Transition Stopped: I relaxed!! (pix inside)


Beauty IS skin deep.
Okay, so I started transitioning in October 2006. I swore off anymore relaxers and decided that I was going to take the natural route. Well, the more my roots got back to their natural texture, the more I started missing my relaxed hair.............soooooooooo, I took the plunge and relaxed yesterday!!! I decided that transitioning wasn't for me right now, and maybe I'll resume sometime in the future. So here are the basics: I self-relaxed with Silk Elements No-Lye for Sensitive Scalp. I took the advice I learned from here and used every precaution I could. I ended up processing for the full time, so I didn't texlax. I took a shot at rollersetting, and ended up flat-ironing it out. Sorry I don't have any straight length shots. It's humid here, so when I got ready to take pics of me out for my b-day today, my hair had already started puffin' up. I'll take more pics in the upcoming weeks. I know I take crappy pics, so here goes what I took (sorry they're so big, I didn't know how to resize them):









There are more pics in my fotki, so feel free to take a look:spinning:
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Re: Transition Aborted: I relaxed!! (pix inside)

Your hair looks great - how many inches do you think it growed during the transition period?
Re: Transition Aborted: I relaxed!! (pix inside)

Are you using that Ovation? Man, I gotta get me some of that.

Your hair and makeup is gorgeous!
Re: Transition Aborted: I relaxed!! (pix inside)

Your hair is so BEAUTIFUL!! It looks so healthy.
Re: Transition Aborted: I relaxed!! (pix inside)

your hair is beautiful

Thanks gurlie!!!

Your hair looks great - how many inches do you think it growed during the transition period?
Thanks!!! To be honest with you, I really don't know. The only thing I know is that when I first started out, my hair was just a little below my bra clasp. Now, it's in the small of my back. I'm really bad at keeping up with progress, so I can't really say how many inches it's grown. All I can say is that I'm happy with the results and it feels good to have my relaxed hair back!!
Re: Transition Aborted: I relaxed!! (pix inside)

Your hair is pretty. You did an excellent job with the relaxer. I like the next to last pic, smiling like a movie star.:yep:
Re: Transition Aborted: I relaxed!! (pix inside)

wow!!!! is all I can say, Its so shiny and healthy looking. Was your hair wet in the pics?
Re: Transition Aborted: I relaxed!! (pix inside)

Thanks ladies!! I gotta say that I was kinda scared and nervous at first. I actually bought that relaxer 2 weeks ago, but got scared to put it in. So, since it was my birthday week, I took the plunge and just went for it. I was pretty confident after reading the "self-relaxed support thread". With all of that info, I felt I had enough to go ahead with the process, and everything came out okay (by the grace of GOD:grin:) I can't thank you gals enough for providing all of your wonderful advice and tips on this board. I don't think I would have been able to try it again if it weren't for you all!!!
Re: Transition Aborted: I relaxed!! (pix inside)

Well everything can't be for everyone.. your hair is beautiful by the way!!:yep:
Re: Transition Aborted: I relaxed!! (pix inside)

Your hair looks so beautiful. I love it!
Good for you Miss's your hair, do what suits you best. It's all about options and from what I see the transition period did good things for your hair.