Transitioners-Are You Jealous of Everyone


Well-Known Member
Lately I have found myself jealous of everyone. I see a fresh relaxer, and I'm like ME WANT. Then I see a natual style and I'm like ME WANT. I am going crazy. I really need to set a BC date and get it over with. I want to chop at 8 inches new growth but I don't know. Any other transitioners jealous of anyone not transitioning?
When I was transitioning, I only would get envious when I saw a BIG *** AFRO. Then I was like ME WANT!!! So I BCed early....and I never quite got an afro like the girls I saw. My hair just never stood up properly, it was too lazy. Now I'm not envous of anyone's hair. I'm just focused on mine.
dicapr said:
Lately I have found myself jealous of everyone. I see a fresh relaxer, and I'm like ME WANT. Then I see a natual style and I'm like ME WANT. I am going crazy. I really need to set a BC date and get it over with. I want to chop at 8 inches new growth but I don't know. Any other transitioners jealous of anyone not transitioning?

The grass is always greener as they say. When I was transitioning and decided on no heat until 2008 and just fell in love with the thought of my curls, I'd see people with beautiful straight hair (like Whimsy) and want to straighten soooo bad! I was like i know with this transition process my hair has grown so much if i just slap another relaxer in my hair then....

but i stayed strong and I can't wait to have my curls and the option to have long swanging straight hair in 2008 :)
If you are feeling like that I would try some regimens that transitioners are doing so they can have the straight look. You know you will BC anyways but while the hair grows you can look at sylver's technic to lay your NG down. I get to have the best of both worlds right now because of it. I can't stop playing with the NG and when I need to I just follow her scarf method and bam I have straight hair.
dicapr said:
Lately I have found myself jealous of everyone. I see a fresh relaxer, and I'm like ME WANT. Then I see a natual style and I'm like ME WANT. I am going crazy. I really need to set a BC date and get it over with. I want to chop at 8 inches new growth but I don't know. Any other transitioners jealous of anyone not transitioning?

jealous of a freshly relaxed head - awwwww heck no! i'm sooo happy to be rid of the chemical dependency and hassles i don't know what to do.........

i actually feel more like Whimsey did - i yearn to be completely natural but i also have a growth goal in mind and it's gonna take time and patience to get there.

but sometimes, every now and again i just want to put a brush through my hair without it snagging on a speed bump at every other inch :grin: and that's when i bust out the flatiron.

hang in there dicapr, if you think the temptation is too strong than either go on and bc or, experiment with your flatiron so you can get it out of your system :)
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I am natural, and I'm STILL jealous of the long, straight hair. I think, "If I was still transitioning, I would have hair like that." I BCed at 6 months post. But, I'm just so used to having long flowing hair. But at the same time, when I saw a girl with a short cut, I thought, "Oh, I wanna cut my hair again." So, I'm just one of those people that's never satisfied with what I have anyway!! :look:
I wouldn't say i am jealous. Everytime i see someone with natural hair, i say to myself i cant wait till my transition is over. Once i am 100% natural i still plan to wear my hair straight everynow and then. I can blow it out straight with a blow dryer without useing alot of heat. So i really dont think much when i see somone with long straight hair. Cause if i wanted i can just whip out my blow dryer and have that look. One thing i can say i am jealous of is are some styles that i cant seem to get with my hair type. I am 3c and i cant ever get those nice thick looking twists. When i was 100% natural before and i would just put my hair is a few braids while wet to dry. It would straighten my hair out and i'd only have the crinkle from the braid which would straighten out in a bun.
Not jealous, just ANXIOUS to chop when I see a BAA!!! :grin: But I'm sticking to my 2 year plan of transitioning so that when I chop I will have length.
Kind of because I don't know which way I want to go (BC or back to relaxed) while everyone else is content with their choices. I'll be okay though.
I wouldnt say im jealous..i saw one girl with a big afro and wondered if my hair would ever be able to look like that and to that point....i like to see people with healthy hair be it relaxed or anxious to see how my hair is going to respond to it being natural...but no jealousy here...
B_Phlyy said:
Kind of because I don't know which way I want to go (BC or back to relaxed) while everyone else is content with their choices. I'll be okay though.

I'm with u. I think I'm transitioning but I feel the true test isn't until the summer. When I see ladies with straight hair or a fresh relaxer I wish my hair could get that straight. When I flat iron it gets semi straight but reverts days later. When I see ppl with beautiful curly natural hair I wish I could just snap my fingers and the relaxed parts would revert and turn curly. I figure I will stretch as long as possible and then trim every couple of months. I might still b transitioning in 2010, who knows. I just want thick healthy hair, regardless of whether it is relaxed or natural. I figure if I can stretch forever I'll eventually end up natural with continuous trims every 3-4 months and if I want that straight relaxed look I'll hit up the dominican salon on the corner for a wash and set. My wash and go is very curly so I can get away with curly styles too.
I think I am mainly jealous that they can style their hair. I've looked a mess for the last 4 months and I am tired of it. My relaxed hair is bone straight and my natural hair is coarse, frizzy 4a/4b. I've got about four inches of new growth and when I try to use the scarf method, it laughs at me. I don't want to use too much heat because I do have alot of coils and I don't want them damaged because of too much heat. The last time I got braids I had to cut several inches off because the relaxed hair was too damaged to withstand them even using the Crown and Glory method. I'm just stuck. For me, after braids=big chop and I don't think I'm mentally ready for that. The last time I saw myself with a 'fro it was shoulder length. I've never had hair shorter than 1 inch from the base of my neck. I had long hair that covered my neck even as a baby. I don't know how I will handle a TWA.
I AM TRANSITIONING!!!! I finally made the decision after stretching my relaxer...but in all honesty, I look at both types of hair and love them all. I was at the point in the beginning of saying "I want to relax, her hair is so pretty, I need to relax." But the thought of being natural excites me more so than wanting to relax and eventually, I was able to let go the thought of relaxing. I have been able to flat iron my hair so well that my hair looks like it's relaxed. But stick with it girl, you can do it! :clap:
I think that when i was transitioning i had more anticipation than jealousy i needed a change i had to mentally prepare my self for ..i was excited because i had put transitioning off in hs..but in college i felt like was ready for it!!:-) and it is working out just fine!! i admit in the beg of the transition i was like ill just stay straight but then..i was this is something that i wanted to do and will do..for never jealous..:-)
Not in the least! The relaxed heads I see are definitely NOT LHCF members and their hair just looks over-processed, thin and tired to me. I only get a tinge envious of the fully natural ladies I see with beautiful, curly, healthy, thick hair and I can't wait until mine grows out. Patience was never my strong suit but I'm trying.