Transition-Friendly Products


Well-Known Member
Okay, spill it...what have you found to be the most hair-friendly products and techniques during your transition or relaxer stretch? By relaxer stretch I mean 3 months or more. What products used to be staples but no longer work you? What products surprised you?

My transition-friendly products are:

Anything from :yep: I get soft, moist hair root to tip every time. I love the SitriNillah Hair Masque, CoCasta Oil, Baggy Cream, and Vatika Frosting :lick:

Tresemme Smooth & Silky Cond-shock of the century for me! So in love!
V05 Champagne Kiss,Raspberry, Chamomile Tea and Free Me Freesia for CW's and leave-in
Vatika Oil
It's not a product but, wet hair almost daily
Kenra MC
Henna conditioning treatments
CON Green Label poo

Things I've had to diss are:

-My beloved Silicon Mix DC :sad: I used it the other day and while it detangled, it left a film on my hair. I don't know if it was because I'd henna'd or what. I didn't like the feeling.
-Sulfate poos. I didn't really mind them but now that I'm 30.5 wks post, they're becoming a no-no.
-Tight buns/ponytails. I love the sleek look, but I've found alternative ways to get the look w/o the hair stress.

:grin: Share!!
Lacio Lacio. The OLD bottle with MINK OIL in it. You can still find it at selected beauty supply stores...
I wish I could get a hold of some just cuz! I might just have to wait until I go to DR in November.