TRANSITIONERS: Check in, please!


New Member
I don't know how many of us check into the Transitioners Support thread on a daily basis but I wanted to check on everybody's progress and wish everyone well with their transition!

I also wanted to trade ya'll one for one: my tip for yours?

Mine: I did the best twist-out ever this week! On dry hair, I parted six rows of hair, starting from the forehead and going back to the nape area (sort of a starburst pattern is the best way I can explain it). On each section, I sprayed a little water and then moisturized with a little Black N Sassy Heat & Shine and a tiny bit of IC Sparkelites gel (the clear one). I then did two-strand flat twists going back and put a small sponge roller on the end. Since it was only six rows, it only took me about 10-15 minutes to do, a big plus for me cause the less time I spend on my hair, the better. In the morning, I oiled my hands with a little Dark & Lovely Oil Therapy and untwisted each row and voila! My twists came out moisturized, shiny and most of all, with defined waves that I can't get when I do individual twists. It looked great for that first day, then for the second day, I had to spray a tiny bit of water on it and scrunch with a curling product to liven it up a bit. My hair is really soft and won't hold a curl for over two days so after two days, I have to re-twist, but this was the method that's worked best for me so far.

Now my question for you: I need advice on how to do my own trim. I know some of ya'll are trimming your relaxed ends off gradually and I want to start trimming mine this weekend. Any tips? I have a good pair of haircutting scissors but I'd like a step-by-step how-to on gradually trimming off these nasty, stringy relaxed ends.

Happy transitioning everybody!
Checking in.......... I don't have any adive or tips right now. Just wanted to say that BBD stretch is da bomb!!! I think every transitioner should have this stuff.
Checking in...:wave:

My Transition is going smoothly, no complaints here. :)

As for as trimming you could try the twist method, you simply make around 6-8 twist on dry hair secure the ends with an ouchless elastic or whatever you prefer and trim off whatever you feel is necessary. I've tried this method and it works pretty well, especially if you dont wanna use heat in order to trim your hair. Feye's self trimming methods work well too depending on how long your is hair.

My tips:

*For Washing/Detangling: Always wash/detangle your hair in sections.
(This will help minimize/eliminate tangles or possible breakage)

*For Moisturizing: Moisturize as needed, and moisturize in sections especially when you have lots and lots of new growth.
(This way your hair will be completely moisturized instead of partially)

That is all for now, good luck everyone! :)
I have been transitioning for a year tomorrow :grin: . I don't really have any tips except for to manipulate your hair as less as you possibly can. I wear my hair in a bun (that I don't take done but once a week) 99% of the time. And while everyone says they are tired of seeing my hair in that bun, my hair is thanking me for it and that's all that matters!!haha....Do any of you all plan to transition for longer than a year and a half? I was thinking I would do 18 months when I first began to transition but lately I been thinking about holding out until 24 months.
I'm new to this transitioning thing-just decided to last week. I am now 12 weeks post with 1 and 1/2 inches of thick new growth. I've been wearing my hair pulled back in a claw clip and only combing the ends of my hair when it is dry. I moisturise my new growth daily by parting my hair in sections with my fingers and spraying the new growth with dove daily leave in. I then seal in the conditioner with oil sheen. So far my new growth is moisturised with no combing necessary. Any styling tips would be appreciated because I am quickly heading into uncharted waters and I don't want to use heat more than once a month. I don't want to end up doing the BC due to the fact my relaxed hair is fried due to over use of heat. I do plan to use heat once a month.
checking in

im almost 15 months post.
i just did a major-mini chop. lol. i cut all the relaxed ends from my ears forward. its long enough that it blends into the back an i love it, i cant wait for the day i cut the back relaxed ends an go completly natural.
:wave:Hola :wave:

I'm about 1 month into my transition and I want to BC NOW! If only I were comfortable with short hair I would do it.

I have a sew in right now and will be getting braids next Saturday. I love the process of re-educating myself on proper hair care and have QUICKLY become a PJ.

I really don't have any tips yet because I am still soaking up all of the information these lovely ladies to offer. This site is so informative and soo addictive!!:grin:


P.S. Silvergirl...YOUR HAIR IS STUNNING!!! Your pics keep me motivated!!!
Checking in...

According to my ticker it has been 3 months. I just finished my braids today, I plan on wearing them two months at a time off and on for a year, there are pictures of them in my fotki album. Before the braids when ever I would wash my hair after I get out of the shower I would spray a generous amount of Infusium 23 on my hair and let it sit for 5 minutes and it would make detangling easier.

On another note I wish I could afford some of that BBD Stretch, I have heard some great things about it.
Sweet_Ambrosia said:
Checking in...:wave:

My Transition is going smoothly, no complaints here. :)

As for as trimming you could try the twist method, you simply make around 6-8 twist on dry hair secure the ends with an ouchless elastic or whatever you prefer and trim off whatever you feel is necessary. I've tried this method and it works pretty well, especially if you dont wanna use heat in order to trim your hair. Feye's self trimming methods work well too depending on how long your is hair.

