Transitioner: Waves Discovery


New Member
I usually don't make posts; I like to gawk at others. I still think I'm somewhat of a newbie. Anyway, I was brushing my hair back into my daily bun (I'm in the military), when I turned my head to the side. I realized I had waves! People always ask if I'm "natural" and I say "trying to be". LOL! I guess because I never see my bun from the side, I was always confused as to how people guessed my chemical status. I guess when you see your hair every day you don't realize it changes, but it does. My last perm was February 09. I snip-snip every couple of months. Most of my permed hair is gone. I have a few bone straight ends that you can see in this pic.

Well that's all. Just this one measley pic from my phone. I was just so excited that I had to share with someone, and no one but you ladies would understand my joy. Have a great day!


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Your hair is beautiful!!! When do you plan to trim the remainder of the relaxed ends?

Gee Thanks!!! Umm...Every time I wash my hair I want to trim those scraggly bone-straight ends. Unfortunately, it's not long enough yet to be a real bun. The new growth can reach into a ponytail, but it's more like a nub. :lachen: So whenever I can get a bun, I will HAPPILY trim those scraggly ends off. I look so ridiculous when my hair is wet. I can't wait to get rid of the ends. I will post a pic next time I wash so you ladies can see.