I'm really considering transitioning...Need advice


New Member
I haven't fully made up my mind, but i'm definitely considering it...I know its not an easy task, but what would you ladies say is the best way for you to go natural (without risking getting fed up with the two textures, and just slapping on a relaxer:lachen:)? I'm thinking about just slowly trimming away the ends, while waring cornrows and braids for the meanwhile. I don't know...I feel so indecisive right now...I would definitely like to hear some transitioners and naturals chime in w/ advice...by the way, I WOULD NOT want to do a big chop... TIA
When I decided to go natural, I was past brastrap. I first cut my hair to a chin length bob and wore braids off and on for a year. Everytime I took them down, I would get some of the relaxed ends cut off. Finally in April of 2003 I had enough natural hair to get it in a ponytail so I cut the remainder off. HTH Q
That's what I was just thinking. I should wait until I have enough natural hair to wear in a ponytail and then cut the rest off. Thanks for the confirmation.
I'd like to know too because I'm also concidering to go natural. My no.1 problem is time is going by so sloooow....:drunk:.........and I'm only a month post
When I decided to go natural, I was past brastrap. I first cut my hair to a chin length bob and wore braids off and on for a year. Everytime I took them down, I would get some of the relaxed ends cut off. Finally in April of 2003 I had enough natural hair to get it in a ponytail so I cut the remainder off. HTH Q

Thank you...i may just do the "slowly trimming off" method...I havent fully made up my mind yet, but i'm really curious to see what my natural hair looks like!:grin:
Im currently transitioning and I can honestly say it is not easy. Some days I feel like absolute crap and I want to rip out my hair, other days, I am very excited and focused on my goal. I too am transitioning w/o the B/C and honestly the main this that is helping me is that when I look at a chuck of hair and I see the beautiful curls and thickness and the strength of my New growth compared to the lifeless, no body, thinness of my relaxed ends, it reminds me of why I am doing this in the first place... Sometimes you can find just the right amount of inspiration that you may need, by looking at yourself :yep:
Im currently transitioning and I can honestly say it is not easy. Some days I feel like absolute crap and I want to rip out my hair, other days, I am very excited and focused on my goal. I too am transitioning w/o the B/C and honestly the main this that is helping me is that when I look at a chuck of hair and I see the beautiful curls and thickness and the strength of my New growth compared to the lifeless, no body, thinness of my relaxed ends, it reminds me of why I am doing this in the first place... Sometimes you can find just the right amount of inspiration that you may need, by looking at yourself :yep:

Interesting point.
I'm keeping an eye on this thread. Everytime I get past 2 months post I start thinking I should transition. Don't want to do the BC either and if I can have beautiful natural hair like several of the ladies on this site I think I can survive. Going to try and stretch till the end of December for now and in December I'll make up my mind for sure.