Transitioners to Natural: Hair Growth Rates


New Member
Hello... I'd like to get a sense of hair growth rates as I transition.... I'm about nine months out.... I'm fully aware of the fact that hair growth is dependent on so many internal and external factors, e.g., maintenance, genetics, metabolism, etc. I'm also aware of some of the various internal and external approaches to stimulate hair growth.

I started my transition last September; got my hair pressed from then until February of this year. I have been wearing weaves and braids since that time. My hair is out until this Thursday when I will get a full weave (curly). So for this brief time, I can examine my hair and see progress. Right now, it looks like I have about two inches of new growth (it could be more; there is shrinkage). It seems like it is longer in some areas, thougj. It had occurred to me that I expected to have more growth now... I probably do.... What are some realistic, tangible hair growth goals? I plan to BC in September this year....

Thanks in advance for your responses.
Right now I'm not doing anything special with my regimen. No vitamins, no MTG, just regular washing and moisturizing leave ins. (I'm going through a lazy spell) - I get 1/4 inch per month.
I BC'd at 11 months with about 5 inches of hair I usually get about 1/2" a month. I didn't have a special regimen when I was transitioning, I just washed
once a week and wore braidouts most of the time. The only vitamin I take is a multi for overall health
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