
New Member
Hey everyone,
Technically, i have been natural. I mostly wear braids (w/ extensions) and every once in a while i'll get a relaxer. Now i have decided to go completely natural. I want to try to grow mty hair with any extensions naturally. It was doing pretty good for a while:); very thick and shiny. Now its kinda dry, wirey, and breaking alot:(. Not so much when its wet, but when its dried, oh gosh! Its only the ends that are dry and wirey. What can i do? Should i cut them? :confused:I know i have been washing alot, but that was to try and take out the texturizer. Was i wrong? Help! I really love my hair and i don't want to lose it.:confused: I also set it in twistee rollers/velcrows to keep the the curled under. Bad idea, huh?
bravenewgirl87 said:
Hey everyone,
Technically, i have been natural. I mostly wear braids (w/ extensions) and every once in a while i'll get a relaxer. Now i have decided to go completely natural. I want to try to grow mty hair with any extensions naturally. It was doing pretty good for a while:); very thick and shiny. Now its kinda dry, wirey, and breaking alot:(. Not so much when its wet, but when its dried, oh gosh! Its only the ends that are dry and wirey. What can i do? Should i cut them? :confused:I know i have been washing alot, but that was to try and take out the texturizer. Was i wrong? Help! I really love my hair and i don't want to lose it.:confused: I also set it in twistee rollers/velcrows to keep the the curled under. Bad idea, huh?

That breakage sounds like the result of the texturizer, not washing. Unless you're shampooing frequently. Washing frequently will only clean your hair, so I'm unclear as to what you mean in the bolded statement.

What are you doing to strengthen your hair? Protein treatments? Reconstructors? These assisted me with reducing or eliminating breakage.

I was a long term transitioner (18 months), but I slowly trimmed away my relaxed ends. I don't promote big trims, just dusting the ends, unless the damage is extensive.
the shampoo and conditioner may have alot of silicone products in them which means you'd need to use a rather harsh clarifying shampoo to remove the build-up those cones can cause.

there also may be more protein in the poo and condish than your hair can handle especially the older parts of your hair like the ends.

try a good cholesterol deep conditioning along with a very moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.

there are soo many to choose from i'm sure someone can add their favorites but i stick with the more natural products like aubrey organics honeysuckle rose (for moisturizing) and the GPB for a light protein and balancing conditioner.

try to find a good leave-in conditioner and use an oil or shea butter to seal the moisture in the hair.