"Training" Hair to Wrap


New Member
Since I relaxed tonight I thought it might be a good time to start wrapping my hair. Up until this point I've just gently tucked my hair up into a satin cap. Yet, In the morning I wake up with no shape or style.

My hair is almost as SL so the very back pieces are a little shorter than the top and difficult to wrap as that they don't go all the way around my to the side of my head.

It is best to just keep on wrapping smoothing these shorter pieces down as best I can?

Any tips on "training" the hair to wrap? Especially hair that's SL or shorter.

Just keep smoothing the hair down. Eventually your hair will be "trained". My hair was so used to wrapping that I could do it in the dark in 2 minutes bc my hair was so used to it. Be careful with the wrapping though. I just recently discovered that the constant wrapping was contributing to the breakage I had in the front.
Just keep smoothing the hair down. Eventually your hair will be "trained". My hair was so used to wrapping that I could do it in the dark in 2 minutes bc my hair was so used to it. Be careful with the wrapping though. I just recently discovered that the constant wrapping was contributing to the breakage I had in the front.

Thanks...I sprayed a little leave in conditioner on and that really helped it lie down. I've heard others say that got breakage from wrapping and some say they've been wrapping forever and never had a problem, but I'll keep an eye out.

:wave: I'm a wrapper lol...I've wrapped for some many years also, I can do it with my fingers and then smooth it. It helps to moisturize the hair to give it a little "glue". I started wrapping when my hair was a chin length bob. A soft boar brush helps smooth it down too.
:wave: I'm a wrapper lol...I've wrapped for some many years also, I can do it with my fingers and then smooth it. It helps to moisturize the hair to give it a little "glue". I started wrapping when my hair was a chin length bob. A soft boar brush helps smooth it down too.

thanks...yea i had to dig out my boar brush last night...i never used it so i didn't even know where it was. :spinning:

i found misting with the leave in really helped glue it together and it was really soft and moisturized feeling when i woke up this morning.

it turned out really great...my hair had a lot more shape this morning than usual. i plan to keep wrapping.
