Transitioners And Bcs


Well-Known Member
I would like to ask the ladies who transitioned and big chopped a few questions to help me along the journey:

1. What benefits did going natural provide to you (thicker hair, less shedding, restoration of edges, etc.)?
2. What were some of the challenges you experienced while transitioning?
3. What made you decide to go natural?
4. Is your hair easier or more difficult to maintain?
5. Do you retain more length?
6. Do you still straighten your hair?
7. What advice would you have for ladies who are transitioning and new naturals?

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I would like to ask the ladies who transitioned and big chopped a few questions to help me along journey:

1. What benefits did going natural provide to you (thicker hair, less shedding, restoration of edges, etc.)? My scalp isn't getting burned every three months.
2. What were some of the challenges you experienced while transitioning? I didn't deal with my hair during my 17 month transition. I went to hair dresser every two weeks and got my hair braided or twisted up into updos.
3. What made you decide to go natural? I didn't want to perm any more was tired of the chemicals. I have sensitive skin and my scalp would no matter how much I was based.
4. Is your hair easier or more difficult to maintain? My hair is pretty easy to deal with and once I cut the perm out it was super easy
5. Do you retain more length? I am still growing but my hair is as long now as.when I cut two years ago. So it's grown back pretty fast.
6. Do you still straighten your hair? I do not
7. What advice would you have for ladies who are transitioning and new natura
Definitely check the transition thread
1. What benefits did going natural provide to you (thicker hair, less shedding, restoration of edges, etc.)? None of the above

2. What were some of the challenges you experienced while transitioning? I BC'd 4 weeks post

3. What made you decide to go natural? I was entering a new chapter of my life and needed a change

4. Is your hair easier or more difficult to maintain? About the same

5. Do you retain more length? Yes

6. Do you still straighten your hair? Sometimes

7. What advice would you have for ladies who are transitioning and new naturals? Enjoy the journey, have fun at every stage.
1. What benefits did going natural provide to you (thicker hair, less shedding, restoration of edges, etc.)? Softer, stronger, healthier, darker hair, no more dandruff, edges are fuller.
2. What were some of the challenges you experienced while transitioning? My transition was pretty easy, actually.
3. What made you decide to go natural? I saw a YouTube video of someone who went natural and her hair was so pretty. I wanted to see if my hair could do the same without the relaxer.
4. Is your hair easier or more difficult to maintain? Back then I wasn't really on a healthy hair journey per se, so I can't really hair on a daily basis is more work but it's fast and easy at the same time.
5. Do you retain more length? Definitely
6. Do you still straighten your hair? Yes and it is soft and silky and full when I do :)
7. What advice would you have for ladies who are transitioning and new naturals? Learn to appreciate all hair types and give your hair a chance. You can always go back to relaxing later if that works better for your needs.
1. What benefits did going natural provide to you (thicker hair, less shedding, restoration of edges, etc.)?

My natural hair is stronger than my relaxed hair. My BSL relaxed hair wasn't fragile, but despite not using direct heat, it was starting to thin at the ends.

2. What were some of the challenges you experienced while transitioning?

Patience was the biggest one. I knew I didn't want short hair when I BCed so I had to wait until my natural hair was at least shoulder length.

3. What made you decide to go natural?

The styles I prefer are textured and I don't use heat so straight hair wasn't easy for me to accomplish anyway. Also, I didn't like the maintenance required to process my texlaxed hair and strengthen it.

4. Is your hair easier or more difficult to maintain?

For me, my natural hair is easier to maintain. The styles I prefer are easy to accomplish with wash and gos, braidouts, and twist outs, or a simple bun. Also the care is easy. No more tedious touchups and dealing with two textures.

5. Do you retain more length?

My relaxed hair grew just fine, but not as easily or quickly as my natural hair. I think it's because I actually manipulate my hair less now that it's natural vs when it was relaxed.

6. Do you still straighten your hair?

No and I don't plan to. It's not a style I like and its simpler to just slap on a wig if I do want straight hair. I don't have the energy to blowdry or rollerset and flat iron. And, with a wig I don't risk heat damage.

7. What advice would you have for ladies who are transitioning and new naturals?

Don't give up too soon and try different products and routines. Once I found the products and developed a regimen that worked for me, natural/transitioning hair became easy.
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1. What benefits did going natural provide to you (thicker hair, less shedding, restoration of edges, etc.)?
My hair is thicker and stronger. No scalp issues and my nape is thriving!

2. What were some of the challenges you experienced while transitioning?
a. Finding products that worked for both textures.
b. Finding styles that blended the two textures (this was only a problem when I got deep into my transition).
c. Long wash days.

3. What made you decide to go natural?
My sisters were my inspiration. I was curious to see what my natural hair looked like since I had been relaxed since the age of 6.

4. Is your hair easier or more difficult to maintain?
Easier. The relaxed hair really does cause a lot of the tangling issues.

5. Do you retain more length?
Hmmmm. Yes and no. I didn't have to cut SSKs when I was relaxed, so I retained more of my length BUT being natural, I retain the thickness as it grows. Like @Nightingale said, when I was relaxed, my hair would grow but it would start to thin out at the ends. My natural hair retains its thickness from root to tip as it grows.

6. Do you still straighten your hair?
I haven't straightened my hair yet. I haven't had the itch just yet.

7. What advice would you have for ladies who are transitioning and new naturals?
a. Find staples for your natural hair while transitioning. By the time you BC, you will have that part down.
b. BC when YOU are ready.
c. If you get frustrated with your natural hair, give it time. It takes time to learn how to take care of it.
d. While transitioning, don't rely too much on protective styling. I feel that some people do and when they BC, they have no idea what to do with their hair.

Good luck!
1. What benefits did going natural provide to you (thicker hair, less shedding, restoration of edges, etc.)?

2. What were some of the challenges you experienced while transitioning?
My transition wasn't really challenging. I took the original formula of Manetabolism and wore my hair in extensions and crochet braids for 4 months at a time.

3. What made you decide to go natural?
I damaged my scalp and hair. My relaxed hair was heat damaged and lifeless. My cousin also stopped relaxing due to her pregnancy, and as I had a buddy I was inspired.

4. Is your hair easier or more difficult to maintain?
My hair probably just as easy to maintain as when I was relaxed. I definitely manipulate less.

5. Do you retain more length?
Yes, but I enjoyed cutting my hair when I was relaxed so wasn't too concerned about retaining length.

6. Do you still straighten your hair?
I haven't put heat on my hair (barring a test piece) since I ended my transition. But I probably will.

7. What advice would you have for ladies who are transitioning and new naturals?
Really take time when handling your hair and treat it well. Don't get bogged down in products. Find staples for different categories. If something doesn't work, don't force it. At the same time, dont be afraid to try new and different things. Learn what your hair likes; note how your hair responds. Enjoy it.
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