Transition, BC, Relax??


New Member
I THOUGHT I wanted to long-term transition after my last relaxer on February 9th. But in the last week I wanted to relax, continue the transition, AND I have an insatiable itch to BC every time I touch my head! Ladies, you have to help me!

I am NL in the rear and some places EL, yeah I know :( . I wear wigs 90% of the time, no matter what. I co-wash at least 3x per week and DC 2x. I use jheri juice (scurl or wave nouveau) or Nu-Gro spray, and various oils for sealing.

I am scared to BC because even though my hair is already short it's still retaining length, but the relaxed ends look funny coming out of all this NG. My hair is screaming to be cut....I'm ready to be natural, but it is A LOT OF 4 INCH HAIR TO CUT!! LOL

My transition is becoming harder because of the 2 textures and the thickness of my NG is overwhelming. I have shedding and breakage (some of my NG has no relaxed hair left!)

A stylist said I should relax so my hair won't break....

See how confused I am?? What should I do?
Really only YOU know what you want to do with you hair, no matter you choose you are going to have to make a commitment to your hair if you want it to grow long, strong and healthy. What you need to do is make up your mind first. On a side note i do think if you decide you want to go natural you might as well bc because you said you wear a wig 90%. bc is easier than transitioning and if your hiding your hair why not? Anyway decide what you want to do to your hair and how you prefer to wear it the majority of the time. Then go from there. Good luck no matter what you decide.
If you are unable to care for your hair properly because of the two textures you may want to cut it so you dont cause damage to your new growth as well. If you are not toally comfortable with a BC right now then don't do it.

Oh, and one thing I'm confused about is you say that you are retaining and are afraid to cut, but also said your hair is breaking and some of the ng has no relaxed ends. If your hair is breaking you're not retaining any growth.
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I'm in this same dilemma. If you BC and don't have the confidence to show your afro, then you are wedded to wigs or braids until you get enough growth to relax and lord knows waiting for your hair to grow makes the journey seem soooo long.
I feel your pail OP, but patience is a virtue when it comes to hair. I'd suggest keeping what you have and just be gentle with your hair. Wash and d/c in cornrows., This will reduce the amount of manipulation. Good luck
Your hair is long enough to flat iron or roller set. Why not flat iron your hair while you transition? You can change your mind about transitioning. You are not chained to either one or the other. I BC'd to short hair and now I am having problems with styling. Make sure you take your time with your decision. I wish I had transitioned longer, but I was impatient.
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Just know that the stylist is telling you to relax again so he/she can pay bills.
Thank everyone for replying so fast & for the advice

To FlawedBeauty: I see what you're saying. I meant its getting longer but I think I meant that my thin spots grew out so that's only new growth! The new growth is so bushy. It looks/feels bad!

I wish I could post pics, but I lurk & post only from my mobile phone! If you look at my starting pic in my siggy, my current length in the back is exactly even with my gawd-awful tatt.
Dont be hatin on ur tatt lol !! i have many and am a tatt lover lol.

Well then are you concerned that you won't be able to properly care for your natural hair? If you really want to be natural I say go ahead and chop. The more your hair grows out, the harder it's going to be for you to cut it all off. Since it is already pretty short I say go for it. There is also a newly natural thread which you may have seen where you can get lots of help if you do decide to BC.

You mention you wear wigs most of the time. How do you wear your hair and care for it when it is under the wig?

Thank everyone for replying so fast & for the advice

To FlawedBeauty: I see what you're saying. I meant its getting longer but I think I meant that my thin spots grew out so that's only new growth! The new growth is so bushy. It looks/feels bad!

I wish I could post pics, but I lurk & post only from my mobile phone! If you look at my starting pic in my siggy, my current length in the back is exactly even with my gawd-awful tatt.
Dont be hatin on ur tatt lol !! i have many and am a tatt lover lol.

Well then are you concerned that you won't be able to properly care for your natural hair? If you really want to be natural I say go ahead and chop. The more your hair grows out, the harder it's going to be for you to cut it all off. Since it is already pretty short I say go for it. There is also a newly natural thread which you may have seen where you can get lots of help if you do decide to BC.

You mention you wear wigs most of the time. How do you wear your hair and care for it when it is under the wig?

I love tats too....just not that one! I'm getting it covered with cherry blossoms or a small tribal soon. I think if I BC my hair will grow. I hate to admit it: I'm slightly obsessed with length. My DH wants me to get it BC'd by a pro, although he wants me to keep what I have. LOL he's confused too I guess.

Under my wig, I spray with water and then juice it and pull it in a "ponytail" and cover with a wig cap. I wish I could cornrow that might make it easier on my hair.
Sounds like you should BC, since you wear wigs 90% of the time, anyway. If you decide to transition, find a new stylist who supports your transition or become a DIYer.
Lol im in the same boat as far as length goes. which is why I haven't BC'd yet even though i'm dyyyying to lol. I'm 7 months post and I recently did a mini chop from about brastrap to about APL. I would suggest finding someone to cornrow your hair under your wig. the ponytail may be your culprit. Leaving it in cornrows can help you retain lots of growth if youre not ready to cut.

I love tats too....just not that one! I'm getting it covered with cherry blossoms or a small tribal soon. I think if I BC my hair will grow. I hate to admit it: I'm slightly obsessed with length. My DH wants me to get it BC'd by a pro, although he wants me to keep what I have. LOL he's confused too I guess.

Under my wig, I spray with water and then juice it and pull it in a "ponytail" and cover with a wig cap. I wish I could cornrow that might make it easier on my hair.
I'm coming up on 4 months post on the 11th. I feel like BC'ing but I've been wigging it all week and on monday I'm going to get kinky twists done. I'll keep that in for about a month.