Transitioning and retaining length.. can you have both?


Active Member
I am on my 100th transition :)and I am convinced that you can not retain length and transition at the same time. I think because of the frequent mini- trims you just have to pick a length you want to keep your hair and trim up to that point.. Correct???
I transitioned for 1.5 years and I retained length. I did very small trims. Nothing major and nothing noticeable. My hair was APL with the relaxed ends. Now that the relaxed ends are gone most of my hair is SL while the back is collar bone length.

The pic in my siggy was taken two weeks after cutting the relaxed ends. The ends of my hair are slighly curled under.

It's possible to have both.
I transitioned for 17.5 months and I went from below shoulder length to almost waist length. I trimmed twice during that period. As long as you keep your hair detangled and protected, and as long as your hair is moisturized and strong, I see no reason for someone who is transitioning to not retain length. I had no problem managing the two textures, so I saw no reason to trim until I was ready to big chop.

Good luck!
Thanks ladies!

I guess the problem that I have is that I like to rollerset and flatiron 2x a month. I take it the only way for me to retain and transition would be to wet bun daily???
Thanks ladies!

I guess the problem that I have is that I like to rollerset and flatiron 2x a month. I take it the only way for me to retain and transition would be to wet bun daily???

I wet bunned daily, and I'm still doing it. It's a great way to retain length, but it's not the ONLY way. You just have to figure out what works for you and your hair.
I've been transitioning for a year and in that time I've gone from SL to BSL, even with trims. Transitioning doesn't have to affect retention. If you have a length goal, keep pushing toward it. HTH

ETA: I've never wet/bunned, I wear my hair down at least 3-4 days of the week, and I rollerset whenever I want straight hair. I have limited flatironing to once a month (for length checks), however.
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I've been transitioning for a year and in that time I've gone from SL to BSL, even with trims. Transitioning doesn't have to affect retention. If you have a length goal, keep pushing toward it. HTH

I agree! I've also been transitioning for a year (started June 09) and also went from SL to BSL. I don't plan on trimming until I reach WL (my goal is WL by next May). At that point I'll begining trimming and maintain at WL until all the relaxed ends are gone. It's definitely possible and there are other ladies on the board that transitioned successfully long term. Have a length goal, game plan, and try to find what style(s) work best for you during your transition. HHG!
My siggy pics show my rentention.

Although i have to say it's been a struggle and despite the length i have retained i am experiencing major dryness, shedding and breakage. God only knows how i have managed to keep so much hair.

I don't do wash and go's or wet anything. That would break my fine strands for sure. I have to blowdry weekly. I don't have the time to rollerset. I rarely flat iron not because of the damage it may cause but because i'm lazy. I usually wear my hair in a style that requires the ends to be hidden.
I think it's possible and its definitely my plan. I plan to be full WL by the end of this year (started out at bsl in January) and I will maintain there until I'm ready to chop. I did one mini chop of 3 inches in May but will only cut to maintain after I reach WL. I only wear braidouts every single day but will start straightening in the fall/winter.
check out my profile pictures for my starting hair length and now.

My first year I straigthen twice. I did flat twistsa alot but got tired of that becasue of the nightly retwisting or knot city. Winter wasa problem cause my hair wouldn't dry overnught so I started blow drying once every few weeks.

I'm now about an inch or so from BSB my worst breakage was in the begining when I was having some hair issues.

I don't wet bun. I have been blow drying on low/warm/cool for the past 6 months. The key to retension was PS deep conditioning and keeping my hair as detangled as possible even when in textured styles. nothing fancy. just keeing a simple routine after trying everything under the sun first.
I've been transitioning for over a year and my hair is retaining and growing (although not to BSL or WL, some of you ladies are hogging all the hair growth hem hem)

I was wet bunning and now I've gone back to french braids and wigs to give it time to grow.
I transitioned for 2 years and only trimmed twice November 2008 and April 2009. I kept my hair just below my shoulders both times.

I personally was not able to keep 3 textures on my head for long: relaxed ends, texlaxed middle and 4a roots.