Transition from Kinky Twists to Sew-In


Well-Known Member
I currently have kinky twist extentions and plan to take them out within 2 weeks or so. From there I want to get a sew-in. How long should I wait between removing the twists to get a sew-in? BTW this is my first sew-in.

I would wait at least two weeks!
I would want to give my hair good DC's/Hot Oil Treatment
during that rest period.
Doing a sew in right away might "stress"
your hair.
Hope that helps!!
I have seen the norm of two weeks to rest your hair. Get a good deep conditioning and other treatments in then on to the weave.
yeah what they said. 2 or 3 weeks for your hair to 'de-stress' and i'd deep condition at least 4 times before I get the sew in and bun until then or just low manipulation