Transitioners & Naturals: Did your hair lose it's shine?


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering because I'e noticed that my hair looks relatively dull, especially the new growth. My relaxed hair always looked shiny, even when dry and brittle (could have been the oil sheen, but I didn't use it everyday). Now looking at my new growth, it looks really dull and dry, very much to my dismay. I was hoping for healthier, longer AND shinier hair as I continued but it seems that the shine is not there. Has anyone else experienced this?
Afro textured hair tends to have sheen not shine. Relaxed hair can have shine because it’s straight and light reflects better on straight hair. Also, If you have a brown cast in your hair, it will look dry.
Yeah my hair is not shiny, but it does have sheen. I hated it at first, but now I know that it can look healthy without being shiny. Some products do give it the appearance of having shine though.
yeah...i have sheen but i have to use some sort of product for shine. for me, ashy looking hair is a sign that it's time for a good deep condition.
I have sheen, and at first, I definitely didn't know how to handle it. I thought my hair looked very "dusty," especially since my natural color is brownish. Now, I don't mind it at all.
Thanks for the re-assurance ladies. I really thought it was because i needed to dc my hair more often to get that healthy shine; but now i know its part of going natural. Thanks!