TRANSITIONERS & STRETCHERS: how do you keep up your BANGS?


Well-Known Member

If you have bangs, how do you keep them looking presentable?

how difficult are they to maintain, especially as the new growth gets longer and longer?
Well funny you should ask. I have "bangs" as result of having to regrow the hair in the very front of my head (please see my album if you want to see the hows and whys). So my bangs are au naturale. I pretty much only wear them out when I straighten. When I do a twistout or braidout (lazy days) I use a clip to pin them back. (BTW they just touch my nose when straight.) Don't know if this helps.
My bangs don't lay well anymore; I am 5 months post. So when I straighten i usually pin them back or wear a headband. I definitely don't plan on having bangs as a natural because I don't believe it will look as good as my relaxed bangs did.
I am a transitioner but one who keeps their hair straight (so I flat iron-wayyyyyyytoo much).......

my bangs are kinda short but swept to the side-it is difficult to keep the edges/new growth smooth
I agree with JLovely-I am thinking I will not have bangs as my hair gets longer...
im a transitioning and i have bangs the thing is that they grew out in 2-4 weeks and i didnt want to use heat on them everyday and it got too long to put rollers on them or flat iron. so i still have them but they are never exposed.
this thread makes me want to cut them again. but if i do i will almost be natural in my bangs so im on the fence about it:ohwell: im planning on transitioning for 2 years if i can
realized i never answered the question. they are easy to manage if you put a magnetic roller in them at night, if not your bangs will look flat if they are close to your eyes. if you use heat on them daily then i guess they would be manageable too(of coarse i wouldnt recommend that to anyone) i only wear my bangs out once a month if that. i believe i cut them the first of September. if you want bangs i would suggest that you cut them thin like i did, that way you can still swoop your hair in the front. so much versatility when you cut them thin
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Before I decided to transition I cut bangs at my last perm around June 1. I remember I had no bangs at my July 4th BBQ. Also I recently gave myself a mullet which if straightened I could pretend were bangs in the front. My "bangs" are all natural and I wear a headband to push it back. I think until they have enough new growth to fall on their own it probably won't look good unless straightened and who wants to do that all the time ( unless you do). Also I think on naturals from what I see the few who dare cut them when they are cutting their hair in a style so bangs seem to be pretty tricky when natural hair is involved in my observation.
thanks for all the feedback!! i'm only 2 months into my transition, and figured i'd chop up from APL to SL, and get bangs. since all the relaxed hair's gonna have to go eventually, i might as well get used to having short hair in the front of my head.

so the general consensus is, the more natural hair you have, the more difficult they are to deal with on their own, so most of you all pin them back. that's doable! i think i'm gonna take the plunge & get bangs for the first time!!!

thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming!
I'm not a transitioner, but I do stretch. I flat iron my bangs every day. I constantly trim them. Obviously not recommended for someone who is trying to grow them out!

In this pic, I'm about 19 weeks post.
