Transitioner: Bunning or any suggestion...


Well-Known Member
Hi all...

So, I am a transitioner. 9 months this week. For the majority of my transition, I have blowdried and flatironed...weekly. Well, I have learned that I shouldn't :nono:. So, I am trying to cut down right now. However, my hair seemed healthier to me then...I tried rollersetting...NEVER again! It took too much time...that I don't have. So, I've done a few twist hair gets crazy tangled (maybe I need different products)...and now I've been wet or semi-wet bunning for a little over a week, co-washing every 2 days and baggying at night...

Is wet bunning going to cause breakage? My natural is creeping to where the ponytail holder is... Any other styling suggestions? I have thick 3c/4a (I think) hair...shoulder length when straightened and the majority is still relaxed...sigh. (of course when I am "trying" to grow my won't grow)

I am just distraught now.
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i don't get it. if the blowdrying and flatironing was working for you, why did you change that for this? there's quite a few people here who use heat and still have healthy hair...
The direct heat can ruin your curl pattern. I want the versatility of natural hair whenever I do finally BC. I was natural for years, but the heat from 6 years of monthly presses left pieces permanently straight.
Wet bunning shouldn't cause breakage if the bun isn't too tight. If you are getting breakage you can just use pins instead of the ponytail holders.
Wet bunning might be kinda dangerous cause your ends are already fragile. If you wanna keep at it though, the SouthernTease bun might be a good option for you since it doesn't require using ponytail holders.

I got dominican blowouts every 2-3 weeks for the first 10 months of my transition, then I did bantu knots. Good luck!