Transitioning without the BC

Maa Maa omo mti

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Transitioning without the BC ---Question please help

Hi Ladies I've been a lurker for almost a year now, but wanted to start being active with my hair. My last relaxer was 11/06 and I've been doing the co washing 3x a week now. I don't want to cut my hair at all!!:mad: So I wanted to know have any members gone through the transition stage w/o doing the BC? if one must cut than can it be achieved by doing trims during the full moon :lol: instead?
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I've been transitioning for 18 months so far, I have no plans on BC'ing. I trim my ends every now and then, mainly for evenness, and dust every other month or so, so far so good. :) BCing isnt necessary it's just an option. Trimming is fine, I wouldnt recommend NOT trimming at all though, that can make the transitioning process extra hard. A little trim every now and then wont hurt, it can only help. ;)

P.S. I know there are some transitioners here that are not BCing, where y'all at?!? :lol:
I transitioned for 14 months. My goal was to transition until I had enough hair to pull into a pony/puff. At 14 months, I could pull that off with the help of bobby pins.

I think that what happens to the majority of transitioners is they get to a point where the scissors start calling them. It happens at different times for different folks, but eventually you WILL be ready to cut the relaxed ends off.

Good luck
I plan to transition w/out the BC. I am 17 weeks post and my hair is the healthiest it even been that I can remember. I wash once a month and cowash 2x a week. I dc once a week with Queen Helene cholestorol for 15 min with heat. I pre poo for about 3 min with a cheapie vo5 condish to saturate my ends before it hits the water. I have 4a hairtype,very tightly coiled and I detangle in sections as I cowash. So far, so good.hth BTW try the transitioners support thread, it in the sticky
I've been transitioning for ...counting in head... about 32/3 months.

I dust or search and destroy :lol: when my ends look raggedy. I generally only trim after I've straightened my hair, which I do 3-4 times a year with the Maxiglide. Most of the time I wear buns, especially since I co-wash twice a week, I've tried a few other styles, especially for the winter months.
Deep conditioning and finding good moisturizing products really helped me deal with the textures.

I haven't had a cut since my last touchup.
ive been transitioning for 18 months so far last year i cut 1/2 inch every month so i cut almost 6 inches . this year im not going to be do anymore mini chops. my goal was originally a two year transition however i feel like i may go even longer.
There's a big thread on this that was started be meia. You may want to run a search for that thread or her posts to find it. I also recommend the Transitioners Support Thread.
Im transitioning and im not going to do the BC. I think i'll just slowly trim it when needed. I can't live without my ponytail you see.

Im not having any problems at the moment (or maybe i just dont know it), im still working out what my regime is but i make sure that i moisterise everyday. I only like to wash my hair every 2 weeks, and im thinking of doing CW the alternate weeks.
Go to the Transitioner's Support Thread for lots of great advice and support.

I've been transitioning for 21-22 months. The first 6 months were the hardest but other than that, no problems. I used to trim off 1/2 inch every month. Now I'm almost 100% natural (started with short hair)... I do not plan on getting another trim until the summer. I think I'll reach my goal of APL (when stretched) by August.

Good luck in your transition!
There are lots of us here who are transitioning with no plans for BC'ing (see the Transitioners Support thread somewhere on this board). I've been transitioning for almost a year now and I've trimmed twice. You may not want to trim at first but when you see how raggedy those stringy ends look as your natural hair really begins to grow in, you will want to start snipping them off.

I think the real fun begins when you're fully natural and I think that's why some folks are tempted to chop off the relaxed parts.

Enjoy your transition!
MissMarie said:
I've been transitioning for ...counting in head... about 32/3 months.

I dust or search and destroy :lol: when my ends look raggedy. I generally only trim after I've straightened my hair, which I do 3-4 times a year with the Maxiglide. Most of the time I wear buns, especially since I co-wash twice a week, I've tried a few other styles, especially for the winter months.
Deep conditioning and finding good moisturizing products really helped me deal with the textures.

I haven't had a cut since my last touchup.

Your hair is off the hook!:eek: I don't know how I missed your album.
JCoily said:
I transitioned for 14 months. My goal was to transition until I had enough hair to pull into a pony/puff. At 14 months, I could pull that off with the help of bobby pins.

I think that what happens to the majority of transitioners is they get to a point where the scissors start calling them. It happens at different times for different folks, but eventually you WILL be ready to cut the relaxed ends off.

Good luck

I agree. I transitioned for a long time and gradually cut off my ends.
im in the process of transitioning also and i dont plan on doing a bc....right now my last relaxer was as 11/15 or 11/ i think im like 2 months post...i maybe fully natural sooner because i did my last relaxer and i dont think i relaxed it that well....but anyway...i plan on trimming off little along the way...but nothing drastic as doing a bc...
I agree with Jcoily. Transitioning is definitely a mental process. I thought I would go at least 2 years.

I ended up going nine months, and got 4 1/2 inches.

I was more than ready by then. I just knew it.

Now I love my hair.

Good luck!