Transitioning but in need of some advice


Well-Known Member
I am wanting to go natural but currently have relaxed hair that is damaged due to previous braid wearing and my lack of knowing how to properly care for it. Is there any way that I could go natural without the use of braids? If so, I would love advice on how to do that
! Because of the damage I suffered around the hairline and in patches throughout my hair should I get a big chop of the damaged hair off with or without a relaxer? If I get it w/o a relaxer I will have basically no length but the damaged hair would be gone
! Or should I cut it off in stages without a relaxer to get length for the big chop? How actually would I do this
? I have heard of texturizers but I am not familiar with them nor do I know of anyone that has/had one in my area or a stylist that does them
. I am really wanting to go natural without the use/aid of chemicals in my hair but if the texturizer is a good way to go(I am all for it) and would love any advice,suggestions,tips,etc.....that you can give me
Warmest regards,
I am a HUGE proponent of the BIG CHOP!! That's what I did. I cut off 9" in the shower one morning at the gym and then went to a salon and let them cut out the rest. I haven't looked back since. If your hair is as damaged as you described, then doing the BC would probably be better for you. All of the relaxed hair would be gone AND you will learn to deal with ALL of your natural hair instead of 2 extremely distinct textures.

Texturizers and relaxers are basically the same thing, just different chemicals. Both work to loosen your curl. IF you get a texturizer, you WILL have to transition from a texturizer just as you would transition from a relaxer IF you plan to be natural.

There are various ways to go natural...just know that you WILL have to cut off those relaxed ends eventually.

Have you tried straw sets? Flat twists? Corn rows? Up dos? 2-strand twists? You may also want to check out The site is dedicated to natural hair care for women of color AND they have a transitioner's forum that you may find helpful. I would NOT have remained natural had it not been for the wonderful support that I received from members on that site. I would definitely check them out if you are serious about letting go of the chemicals.

Feel free to PM me. I wish you the best!
If you decide to do the big chop, go to a salon (or barber) and let them hook you up with a cute short style. I cut down really low when I did the big can see the pics in my album.

If you decide to transition, you can do plait/braid outs or twist outs. You achieve these styles by braiding/or plaiting/or twisting the hair in sections using a setting agent, and then taking them out after a while. Just be sure to roll the ends, and you've got a really cute style!
thank you both so much for taking the time to reply!! I would like to go natural w/o the BC but I never learned how to braid/plait hair such a bummer. I am so torn between having length(but damaged) and how little lenght(but w/o the damage).
Once again thanks so much for answering my post!!!
tishee said:
thank you both so much for taking the time to reply!! I would like to go natural w/o the BC but I never learned how to braid/plait hair such a bummer. I am so torn between having length(but damaged) and how little lenght(but w/o the damage).
Once again thanks so much for answering my post!!!

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No problem. I can sort of understand your dilemma. However, having raggady looking hair is NOT attractive regardless of how much length you have. Your hair WILL grow back AND be much healthier provided you take good care of it.

I also have pre and post pics of my Big Chop in my album. Feel free to check them out and shoot me a PM or email if you choose. I'll try to help as much as I can.
oh well..i just reread what you typed...i agree with the 2..BIG CHOP!

be positive. just practice braiding and twisting. if you have to, buy a doll head and practice. it really isnt a difficult feat. once you get may become addicted..(like me)

anyway, i wish you well!
Thanks for the idea of buying a doll head!! I will pick one up this weekend......thanks that thought never crossed my mind!

Patience your are right....I will hopefully be brave enough to do the BC in Aug(before school starts). TYA!!!
I hope so too! Going natural requires a MENTAL transition as well as a physical transition. Change begins on the inside as well. I wish you the best.
Tishee if you're going for the BC why don't you do it now that way by Aug you will have gotten used to your new do and will be more comfortable and therefore more confident when you start back to school. Think about it.
Brooke007 said:
Tishee if you're going for the BC why don't you do it now that way by Aug you will have gotten used to your new do and will be more comfortable and therefore more confident when you start back to school. Think about

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ITA! that is some excellent advice.