Transitioners, Is it Normal To Shed Hair Each Time You


Wash and styling my hair is now making me sad. I have never shed this much hair in my life.:nono: On Friday, I will be 3 months post relaxer. Is it normal to shed during your transition? My hubby is laughing at me and saying by the time my transition is over, I'm not going to need to cut my hair. It's all over the floor. I'm trying not to panic, but this has never happened to me before.:sad: HELP!:whyme:
I wash in braids to prevent detangling @ demarcation line. Have you done a protein treatment? try cornrows under a wig for a while
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That's mean. I shed but it's nothing out of the ordinary. My relaxed ends still break every wash, but i already know they are over processed.
I have to use protien more regularly now that I am transitioning. I also find that my hair goes through stages. I shead alot around that 12-14 week period and then I am good until 6 mo post.
LEarn to braid... I'm just gonna keep hounding you because I know you want to learn.

I also transitioned mostly braided so of course there was always shedding from wearing braided styles for weeks at a time. But when I was doing regular styes, I didn't shed that much... it sounds like your hair is missing something.
LEarn to braid... I'm just gonna keep hounding you because I know you want to learn.

I also transitioned mostly braided so of course there was always shedding from wearing braided styles for weeks at a time. But when I was doing regular styes, I didn't shed that much... it sounds like your hair is missing something.

I'm working on it, Mook!:lachen: I don't do protein treatments.:nono: Can someone suggest a good cheap protein treatment?:blush: Hubby was only joking, but I'm going to make him eat those words, lol!
I'm transitioning and so far no shedding. I'm 21 wks post right now and I use Aphogee 2min conditioner once a month. Idk if it's preventing shedding or not but it keeps my moisture/protein balance in check since I only cowash. Also I use GVP Silk Remedy as a leave-in, I think the wheat and silk proteins in it help keep my shedding down too. I sooooo want to learn to braid, I need to practice.
my last relaxer was May and I jus did a demi permanent on my hair---BAGGYING really saved my relaxed, colored ends...also dc with ntm really helps me with the whole detangling process...HTH
if you have recently done alot of protein treatments i would start to moisturise moisturise mositurise.

Im currently 8 1/2 months into my transition and at various stages i have a whole lot of shed hair in my comb. Last week i hate almost a fist full and this week i had a tiny ball, but my regimen is exactly the same.

Last week i moisturised only and the same this week. IDK

Just dont panic!! try doing a steam treatment or a DC under the dryer, plait ur hair and then, leave it alone.
dd- like some of the other ladies, i would suggest doing the aphogee protein treatment. i had a lot of shedding around the beginning of the month and have done one every two weeks since a friend suggested it. i've noticed a BIG difference in the amount of shedding. i thought i would have to bc which i really didn't want to do. let us know what you end up trying....

mook - i luv your hair in your avi. gorgeous!!
I've been transitioning for just about a year now and during the first couple of months I shed like crazy! I learned about protein treatments and washing my hair in four sections and ever since then my hair stopped shedding as tremendously. just mix an egg with mayo for my protein treatments. I always DC right after.
I shed AND break like no ones business :nono:

I use Aphogee, I wash in braids, I even detangled while soaking wet with conditioner (which is learned recently is NOT wise for people with fine hair like mine)

Frankly my hair just hates being wet. period. So it's somewhat inevitable if I am taking the correct precautions.