Transitioning to natural without the BIG CHOP!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone gone natural without doing the “BC”? I am growing out a perm and want to do exactly that, grow out my perm. It has been 7 months since I had my last perm. And my new growth is about 3 inches in growth now. I plan to keep waiting out until my new growth is about 7-9 inches and then cut the 4 inches of perm I currently have. The problem is my perm ends has started to shed.

Keeping that in mind if I continue in this method would the breakage of my perm ends carry up the root shaft and damage the new growth?
Hairlove and a few others have been transitioning for months. See if you can find some of her posts or pm her.
blkbeauty said:
Has anyone gone natural without doing the “BC”?

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That question crossed my mind before!
I don't think it will travel all the way up, it is probably just breaking where the two meet. I've been transitioning for about 6 months now and the main area of my hair that I try to focus on keeping moisturized is the new growth and where it meets the relaxed hair. But I've definitely had to change some of my products and methods....I've found the more I comb the more it breaks so I try to comb it less. It also depends on how you are transtitioning. I did the blow-dry thing at first but now it's getting warmer so I'm doing braidouts instead. I've noticed my hair not shedding as much. There's a lot of good info on here, do a search on transitioning, there should be many articles. Good luck
Former long (really long, LOL) transitioner here! I transitioned for two and a half years. My hair is currently past bra-clasp length (stretched), so I am proof that it is possible. I had my hair professionally pressed, and I got "occasional" trims as my natural hair grew out. I don't recommend my method to people unless it is done by someone who knows what they are doing. Good luck during your transition!!! (:
I am currently transitioning (over a year) and never did the Big Chop. My hair has always been shoulder-length and I didn't want to have short hair just because I was tired of the perm. However you decide to transition, make sure you keep your hair moisturized! I have transitioned with the flat-iron (only initially because the two textures were so noticeable) bun, twist sets, two-strand twist extensions (wearing them for only 1 month each time). It takes MUCH patience to grow out your hair gradually but I NEVER had a problem with breakage due to the two textures.
Thanks for the good info. That is the first thing I noticed when I first started my transition, I cannot treat my hair the same as when my entire head was permed. I have started to use shea butter and olive oils (which I love applying it to my new growth.

Yes, I have noticed too the more I comb it the more breakage. I try, to just leave it alone, though some days that is hard to do. My transition style of choice is to pull it back into a bun. The problem with this is my natural hair is 5 times thicker than the perm. I am 4a/4b in texture. As my hair grows out, it gets thicker…and its beginning to look like a mountain on top of my head with a straight thin bun in the back (the perm.)
I am currently using the same method. I go to the salon every 2 weeks and get it press. But because summer is reaching, the press only last a few days or so and then I just pull it into a bun until I go back to the salon. I think this summer I might try some braids.

I really like the method I am currently using, the same method you used as well. Did you ever notice any breakage from this method by pressing the hair? How often did you press your hair?

Thanks for the good luck!:)
Thanks,,,that was some good inspiration! Every website I have been to for advice says I have to do this BIG CHOP in order to be natural. Though I understand their reasons for this, I feel that it doesn’t necessarily have to be the only method that I can use.

As it continue to grow out I am learning so much how to take care of it. I will continue to be patient with my hair and keep it moisturized and I might try some two-stranded twist for the summer. Thanks again for the encouragement!
Maestradiva77 said:
Former long (really long, LOL) transitioner here! I transitioned for two and a half years. My hair is currently past bra-clasp length (stretched), so I am proof that it is possible. I had my hair professionally pressed, and I got "occasional" trims as my natural hair grew out. I don't recommend my method to people unless it is done by someone who knows what they are doing. Good luck during your transition!!! (:

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I transitioned the same way, so yes its possible
I haven't had a relaxer since the mid-90's, and never did the BC. I just wore braids, or pressed my hair, and got occassional pro trims, but mainly dusted my hair myself. Never even thought about cutting it all off- my face can't carry the short style cut and my vanity would never let me do it!
babyblue said:
Maestradiva77 said:
Former long (really long, LOL) transitioner here! I transitioned for two and a half years. My hair is currently past bra-clasp length (stretched), so I am proof that it is possible. I had my hair professionally pressed, and I got "occasional" trims as my natural hair grew out. I don't recommend my method to people unless it is done by someone who knows what they are doing. Good luck during your transition!!! (:

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I transitioned the same way, so yes its possible

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Your hair looks great babyblue, what's your regimen?
Gorgeous hair, babyblue!! How long did you transition?

