Transitioning w/o the BC?


Well-Known Member
has anyone done it? i can't do it (the BC, I mean). my hair isn't curly. it isn't even kinky. it's just, kinda there. fuzzy, shallow wave pattern that fros. that's basically it. i call it "fine-textured 4b," that's the best description i have. it ain't 3c, it ain't 4a (no spirals) but it's not kinky...which I'd be fine with IF it had any identifiable curl pattern. it does not. when i was 15, i had major relaxer damage from the perm cycle started at age 11 (previous to that i had waist-length, natural, frizzy hair). my mom forbade me to continue perming (no money for the salon) and i basically looked like a squid. i had a shag-fro. short fro in the front, long fro in the back, with scraggly relaxed ends. it was horrible. i was teased mercilessly by friends and foes alike. it was embarrassing. it was traumatizing enough for me never to go back there. (I'll try to find a pic when I get home--good for a my expense

the problem is, my DD, who has gorgeous 4b ringlets wants "hair like mommy." which i absolutely will NOT do...i do not want her thinking she needs a perm, but where do they look first--mommy. She's too young to understand "but mommy doesn't have pretty hair like yours..." and i'm not sure they ever get old enough to understand that with the media showing them straight wigs and weaves all day every day...ugggghhhh...

i digress, has anyone done this successfully? i haven't had a perm in a while, so i have about 1 - 2 inches of NG...I am BSL...and a TWA would not be a good look :wallbash:
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Me too as fact this is the ONLY way i'm gonna transition.....there's no way in the depths of hell i'm gonna BC all this hair off and be just fine with it:nono:
I'm going for A 3 year transition....a long, long, time.

But as fast as the days seem to go i'll be done in no time:)

3 years??? I can't imagine holding onto my relaxed ends that long... Realistically IF I go down this path, I will probably go the way of a lot of people in that transitioning without the BC thread and BC after a year or so. LOL When I transitioned to texlaxed, I did braid outs for a little over a year, and I had a good 8 or so inches of natural/texlaxed hair. I didn't BC, but did "mega trims" for about 6 months. Ended up with SL texlaxed hair (that I then relaxed for my wedding). If I don't texlax, though, I have no idea what I will do with my hair. It just isn't curly, kind of, wavy frizzy...?
I am currently transitioning now and have not had a relaxer in over 14 months. However my goal is to transition for 18 months. I trim every so often and right now I have about an inch 1/2 to 2 inches. Right now my hair is neck length.
Have you thought of bunning??
3 years??? I can't imagine holding onto my relaxed ends that long... Realistically IF I go down this path, I will probably go the way of a lot of people in that transitioning without the BC thread and BC after a year or so. LOL When I transitioned to texlaxed, I did braid outs for a little over a year, and I had a good 8 or so inches of natural/texlaxed hair. I didn't BC, but did "mega trims" for about 6 months. Ended up with SL texlaxed hair (that I then relaxed for my wedding). If I don't texlax, though, I have no idea what I will do with my hair. It just isn't curly, kind of, wavy frizzy...?

Yep 3 years girl:yep:

At the bolded...thats my hair too!!!:grin:
Yep 3 years girl:yep:

At the bolded...thats my hair too!!!:grin:

Oh, then yes, we must talk. All this curly girl ain't me! Actual quote from more than one hairdresser "You have [insert good, nice, fine whatever euphemism here] hair, but it needs a relaxer." And THIS from someone who styles curly girls...:nono:
Oh, then yes, we must talk. All this curly girl ain't me! Actual quote from more than one hairdresser "You have [insert good, nice, fine whatever euphemism here] hair, but it needs a relaxer." And THIS from someone who styles curly girls...:nono:

Same here....i actually haven't been to a salon since Feb 29, 2008. And everytime you go in there they either wanna complain because your hair is so pretty and long and thick...but you need a RELAXUH GULL!!!:lachen: i started texlaxing my hair and it worked fine but i have so many ppl IRL ask me if i'm natural....and my mom...everytime i texlax my hair..she always says "your hair shouldn't look like that for you to JUST permed your hair!!!"...she's one of my usual:rolleyes:

So i decide i'm too lazy to "perm" my hair anymore and i might as well transition to natural bc ppl already think i am and i'm sick of chemicals. I take enough meds for the inside i don't need any on the outside:nono:....:laugh:
3 years??? I can't imagine holding onto my relaxed ends that long... Realistically IF I go down this path, I will probably go the way of a lot of people in that transitioning without the BC thread and BC after a year or so. LOL When I transitioned to texlaxed, I did braid outs for a little over a year, and I had a good 8 or so inches of natural/texlaxed hair. I didn't BC, but did "mega trims" for about 6 months. Ended up with SL texlaxed hair (that I then relaxed for my wedding). If I don't texlax, though, I have no idea what I will do with my hair. It just isn't curly, kind of, wavy frizzy...?

You can do still do braid outs and twist outs. I have been transitioning for right at a year and I've done it all: braid outs, twist outs, kinky twist, buns, puffs you name it. My hair has a mixture of types a little bit of 4A in the back mostly 4B, frizzy with "some" defined waves. I said all that to say its certainly do-able.

Good luck with your transition! :weird:
First of all ,I m really proud of you for not wanting to relax your child's hair .:)
Secondly ,transitioning without BC has its pros and cons ,pros is that you can keep your lenght and it wont be a major shock to go natural ,you have to make sure you have plenty of knowledge about natural hair before you BC and if you feel more comfortable transitioning slowly so be it ,The cons is that you will experience more breakage and the two textures will be difficult to comb especially at demarcation point (where relaxed and natural hair meet and its most fragile)you could possibly feel frustrated by it and either BC or relax again ,my suggestion is to be patient and comb your hair only when soaked with conditioner .
Read alot of stuff about Natural hair to feel more confident during your journey .
I really liked the book Thank God I m Natural
Good luck :D
When I was natural I transitioned without doing a BC. I used braids.

If I go natural again in the future, I will probably do it the same way, with wigs/braids. I don't do short hair.
When I was natural I transitioned without doing a BC. I used braids.

If I go natural again in the future, I will probably do it the same way, with wigs/braids. I don't do short hair.

Here here! I have never had a TWA (not even with the squid-head 'do). As a baby I was stick straight. By the time I was one I had tiny little ponytails with curls on the ends. When I was one, I had a BFCA (big fat curly afro) and by the time I was two my hair was below my shoulder. By the age of three, it was down my back. So, I just don't think my natural hair in a short fro is me looking "the way God intended." LOL