Transitioners and/or naturals who transitioned i need help


New Member
I've been transitioning for about 4 mos now but i dont know where my natural hair ends and my relaxed hair begins. when i wash my hair my hair gets really curly and wavy even when it dries (i dont use heat i air dry) and when i try to see how much new growth i gave i cant. it all feels and looks the same. i feel the growth but cant see it. i can only tell on my edges and my nape area.

My question is did any of you have this problem and if so how could you tell which hairs were relaxed and which ones werent?
my hair is not straight. my relaxed hair is curly/wavy so i cant see a line at all. at my nape its more straight so i can tell but not the rest of my hair
I normally part off a small section and hold it up in the air. If you look at it in the mirror with the light shining through, you can usually see the fine line between the 2 textures. My NG is much thicker than my relaxed hair so its not too hard for me to spot the differences.
I don't have this problem but when your hair is wet, there should be some difference, even if it's a slight difference for you to distinguish between the two textures. Maybe try to feel for a diff and then put your finger at the demarcation line and look where your finger is
It was hard for me to see a demarkation line early in the transition
This is me at 10 weeks

BUt eventually you'll start to see the difference. This was me further in
Hiya chocolatedoll,

I had a similiar issue. My natural texture when dried was stretched since I bun often, and would be kinda wavy, and pretty straight, and my relaxed hair had always been pretty wavy, too. So I had difficulty finding my line of demarcation.

I recently bc'd and I found that the clearest demarcation (for me at least) was seen when my hair was wet. This worked for 2 reasons: 1) when I'd get it sopping wet, the natural hair seemed to suck up the water faster and thus get a little dryer faster, this made it easier to see, and I could just chop off the "wetter" hair and 2) while it was all wavy, the natural hair had smaller waves, while the relaxed hair had super loose waves. I chopped where the little waves ended.

I still missed a lot of relaxed hair this way, and still find myself trimming it now and then. I chose to err on the conservative side and leave a little relaxed hair when I was uncertain as opposed to overchopping and cutting off my hard-earned natural hair!

Are you planning a BC? If not, I wouldn't worry about it too much, since the two textures are too similar for even you to tell the difference, then you could get away with just tranisitioning slowly without having to worry about where your line of demarcation is.

Good luck and hhg!:grin:
You could wet your hair and apply conditioner to it. You should be able to see the difference between your new growth and the relaxed ends.
thanks everyone i planned on a long transition but i always feel like im going to do it earlier and would like to know where to cut.