thin part in my hair in the front filling in a little more. It seems to be thickening up more too. From what I understand the thickening happens first, then the length. If anything it makes my hair more soft.
How are you using it? Straight? Mixed with oils? First oil scalp then apply MT? There are several ways to use this product. Maybe you should try scalp massaging too after you put it on.
And anyway, what's wrong with having coconut hair???!!

Hang in there, girl.
If it takes certain DRUGS to get in your system and work effectively after 6 weeks or longer then why do we expect things like conditioner to perform a miracle in 4 weeks?
Say it ain't so!!! :crying3: That is the last thing I need to hear right now. I've been using it for two weeks and I'm all hype about what I expect to see!!!

Now wait, you said you use it like a conditioner - so you put it on for a few minutes then wash it out?

Ok, I don't know if I'm even using it correctly (the very first time I put it all over my hair :nono:). But now I use it about every other day after I co-wash and just put it on my scalp. I don't know what to tell you - but I will let you know if I make any progress. Maybe you can try something else? :perplexed
From what I seen of the 'reveal' some get major results and some dont get much, the luck of the draw? I dunno but give it time I guess

if its still worth it to you
If you are using it on your hair, you won't see the growth increase - using it on your scalp, you will.
If you are using it less than 3 times a week, you'll see the growth increase, but it'll take at least 2 months, possibly more, and it won't be as fast/impressive. If you aren't using it consistently (on for a week, off for a week, on for three days, off for 12, etc, etc) you'll get slow results.
Those are really the only 'vital' things that you have to do to get growth, I think - besides, of course, tweaking the rest of your reggie to take into account the additional protein levels.

I really think that the various mixes are a matter of personal preference & tweakage - using it straight out of the bottle is just fine.

And then, of course, not erryting works for errybody. There have been some ladies who have stopped using because they didn't get the results they wanted. :yep:
I was a long time skeptic of MT but it took 5-6 weeks of applying it to my scalp daily for it to kick in. Like Justkiya said, it depends on the frequency and time period. Yes, some ladies apply it every other day for 2 weeks and get AMAZING results. But for others, it takes more time and more application.
I wouldn't expect to see results if you're using it like a conditioner :ohwell:

Oh and contrary to what the other poster said, most people ARE NOT using both MT AND OCT. Some are but only a small few.
You say you condition with it...does that mean you're placing it on your scalp or are you running through the length of your hair with it? Most of the ladies using MT are applying it to the scalp only and massaging for 5 minutes or more.

If you are applying it to your scalp only but still not seeing any results, MT may not be for you (although most ladies are waiting at least 3 months to see a major increase in length).

I'm at the one month mark myself, but I have already noticed a difference in length and fullness. I would give it a bit longer.
ITA.............give it at least 2 more months before fully discrediting it as a no-go for you. And make sure you are applying it to your scalp and massaging it in instead of the lengths. Megatek is supposed to strengthen your hair (it does have protein in it). Too much protein on the lengths of your hair can cause breakage over time.
I used MT from April 30 through the end of August and have not seen faster growth.

I used it on my scalp (under my wig most recently) and also as a deep conditioner and leave-in. I used it on dry hair like grease even though it sometimes looked like I had dandruff. I also used it on wet hair (also like grease). MT helped me with retaining but definitely not faster growth. My growth rate does not seem to be 6 inches per year, more like 4 - 5 inches. I have given up on trying to speed it up.

I have not bought a third bottle of MT.

ETA - This is my 1,000th post! And I revealed my "secret" about using MT. lol lol
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Really!!!? I'm shocked that you haven't seen accelerated growth. This is the ONLY growth aid that has worked for me, and trust me I've tried most of them(MN, BT, Gro-Aut, De Louise) and none of them did anything for my hair. But since I've been using the OCT (switching to MT) along with the MoeGro Oil the growth is carzy.

Like everyone is stating applying it to the scalp consistently seems to be the key.
I am entering my 4th month of mega tekking. So far I have noticed that my hair is much stronger. As for any accelerated growth, I haven't had any...esp not like those described on this site. I am half way through my first bottle. To my surprise one bottle seems to last for a long time and I use it every day (on my scalp only). I purchased 2 bottles at one time. Since it does make my hair strong, I have decided that I will not buy anymore once these are use up. I figure it will take me a year to use both of them. I may not get much growth but at least my hair will be strong and healthy. That is one redeeming aspect of mega tek. To me, Mega tek is just another fad like Mane n Tail.
I used MT only for 3 months and i saw results, however it may not be for you.

I agree with the other ladies in that use it as a scalp treatment and most used for 3 months as a marker to determine if their hair has improved.

Wish you well.
I have to say I too must have been part of the .01% of those that didn't get magical growth, I did get some thickness though, Ovation was worse not even a gloss, I now use them as co-washes when I need a mild protein...

ETA: I used this as hair grease for about 8 months
I tried OCT (same thing). I followed the directions on the bottle- no daily application or mixing, I just used it to DC. No results. I really felt like I could have kept using my Aphogee 2-minute and gotten the same use- protein and a coconut smell.

Overall, I'm happy with my rate of growth anyway, so I think I'm going to leave growth aids alone.
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Please OP give it a bit more longer to work. I saw results fast after 3 weeks (thickness) but everyone is different and my hair growth slowed down after that.

The general rule is to give a product at least 3 months to work. MT must be placed on your scalp and not your hair if you want to see results. It's also important not to expect results so soon. No product in the hair market works that fast.

Wishing you all the best on your hair journey.