You can do it either way...with micros in the front and very back (so you can wear your hair in a ponytail) and a sew in, or micros in the front and the back and tree braided cornrows in the middle. I like tree braided cornrows better because I believe that sometimes the thread that they use to sew the tracks in can slice off your hair. The only thing about tree braids and micros or even the weave with micros in the front, is that there can be a visible gap between where the micros end and the tree braids or sew in weave begins. To combat this, make sure your braider does mircos far back enough so that you can't see the gap from the front and the micros can cover that gap. For instance, you may need like at least 5 rows of micros to cover the gap. I made the mistake of not telling this girl who did my hair and now I have to pin some of the micros to stay in place and cover the gap. One person had her micros braided in like a horseshoe shape around the crown of her head to effectively cover the tree braids (kinda of like the hair they would leave out at the crown of your head if you were getting a weave). I don't think I will get micros in the front anymore, I like how the tree braids look (they look like micros anyway, so the only purpose of getting them in the front is so you can have the ability to have your hair refreshed/rebraided when it grows out. I hope this makes sense.