My tips:

*For Washing/Detangling: Always wash/detangle your hair in sections.
(This will help minimize/eliminate tangles or possible breakage)

*For Moisturizing: Moisturize as needed, and moisturize in sections especially when you have lots and lots of new growth.
(This way your hair will be completely moisturized instead of partially)

That is all for now, good luck everyone! :)

Thanks for the trimming info and I love your moisturizing tip. I always wind up with lots of moisturizer on my ends and not so much on the new growth. Moisturizing in sections makes a lot of sense. Thanks!
jenell85 said:
I have been transitioning for a year tomorrow :grin: . I don't really have any tips except for to manipulate your hair as less as you possibly can. I wear my hair in a bun (that I don't take done but once a week) 99% of the time. And while everyone says they are tired of seeing my hair in that bun, my hair is thanking me for it and that's all that matters!!haha....Do any of you all plan to transition for longer than a year and a half? I was thinking I would do 18 months when I first began to transition but lately I been thinking about holding out until 24 months.

Congratulations on finding what works for you and happy nappiversary! I've found that wearing my hair pulled back all the time gives me tons of breakage so now I'm wearing a twist-out most of the time and I'm going to try a blowout and see how I like it. I don't think I'm gonna set a time limit for my transition. I'm just gonna keep going as long as I can.
dicapr said:
I'm new to this transitioning thing-just decided to last week. I am now 12 weeks post with 1 and 1/2 inches of thick new growth. I've been wearing my hair pulled back in a claw clip and only combing the ends of my hair when it is dry. I moisturise my new growth daily by parting my hair in sections with my fingers and spraying the new growth with dove daily leave in. I then seal in the conditioner with oil sheen. So far my new growth is moisturised with no combing necessary. Any styling tips would be appreciated because I am quickly heading into uncharted waters and I don't want to use heat more than once a month. I don't want to end up doing the BC due to the fact my relaxed hair is fried due to over use of heat. I do plan to use heat once a month.

dicapr, I started transitioning with the crown & glory method and that helped keep my hands out of my hair and kept me from making mistakes with my new texture. Sounds like you've got a good handle on it though. Your regimin sounds good to me. Is the Dove daily leave-in making your new growth soft?
silvergirl said:
checking in

im almost 15 months post.
i just did a major-mini chop. lol. i cut all the relaxed ends from my ears forward. its long enough that it blends into the back an i love it, i cant wait for the day i cut the back relaxed ends an go completly natural.

silvergirl, I can't tell where your line of demarcation is. You've been doing great with your transition. I'm thinking you're one of the premier go-to transitioners for tips and suggestions.
p31woman said:
:wave:Hola :wave:

I'm about 1 month into my transition and I want to BC NOW! If only I were comfortable with short hair I would do it.

You and me both! I LOVE my new texture and I'm so looking forward to being fully natural but I'm trying to be patient!
tffy2004 said:
Checking in...

According to my ticker it has been 3 months. I just finished my braids today, I plan on wearing them two months at a time off and on for a year, there are pictures of them in my fotki album. Before the braids when ever I would wash my hair after I get out of the shower I would spray a generous amount of Infusium 23 on my hair and let it sit for 5 minutes and it would make detangling easier.

On another note I wish I could afford some of that BBD Stretch, I have heard some great things about it.

Braids are a good idea. Whenever I get to a difficult point in my transition, I fall back on braids and wear them for a few weeks. Makes my life so much easier!

Thanks everybody for checking in and good luck meeting your hair goals.
Checking in.

I'm six weeks post and wanted to BC like last week. I'll be getting a weave at the end of the month to help with retaining growth.
my hair is doing wonderful :grin: im happy with it..
my hair locking is turning into pretty ringelets and it looks very proud of my hair ;)
Robin41 said:
dicapr, I started transitioning with the crown & glory method and that helped keep my hands out of my hair and kept me from making mistakes with my new texture. Sounds like you've got a good handle on it though. Your regimin sounds good to me. Is the Dove daily leave-in making your new growth soft?

Dove daily makes my new growth very soft. I also makes my new coils pop.
Robin41 said:
You and me both! I LOVE my new texture and I'm so looking forward to being fully natural but I'm trying to be patient!

I keep telling myself that patience is a virtue and it takes time but man...It's hard. Plus I'm an only child so I'm kinda spoiled on the whole "waiting" thing. :lachen: This process of growing my hair out is gonna really give me and my patience a run for our money. lol
P31woman, patience is definitely a virtue especially if you're going to have a long transition. Transitioning is by no means an easy thing but i know you can do it. We will all be hear cheering you on!!!!! :)
jenell85 said:
P31woman, patience is definitely a virtue especially if you're going to have a long transition. Transitioning is by no means an easy thing but i know you can do it. We will all be hear cheering you on!!!!! :)

THANKS JENELL85!!!:lachen:
Hi! I'm heading into my 9th month of's going pretty well, cuz I think I have a routine now. I love washing my hair so I can see how much more new growth I have! I don't have any tips, but I'm just here to see who else is transitioning.

Keep up the good work ladies!
I don't think I am gonna long transition after all. I can't stand not being able to style my hair. The only thing I can do w. my texlaxed hair is to throw a phony pony on top of it. I am trying to deal with my 1/2 texlaxed and 1/2 relaxed hair.:rolleyes: my nape is almost completely natural. It is still 2 short to twist or braid going strait back. I'm going to try bantu knots. I hope I can pull this style off. I can't say it's all bad. I love playing with my NG.:p

I am still transitioning after 10 months. I recently had my hair cut--I'm not completely natural yet, but 3/4 of my length is! I can tell the difference between the thicker natural hair and the anemic relaxed ends even when pressed. I'm not completely sure how I'm gonna wear my hair once the relaxer is all chopped off, but since I'm almost there I'll know soon.:)