@blkbeauty-I am glad this method is working for you. (: I got my hair pressed every 2-3 weeks (sometimes every 4 weeks). At the time, I was living in northern California, so I didn't have the humidity issue. I didn't have any major problems with breakage, but my hair began to retain more length once I learned to do my own hair and gave up the heat. Be sure to keep us updated on your progress! (:
ms_kenesha said:
babyblue said:
Maestradiva77 said:
Former long (really long, LOL) transitioner here! I transitioned for two and a half years. My hair is currently past bra-clasp length (stretched), so I am proof that it is possible. I had my hair professionally pressed, and I got "occasional" trims as my natural hair grew out. I don't recommend my method to people unless it is done by someone who knows what they are doing. Good luck during your transition!!! (:

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I transitioned the same way, so yes its possible

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Your hair looks great babyblue, what's your regimen?

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Aww thank you
well i try to wash once a week with elucence or kenra products. I sometimes do a pre-wash treatment with cholesterol and olive oil then wash in sections. I try to keep it in styles where i dont have to keep messing with it. If my hair feels dry in between washings i do a conditioner wash usually with a cheap suave conditioner. What styling products i use depends on how my hair is feeling that day, some days it likes thick moisturizers some days a light cream will do. Im really feeling the curly buttercreme but its too darn expensive for me so im gonna make that sample last a real long time
. Other than that i use the kemi pomade for styling and Ic gel with sparklelites for slicked back styles. I try to clarify once a month with baking soda and water rinse or i add the powder to my shampoo. I really dont like to use too many products at one time cause i hate build up. Other than that im a pretty low maintenance gal.
thanks for visiting my album
Maestradiva77 said:
Gorgeous hair, babyblue!! How long did you transition?

Thanks Maestradiva. I didnt keep track of it a the time but i think it took maybe 2 years till all the relaxed ends were gone. I didnt have any severe breakage to tell the truth. I think using reconstructors weekly helped to prevent brekage at the demarcation line for me.
babyblue said:
ms_kenesha said:
babyblue said:
Maestradiva77 said:
Former long (really long, LOL) transitioner here! I transitioned for two and a half years. My hair is currently past bra-clasp length (stretched), so I am proof that it is possible. I had my hair professionally pressed, and I got "occasional" trims as my natural hair grew out. I don't recommend my method to people unless it is done by someone who knows what they are doing. Good luck during your transition!!! (:

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I transitioned the same way, so yes its possible

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Your hair looks great babyblue, what's your regimen?

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Aww thank you
well i try to wash once a week with elucence or kenra products. I sometimes do a pre-wash treatment with cholesterol and olive oil then wash in sections. I try to keep it in styles where i dont have to keep messing with it. If my hair feels dry in between washings i do a conditioner wash usually with a cheap suave conditioner. What styling products i use depends on how my hair is feeling that day, some days it likes thick moisturizers some days a light cream will do. Im really feeling the curly buttercreme but its too darn expensive for me so im gonna make that sample last a real long time
. Other than that i use the kemi pomade for styling and Ic gel with sparklelites for slicked back styles. I try to clarify once a month with baking soda and water rinse or i add the powder to my shampoo. I really dont like to use too many products at one time cause i hate build up. Other than that im a pretty low maintenance gal.
thanks for visiting my album

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Awesome hair!!!!!
I did the BC. i think If I had transitioned I just would have caved in and relaxed again
What year did you start to transition?
blkbeauty said:
Has anyone gone natural without doing the “BC”? I am growing out a perm and want to do exactly that, grow out my perm. It has been 7 months since I had my last perm. And my new growth is about 3 inches in growth now. I plan to keep waiting out until my new growth is about 7-9 inches and then cut the 4 inches of perm I currently have. The problem is my perm ends has started to shed.

