Transitioning and Breakage


Well-Known Member
I am having alot of breakage since I have started transitioning??? I have been mosturizing about twice daily and I still see breakage when I come. I have been about 3 months without a perm is this normal? How can I minimize the breakage??? Thanks for your help in advance ladies!
virgo_chinwe said:
I am having alot of breakage since I have started transitioning??? I have been mosturizing about twice daily and I still see breakage when I come. I have been about 3 months without a perm is this normal? How can I minimize the breakage??? Thanks for your help in advance ladies!

I thought I was the only one. I've been attempting to transition for about 6 months now and around the third month I started getting alot of breakage. These last few months the breakage has slowed but I still notice alot of hair loss on wash days (breakage not shedding). Nonetheless, my hair appears to be growing. Maybe I was just using too many products those first few months.
I haven't done a protein treatment in a while. I was actually going to do one today. I am starting to think my hair is acting up because its used to being relaxed, perhaps? I mosturize twice daily and wash and deep condition weekly. I wear wigs and braids as protective styles
The protein/moisture balance is EXTREMELY important for transitioners because the line of demarcation is fragile. I think low manipulation, protective styles are best. I'm not sure about the wigs and braids...if they're done correctly, I would imagine that would help.

Try a protein treatment followed by a deep moisturizing conditioner.

How often do you comb your hair?
DI is on point (as always) with her questions/advice. I agree, the protein/moisture balance is soooo important, especially if you are going to transition without the BC. Only comb your hair when you wash and have it full of conditioner and wear low manipulation styles. Combing dry hair is will snap off right at the line of demarcation!
I mosturize my new growth with stay so fro.......but all the broken hairs in my comb are not new growth hair but relaxed ends.

Thanks for the advice ladies, again!!! It is very much appreciated!
virgo_chinwe said:
I comb every time I mosturize?? Is that bad???

I would cut back on the combing. That's probably too much manipulation and tension for transitioning strands.

You could experiment with protein schedules to figure out which is right for your hair. Bi-weekly sounds good to me, but that depends entirely on your hair's protein tolerance.
Divine Inspiration said:
I would cut back on the combing. That's probably too much manipulation and tension for transitioning strands.

You could experiment with protein schedules to figure out which is right for your hair. Bi-weekly sounds good to me, but that depends entirely on your hair's protein tolerance.

You've made excellents points, D.I.!

I transitioned using only trims to get rid of my relaxed ends. Regular protein treatments every 6-8 weeks stopped breakage in it's tracks.

If you select a more hard core treatment, that you follow the instructions to a "T". If you are weary of using hard core treatments, I highly recommend the following threads:

Supergirl's "To clear the air about protein" Great source of information to help guide your choice of protein conditioners or treatments.

SisterSlick's "Hair Breakage 101"

One of my faves!!! Conditioner Cocktail There was a more recent and similar thread about the same topic as well. A great way to utilize a hard core treatment with less fuss and great results. I finally have broken a retention plateau with my blend.

I mixed Queen Helene Cholesterol (whole jar), Aphogee treatment (1-2 ounces), MTG (4 Tbls), DRC 28 (1-2 ounces), and a moisturizing conditioner (roughly a quarter cup).

It's a lot of reading. Supergirl's and SisterSlick's first posts in their respective threads are the most important if you don't want to go through the whole thread.