Transitioning Advice Needed- Please


This is what I'm thinking of doing. I'm going to BC in 6 months and start my natural journey anew. I am also asking the knowledgeable ladies for advice on transitioning. Should I do daily CWS or wash once a week? Styling my hair is also a challenge because it is so thick and curly! the sucky part of my hair is the ends that didn't take when I tried to lightly texturize my hair. It looks frizzy unless I put water on them. I don't have a clue what to do. Should I try to wait the 6 months to snip it or should I wait? Any advice u give will be appreciated.
Natrlchallenge, you sound just like I did!! :grin:

About 4 months into my transitioning I had a major problem with shedding and breakage. No matter what products I used it never helped. But the one thing I know that did help was CO washing every other day.

So eventually, I ended up doing the BC. :yay: The best decision of my life. :) No more breakage and I'm perm free.

I say if you are transitiong and if you had hard to manage hair like I did, MO is to BC!! :woot:
I am probably gonna bc at the start of the new year. I can't stand the two textures anymore. I figure the sooner the better and it will give me ample time to restart my natural journey again. I now now that texturized hair is not for me. I miss my corkscrew curls. :lol: my natural hair is more healthy and never shed at all. This lightly texturized hair is weak. I could only imagine what my hair would be like if I left it on for any longer than 3 minutes. :eek: