TRANSITIONERS! What have you come to realize?


New Member
Since I've been growing out my relaxer, I have realized some things about my hair.

First, my hair isnt as THICK as I thought it was. It is thick, but I would consider my hair to be average thickness and not uber-thick like I thought.

Second, my hair isn't as "rough" texture-wise as I thought. The longer that I transition, I realize that my hair is so pretty! I can't wait to see how it behaves once it is completley relaxer-free.

Finally, I realize that a relaxer REALLY altered my hair! I mean I knew it before, BUT now I can actually SEE it. The difference between what my NG looks like and my relaxed ends is like WOW! The are just haging there looking all malnourished.

Transitioners, are some things you have realized?
I have realized the same thing about the thickness. And also that my natural hair seems far more delicate & fragile than my relaxed hair.

I have realized that I do not have one of those wash-n-go textures that looks perfectly coiled or evenly wavy. I have a wash and go texture that wants to be an Afro. It is the ideal texture for a big hunkin' Fro.

My edges were stronger relaxed than they are natural.

I am totally infatuated with my new growth and the shrinkage.
Finally, I realize that a relaxer REALLY altered my hair! I mean I knew it before, BUT now I can actually SEE it. The difference between what my NG looks like and my relaxed ends is like WOW! The are just haging there looking all malnourished.

Transitioners, are some things you have realized?

I definitely agree with the bolded! I didn't realize just how chemically processed my hair really was (especially since it still somewhat curls and is not bone straight). But now that I have about 2 inches of NG I've found out that my natural hair actually forms spirals!!! I love it. It's so exciting. I can't wait to have a head full of spirals.

I also realized that my natural hair needs TONS of moisture even more than my relaxed hair. The products that moisturize my relaxed hair are not so great with my natural hair so it's tough trying to moisturize both textures.

Another thing I realized is that relaxed hair really does weigh down your natural hair. I was kinda discourgaged thinking that my natural hair actually wasn't that curly but I came to realize that it was only the straight hair weighing it down.

And I know I hear a lot of naturals saying that their natural hair is sooo soft. I can definitely see why everyone says that now. :grin:
I transitioned for about 4 months before I BC'd and realized like you that:

1) my texture is a lot easier to manage than I had originally thought

but most importantly,

2) while I think I can manage my texture now after doing all of this research and experimentation with products, I can totally understand why my mother relaxed my hair...I don't mind spending time detangling or experimenting now, but when I was a kid, I doubt I had the patience for it, and I doubt my mother had the time to care for it the way I do now. I could see her getting frustrated with me running from a comb after a wash...
I'm noticing the same thing you guys are. My hair isnt as thick as i thought it was going to me. I have also come to realize that my hair is so easy to deal with. Like the combing and styling, i thought it would be much harder than what it really is.

Like Denvergirl said, I cant wait to see how it behaves once the relaxed ends are off. My new growth is so beautiful.
I learned that my natural hair LOVES natural ingredients like Honey. Whenever I prepoo with honey, my NG is extra soft and smooth. I also expected more tangling at the line of demarcation, but I'm not. I'm actually having most of my tangle problems with the relaxed length. My NG is NEVER tangled. :yep:
Great post! I've learned that:
  • My natural hair is waaay softer and finer than I initially thought.
  • My hair does not take a lot of heat to get it straight.
  • My primary hair texture is different than what I initially thought.
  • My hair is several different textures.
  • My hair needs to be moistured A LOT.
  • My hair is a lot thicker than I thought.
  • I was relaxing my hair waaaaay too frequently:nono:
  • Shrinkage is :wallbash:
I also realized that my natural hair needs TONS of moisture even more than my relaxed hair. The products that moisturize my relaxed hair are not so great with my natural hair so it's tough trying to moisturize both textures.

*Moisturizing is my biggest issue, I'm trying to find what works with my NG.
*Also, I really despise my straight relaxed ends because they look anorexic dangling from my thick NG.
*I don't have to worry about the humidity and exercising--I can just let the curls do their thing and keep it moving.
*The transition process isn't as scary as I thought it would be.
* My hair is both strong and fragile.
Great post! I've learned that:
  • My natural hair is waaay softer and finer than I initially thought.
  • My hair does not take a lot of heat to get it straight.
  • My primary hair texture is different than what I initially thought.
  • My hair is several different textures.
  • My hair needs to be moistured A LOT.
  • My hair is a lot thicker than I thought.
  • I was relaxing my hair waaaaay too frequently:nono:
  • Shrinkage is :wallbash:

Really, I LOVE shrinkage!
Things I've learned:

1. My hair doesn't need a lot of heat to straighten
2. My hair is very soft
3. Being natural will be so much easier than transitioning
4. I love my New Growth!!
5. My hair is require constant moisturization
This is my 18th week of transitioning and I have noticed that:

My hair is not as thick as I thought it was...however, I have been told that the relaxed ends can effect the thickess of your natural hair :perplexed.

At the moment, my natural hair feels fairly soft and manageable.
My mum says that is what my hair was always like. Personally, I don't remember.

I have some MAJOR shrinkage. It's crazy. I don't remember my hair being so coily.

My relaxed hair looks pathetic agaist my natural, thicker hair.

I prefer my natural texture. Strange, because I was one of those who would dash to the beauty store to get a relaxer kit and touch up at the first sight of new growth.

My new growth his actually softer than my relaxed hair when dry :perplexed.