transitioners/ naturals help needed


Well-Known Member
for those of u that have transitioned, did you do so without the help of a professional haircare stylist. i have been transitioning for 11 months and i have been doing it on my own. i have not been to a salon since i got my last relaxer 10/02. i have worn my hair in a protective style--phony pony for last 6 months and on this past sunday i pressed it and ot was pretty. i have noticed today that it is starting to revert at the roots. if i got it professionally pressed maybe it would be straighter but i am so afraid of professionals now and would rather go it alone and learn as i go along. i plan on transitioning for another 6-8 months. has anyone else transitioned for a long period of time without the aid of a professional? what was your routine? any problems/ damage to your hair? i plan on pressing no more than 2x a month and wearing my hair in protective styyles. thanks for your help.
Deborah11--What do you mean when you say 'revert at the roots'?

I transitioned for a long time (although I did not know that I was "transitioning")without much professional help because I was broke. I did not know anything about caring for my hair, but I usually kept my hair up. I simply had my stylist give me a good trim each time I went (every 6 months or so).
I'm pretty much transitioning without the "help" of a stylists. The first stylist I went to when I knew I was transitioning, didn't bat an all. All she said was that my hair was easy to straighten...and she did so. It came out nice and didn't revert (only 3 months in though).

I went to another stylist about a month ago (5.5 months in) and got a blowdry and curl and it also came out straight without reverting. So, yes, I'd have to say that a professional might be able to get your hair straight without it reverting.
I've been transitioning since 4/03...however I do not press my hair...I wear my hair in a style close to my natural texture...that way the permed ends do not snap and break.

I learned early that it is important for me to do my own is the only way for me to become adept at manipulating my natural texture...

Here is my routine...

pw:In Transition

eta: I plan on adding more pictures in a week or hair has grown quite a bit since I first took those pictures
I transitioned for about 6-8 months without professional help. I didn't even go to a professional to do my big chop. I did it myself in front of my bathroom mirror. I wore my relaxed hair in two-strand twists until the two different textures became too obvious. Then I wore various cornrow styles with acrylic beads, shells, and phonytails.

For some reason, the relaxed hair started to become damaged & started thinning out. My braids were thick, but would taper towards the end into a little skinny braid (the relaxed part). I cut it when it just didn't look right anymore. I could have transitioned longer, but was eager to have natural hair. Also, I didn't know about the haircare boards then.
Hi, ladies! I'm currently transitioning w/o professtional help. I've been transitioning since feb 2003, with braid outs and braids(I can do most styles myself). I trimmed my ends over the weekend by braiding about six braids and cutting the ends(I may have to do that again becuz my relaxed ends are tangled when I try to braid for my braid out or maybe, I did something wrong:0?) I've been maintaining sor far and plan to transition for at least a year.
BTW, ladies, let me know if my trimming technique has done more harm than good.

Hi I transistioned for about a year..

I had my stylist put weaves in my hair and I went to a braid shop to get braids during that time..

I would wash myown hair and my moms would trim the permed hair off and she actually did the BIG CHOP for me..

However I went back to twists but right now I will be making an appt to get my natural hair styled so she can show me how to do it..But I will give myself a deep conditioning before hand..

I hope it helps
I haven't stepped foot in a salon since I was hairjacked over a year ago.

I justed posted this on another board---

The routine I've settled on is: "shampooing" every day or two with Pantene S&S conditioner. I keep my hair moisturized with MotownGrl's Leave-In Conditioner ( and a mixture of
Proclaim Curl Activator Gel and S Curl Spray. I put my real hair in a bun and cover it with a fake afro puff. I use Carolyn Gray's Healthier Hair in a Bottle Oil ( in my leave-in and on my hair line every night to protect against thinning from wearing my hair pulled back all the time. I shampoo (with real shampoo) once a week, use a mild-moderate protein deep conditioner 1x per week and follow up with a moisturizing deep conditioner. Once a month I do a natural henna conditioning treatment. I get my henna from (When I had mostly relaxed hair did the same thing with neutral Hennalucent using the homemade Herbal Tame recipe). Henna (for me) has a strengthening and slight kink loosening and debulking effect on my hair.

My natural hair (when pressed) is approx the length my relaxed hair was this time last year--nape/neck length. The broken part is shorter. I never did a "big chop". I don't like the way short hair looks on me. I just flat ironed my hair and trimmed a little bit off every month or two. I did it myself and it is far from even, but it will do for now. Once the short part is a length I feel I can work with (6"-7" when dry and shrunken) I'll get a professional trim.