Keeping that in mind if I continue in this method would the breakage of my perm ends carry up the root shaft and damage the new growth?

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I transitioned with braids for seven months, getting them redone every couple of months or so. It went very smoothly since I didn't have to fuss with my hair at all during that time. My only problem came when I took the braids down for the last time but that is a long, boring story.
I plan to transition for 2.5 to 3 years. I certainly do not believe that big chopping is the only way to go natural.
I did it a couple of times on my daughters hair (9yrs old) and my hair.

My daughter went without a perm a little over a year and her hair would be to the bra strap length if she wore one (ha!) but what I did for her was to take a very cheap generic conditioner and dax grease and put it on the length of her hair. I washed it about every 3 days sometimes more. She went swimming in the summer, often, played in the sand box and everything that kids do and her hair never broke off.

For me I grew mines out by conditioning my ends and trimming. I basically kept it and do keep it in a phoney pony, braids and occassionally flat iron.

KEEP HOPE A LIVE!! We can do this, girl.
I didn't do the BC, I transitioned through wearing braids for a year. I did have some breakage at the line where the 2 textures meet, because I wasn't keeping my hair moisturised...but luckily it never went past that point. If I had to do it again I would just keep it moisturised and trim gradually. I don't think I could do a BC, my head would look to small.
When I was letting my perm grow out..I always wore braids or a weave.. when it was time to get my hair done over..I gradually cut about an inch of until after 8 months my permed hair was getting clumped up together I couldn't deal so I just did the big chop.
I'm transitioning without doing the BC, and I can truly say that it's a lot more challengin!
I can't bear to part with my length, so I usually wear a bun or flat iron my hair. It's getting harder to keep it straigt for any length of time w/ the humidity in Miami though! Anyway, the key to transitioning this way for me has been conditioners with slip and moisture, moisture, moisture!!! The only conditioner that I can use at this point is Motions Moisture Plus, and I use Kemi Oyl or plain old grease to slick it back. I plan on cutting off my permed ends (about 8-9 inches) when I have about 10 inches of natural hair, which will probably be towards the end of the year. I have about 5 inches of new growth, I'll post updates soon. If you hang in there, you can do it without cutting your hair off!
Transitioned for 1 year and 4 months. I will have extra pics in my album tomorrow so you can check out my transition and natural hair then.
I have been transitioning for over a year and my hair is currently working its way past bra strap length (the back is, but the front is not quite there). I wera my hair flat ironed/straight and I wash it about 2 times a week. Here are my tips: :~)

1. Conditioner washes (I use an el cheapo brand like Suave's Tropical Coconut Conditioner).

2. Neutrogena's Silk Therapy Leave In (I just started using this product and I love it! Before, I really didn't use a leave-in on my hair which is a big no-no)

3. Blowdry my hair with a polisher on it (I sometimes used Posner's Hair Glosser or KeraKare Silk n Seal when I have the funds).

4. My ceramic flat iron.

Hope this helps!
ayeshia said:
Awesome hair!!!!!
I did the BC. i think If I had transitioned I just would have caved in and relaxed again
What year did you start to transition?

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Thanks Ayeshia,
I think i transitioned towards the end of 1998. Maybe if i didnt have so many hair "accidents" i could have had knee lenght hair by now
I transitioned for a year and a half. I wore extension braids or twists the whole time. I didn't take a break in between. I was low maintenance but expensive because the ladybraider charged an arm and a leg.
The new June issue of Essence w/ Beyonce, Mary, and Janet on the cover has an article on this topic (transitioning) it might be helpful to you.
Check out the June Essence Mag. It features what to expect during transtioning. I found it interesting. It shows some great styles while transitioning also product recommendations. I hope it helps.