

New Member
Hey ladies, just a quick question, how much on average does African American hair grow in a month?

Also does your hair grow more if you trim it? As I'm currently transitioning (11 months in)

Has anyone used product line Kinky Curly on transitioning hair? Let me know your thoughts as much appreciated!

Hair grows a quarter to a half inch a month. No, it will not grow faster if you cut it; but you will retain more length and look healthier, giving it the appearance of growing faster.

I like KC Knot Today for detangling. I haven't tried anything else.
You must be new...

African American hair grows different lengths each month, just like African Americans grow different heights. There is no standard for African Americans. Hair grows on average about half an inch a month. However growth is not nearly as important as retention. You need to keep the hair that's growing out of your head healthy so it will continue to be attached to your head.

Kinky Curly is a great line for some. And pure garbage for with all things. Not everyone smells good in the same perfume. You have to learn through trial and error. Most transitioners are more concerned with promoting balance between their natural and relaxed hair, so they do light proteins to keep the demarcation line strong. Or protective styles to lessen the stress on fragile hair. There are plenty of transitioning threads, and probably a challenge or two

Welcome to the forum dear