Transitioning...Where do I start?


New Member
I haven't been on here in a longgggg time! My pic is old & I don't have a recent one yet. I haven't had a perm since about Dec. '08. I have decided to not to relax anymore & have been trying to transition to natural. I have cut my own hair in pieces trying to get it started & since I haven't found a salon yet to help me with my transition. I have been Shampooing w/Infusium23 Gentle, baggying with Creme of Nature nourishing conditioner & Dcing with Alter Ego. I don't know how to make the curls that I have been noticing to stay manageble through the day so I wear a wig. I need some lessons on taking care of natual hair as I have only been trained by my mom to be relaxed. What are the best products for me to use? HELP!!:ohwell:
Welcome back!

I haven't ever transitioned but there are a bunch of people transitioning on the board so I'm sure they will chime in. If you click on the newbie manual in my siggy, there's a whole section for naturals with lots of threads, including the transitioners support thread, which I'm sure will be helpful.