Transitioners I Found Something That Works! (Long)


Well-Known Member
It's been 14 weeks since I've had my last relaxer, and let me tell you I didn't think I was gonna make it with all of this new growth. Plus, parts of my hair (in the back) are already practically natural. Because of this, my braidouts didn't look the same in the back as the rest of my hair. I tried cornrowing, but it wouldn't last but a week in this humidity. Bunning it was putting too much stress on it because I had to keep brushing it (soaking wet) so much to make the new growth lay down. I was tired of this style. And it seemed like I was finding more hair in my comb, and having to do conditioner washes like everyday. I was really running out of options so I bought $23 worth of Motions products. The new herbal Mild relaxer, neutralizing shampoo, and after relaxer conditioner because I was gonna break down and texturize it.:eek:

But, last week I desperately needed to find a style for a special event. I decided to try a wet set with smaller rollers. I used the flexirods (red) and my hair came out so cute! Lots of cute curls! I've been getting so many compliments. :D Not to mention the style lasts for 4 days before the curls start looking frizzy. I didn't have to comb it. That's right. I didn't comb my hair for 4 whole days!!! And get this.... hardly NO breakage! Yesterday I did a conditioner wash, and just before I did it, I lightly combed it just to make sure I wouldn't have any tangles. I had very little hair in the comb. I did my wash, added some oil, and reset it. Once dry, I took the rollers out, and finger lifted the curls. It's true what many of you have said about 4A hair. It loves water, and likes to be left alone. I thought my only option for leaving it alone was with braids. Not so! I've even been using less products. Just shampoo, conditioner, and oil. That's all! Oh, and I haven't used heat in awhile either. I airdry. It takes longer, but it works for me. I have more of an idea of how my hair will look all natural. And because the curls are so tiny, I even have a slight idea of what I'll look like with a TWA.

I'm sorry I don't have any pics. But I just wanted to share if you're trying to go natural, or just stretching your relaxers out, there is hope after all for fighting with the two textures! :)

Oh, one problem... Now I don't know what I'm gonna do with these products I bought since I've found something that works with my transition, I don't know if or when I'll ever texturize. Guess I'll just have to trade the products in for something else, because I bought them at the Asian BSS and you know they don't give refunds. :ohwell:
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That's great Stormy! :bouncegre

I actually did this too before my last relaxer. I was about 8 weeks post which for me is a lot of new growth w/ 2 very opposing textures. Anyway I set my hair on half rods half small yellow and blue magnetic rollers. The style came out great even though sleeping in the rollers the first night was a nightmare! Everyone loved it and I wore my hair like that from about Saturday to Thursday. I even used small sleep rollers, you know the kind that are covered foam and have wire or something in the middle that bend to hold the roller in place around your hair, to keep the curls from crushing over night. I only used about 8 of them or so and finger combed them the next morning. I even pinned the curls up for an updo for a couple of days.

Anyway I'm glad that worked for you.

I am transitioning now (I plan to texturize when I cut off my bone straight hair), I am going to use this style/method when I take out the braids I have in now. By that time I will be 12 weeks post relaxer, I've never had my hair 12 weeks post relaxer out of braids. I know this is going to be an interesting experience!
Thanks ladies!

Yeah, the flexirods are a little easier to sleep on, but still can be a pain. I try to set it about 4 hours before I go to bed or early in the day when I'm not doing much. This way I don't have to sleep in the rods. Then in the morning, I just lift the curls.
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Thanks! I'm growing tired of wearing my hair in a ponytail. I want to wear it out once in a while. I think I'm going to give this a try once the weather gets a little cooler.
Thanks for the tip Stormy. I have the orange flexirods and I have been twisting or braiding and adding the rods. I'm going to buy smaller ones to have smaller curls. I'm going to try and take a photo of my hair in my wet set puff.
Great tip!! I actually had the pleasure of seeing this style in person and it was too cute! She inspired me to go out and buy some flexi rods.
I'm glad u found a style that works for u. Managing 2 different textures are a pain, but it's all worth it in the end...

Oh yeah, I bet ur hair looks too cute!
No problem and thanks again ladies!

Hey Cheleigh I actually started to buy the orange rods. I stood there for about 3 minutes trying to decide, orange or red. I have the grey ones that I use for looser and bigger curls.

Peachtree I remember when you went natural!! :)

Yep DSD! At first I did it all for you!!! Glad I did now. :D
Stormy said:
No problem and thanks again ladies!

Hey Cheleigh I actually started to buy the orange rods. I stood there for about 3 minutes trying to decide, orange or red. I have the grey ones that I use for looser and bigger curls.

Peachtree I remember when you went natural!! :)

Yep DSD! At first I did it all for you!!! Glad I did now. :D
You are a sweetie! :kiss: If it hadn't been for my DH no telling what would have happened.:grin: Girl, you kicked it into high gear and came out at the finish line.

I am sitting here with flexirods in my hair as we speak. Going for the curly style for registration day. Hehehe
dontspeakdefeat said:
You are a sweetie! :kiss: If it hadn't been for my DH no telling what would have happened.:grin: Girl, you kicked it into high gear and came out at the finish line.

I am sitting here with flexirods in my hair as we speak. Going for the curly style for registration day. Hehehe

Oolala... take pics... I wanna see :trampoline:
Thanks for the info Stormy. I am 16 weeks post and I will be trying this soon. ?- What did you set your hair with? Setting Lotion or anything?

Hey Cupcake, I used Keracare setting lotion. Normally I don't use anything when I do my wet sets, but since I need to get rid of it, I went ahead. I think it's probably what makes the set last for so many days too.
Flexirod sets are an old standby of mine, though I haven't done one on myself since going natural. When my hair was much longer and relaxed, I used the large pink and gray rods. During my transition, I used the blue and red ones, and have recently added the smaller mint green ones, to get more of a straw set effect. I prefer to set them with Lottabody and a little Let's Jam! and endpapers for control while wrapping the hair on the rods. My set would last a good week. Incorporating flat twists or cornrows into your rod style is a great way to keep the curls from getting flattened from sleep.
DSylla said:
Great! :) Flexis are my best transitioning tool


Ur hair is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So is your transition!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love the styles that you have created, I am definitely going to try some of them when I take out my braids.