Train your hair with press or roller set


Well-Known Member
Hi--I'm new here! :)

Does pressing and rollersetting your hair gradually train your hair to become more manageable?

I'm growing out a texturizer. Wondering if the rollersetting and pressing will help to give me looser curls similar to a texurizer? And I don't mean those stretched out, thin, overprocessed curls from too much heat. Don't you hate when that happens!! :eek: :mad: :(

I got a texturizer because my 4a/b hair is extremely thick. I also love wearing my hair curly which means I wet it almost daily and the text. seemed the best option at the time. I rarely wore my hair straight.

The reason I ask about training hair is because I want to wear my hair straight this winter but come spring, I want to wet it again.

Any experiences to share?

Don't you hate that. you write a thread and about 100 people read it and no one replies. i'm a relaxed 4a/b and i rollerset and wrap my hair and to me it is more manageable. i don't know if it works for natural or texturized hair. but it can't help to try.
Sassygoddess said:
Don't you hate that. you write a thread and about 100 people read it and no one replies. i'm a relaxed 4a/b and i rollerset and wrap my hair and to me it is more manageable. i don't know if it works for natural or texturized hair. but it can't help to try.
No offense, but that's because there is already a thread like this going...I mean, the EXACT fact, tiffcurl HERSELF started's called...Moisture while Transitioning or something like that...
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I think roller sets do this. I'm afraid of the pressing comb. Last time I had my hair pressed, my hair didn't curl right for two months. So, I use a flat iron that's not especially super duper hot, and have no problems (on occasion). But to answer your question...yes it can as long as you don't overprocess. :)
thanks for all of your responses!

yes, sassyg--i was like, where are the responses!! i need help! :look:

one praying--thanks for the tip. i'll check out that post i started. i didn't even think folks had responded.

tthreat--you've given me hope!

thanks ladies!!!
Pressing your natural hair is not a good idea, unless it is on low heat. You can only use a heat-controlled flat iron. And then, I would say that you should only do it once every 3 months or so.

I wear my hair pressed all the time, and when it is not pressed it looks like a horribly under-processed perm (not the look I think you're going for!)
When I was younger and faithfully had my hair pressed every 2 weeks, by hair did seem more manageable in terms of combing it out after washing. I don't know if I would attribute that to "training" or damage from all the heat and therefore loss of curl pattern.