Transitioning for 1.5-2 years, who's with me!


Well-Known Member
To make a long story short, I BC'd a year and a half ago, I only had about in inch of hair. After a year I could not take it anymore (the length), and decided to relax. So my hair went from one inch to SL in a year and a half. So now I am ready to be natural again, but this time I am going to transition for a year and a half to two years. I figure if I wait till my natural hair is shoulder length to BC than it will be easier for me to accept and love my natural hair. I just really do not have the face for short hair, I need my hair to frame my face.

Anyway, I am wondering if there are anyone here who wants to be transition buddies.
LOL Good luck! I just finished a 20 month transition and am BC'ing today. I'll be going from almost WL to chin length (I was BSL when I started). I can't be your buddy, but I can be supportive! LOL You will reach a point after about 1 year where you want to say "this is ridiculous, I need to either BC or relax!" but if you can soldier through it, you'll really be ready to do what you have to do when the time comes.
To make a long story short, I BC'd a year and a half ago, I only had about in inch of hair. After a year I could not take it anymore (the length), and decided to relax. So my hair went from one inch to SL in a year and a half. So now I am ready to be natural again, but this time I am going to transition for a year and a half to two years. I figure if I wait till my natural hair is shoulder length to BC than it will be easier for me to accept and love my natural hair. I just really do not have the face for short hair, I need my hair to frame my face.

Anyway, I am wondering if there are anyone here who wants to be transition buddies.

Damn, did I write that post???!?? I am in the EXACT same boat as you. I'm planning on doing AT LEAST, an 18 month transition. I am 9 weeks post. I'm planning on staying in Protective Styles for the entirety of 2012.

How far are you into your transition?
I am 4 weeks post right now. I am so glad I found a buddy! :) I am also planning on protetive styling for the whole year. I am actually on youtube right now looking at the different buns that I can do. I am not a fan of wigs, and I am not a fan of how much weaves cost lol, so I will be learning how to do my hair. What protective styles are you planning on doing?
Congrats on deciding to long-term transition!

I've been transitioning for nearly 3 years, and won't BC until this time next year. My natural hair is below APL right now, but I'm waiting until the natural hair reaches WL to cut the rest of the relaxed hair off.

BTW, I have transitioning style albums in my profile - nothing fancy - mainly buns, lol.

Congratulations @Cherokee-n-Black
Can't wait to see the pics!
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I am 4 weeks post right now. I am so glad I found a buddy! :) I am also planning on protetive styling for the whole year. I am actually on youtube right now looking at the different buns that I can do. I am not a fan of wigs, and I am not a fan of how much weaves cost lol, so I will be learning how to do my hair. What protective styles are you planning on doing?

I was in kinky twists for about 6 weeks. Now I've ben in cornrows for almost 2 weeks. I'm going to try and keep them for another 2 weeks. Once they are out, I am thinking of getting a sew-in (I have never had a professional one). I hate that they are so expensive...and then you have to buy the hair. I'm tempted to experiment and do it myself but I don't want a disaster on my hands. But I really do want one so I may just suck it up and pay.
i'm in!!
I been transitioning for the last 4 months and plan on doing it for at least a year and a half!
I'm doing protective styling the whole year of 2012 (wigs, weaves, bunning, etc) and i'm going to do a length check maybe around February.
I'm in but... at the end of the year 1.5 I actually intend to relax my hair.

I've been PS since April and just cut off all of my relaxed hair in November. I'm loving my natural hair and who knows?

I've been in wigs and weaves. Hubby is dead set against braids - he's seen too many Stevie Wonder types and says he doesn't want that to happen to me!
HisBestFriend I'm confused. Are you transitioning to natural? Or, are you stretching until your next relaxer? This thread is for those transitioning to natural.

MissDarcei, take each day at a time. I plan to transition for three years. I'm headed towards two years and I'm still taking each day at a time.
@chrisanddonniesmommy - I am natural right now. Like I said I cut all of my relaxed ends in November. I intend to remain natural over the course of the next year or so.

Right now I truly believe that I will return to the relaxer but, like I said, you just never know.

Hope that clears the confusion.
I'm already natural, but just wanted to wish you all the best of luck! If I had to recommend a length of time to transition for, I would definitely say to aim for a year and a half at least (unless you don't mind having really short hair). I don't regret my decision to BC at a year post, but if I had to do it all over again (still having all the knowledge that I've gained since BCing), I would probably wait till the 18 month mark if not a little longer. Again, best of luck!
To make a long story short, I BC'd a year and a half ago, I only had about in inch of hair. After a year I could not take it anymore (the length), and decided to relax. So my hair went from one inch to SL in a year and a half. So now I am ready to be natural again, but this time I am going to transition for a year and a half to two years. I figure if I wait till my natural hair is shoulder length to BC than it will be easier for me to accept and love my natural hair. I just really do not have the face for short hair, I need my hair to frame my face.

Anyway, I am wondering if there are anyone here who wants to be transition buddies.

This was so me. :yep: I transitioned for 8 months and then BC'd. 8 months post BC, I decided to texlax. I immediately regretted it. I decided to transition that month. I'm now 17 month post relaxer, and I'm not sure when I'll end it. I've been trimming along the way, so whenever there is no more relaxed hair left is when my transition will be over.

I'm enjoying the process and my texture much more this second time around.

Good Luck!!!
You and I share the same journey. I bced 4/2009 but months after that I relaxed because I couldnt deal with the length either. I did braid extensions for a while but I have really damaged edges and they weren't helping. I continued to relax up until about 6 months ago when I did my last relaxer. I originally planned to just stretch relaxers for as long as I could but I am now dead set on going natural. I decided that I wanted to live my life in my natural hair. I plan to wear bantu knot outs and twist outs the entire time. And I hope to transition over a period of at least 2 years before I bc again. I want full BSL hair one day that is my natural curl pattern and I'm hoping I'll make it there during this transition. Can I make it to BSL with bantu knot outs and twist outs? I plan to try to get three days out of each bantu/twist out or can you recommend a better protective style for shorter hair?
This thread is for people who have relaxed ends right (transitioning to naturaL)?? I was coming to show my support (I only transitioned for 7 months though) but after reading one of the posters' status I am unsure who this thread is for...
I'm currently 7 months post planning to transition for at least 3 years. I'll join you, OP!
Good Luck Ladies! Im on month 31. It will be 3 years for me in May 2012. The first couple months/ year is going to be hard but you guys can do it! My back and front is completely natural but my sides have about 3 inches left. I can easily chop that off but I need them for my challenges, plus its not hard to blend my ends in because of the small amout of relax hair that lefts.... i know im crazy but gotta make BSL 2012 lol!!

Good Luck and God Bless!!!