Tracy and other Hair color Divas!


New Member
I have highlights in my hair and I want to use a rinse to go back to my normal dark brown hair color, I was thinking along the lines of Clairol's Jazzing but I don't know what color to get. My hair is naturally dark brown, my highlights are a light brown/honey color with strongish copper /red tones and sometimes they look kind of bright. I've used Clairol's rinses on it before, most likely the wrong color.
Any ideas on which color or even any other product would be greatly appreciated
Dena, thanks for the reply

Are you sure a gold base won't intensify the red/copper tones? I'm looking to neutralize those tones.
I agree with you- the gold will intensify the red. Brown base should take the red edge off.
I don't know anything about riinses, I've only dealt with permanent coloring but the color rules are the same. Red is an exaggeration of gold, so if you want to tone it down either use a drabber or just totally wash it over with a brown or black.
Aww, Red Tones I overlooked that.... I just saw brown and began typing

I use a gold base beautiful collections rinse, I think Darkest Brown, to tone down my highlights on a regular basis
I never new some rinses are made with brown bases, thanks for enlightening me... But my hair doesn't have a hint of red in it.
If your hair is too red the color wheel says that green will neutralize it, meaning that you would use a rinse that has a green base. The only problem is you have brown in your hair too.
Bumping for Tracy
Hi guys! Sorry I'm late...

Okay - gold toned highlights with a reddish tint to them. it will be tricky....but what you REALLY need is a NEUTRAL base. If you didn't mind a little red as the rinse washes out I would say go with a red base (because browns on top of highlights or any kind of yellowish or gold tone tend go green and the red undertones cancels out the green so that all you get is brown...with maybe a little red). That's REALLY your best bet. But if you insist on no red, you can go with a brown with a Neutral Base. Sebastian Neutral Brown would be my recommendation. I don't like Jazzing colors, they don't last long enough and none of their deeper browns have neutral bases as far as I know.

I'd go with Seb Neutral Brown.

WHATEVER you do, MAKE SURE the base has NO blue or green.

Good Luck.
tracy what would u reccomend for my hair color wich is a med. brn color...........without too much damage, i really wanna put some highlites in.....
Hi asummertyme....

Highlights sound great! As long as your hair is in good shape. If you have the stylist do them with permanent color (instead of cream lightner aka bleach) that's even better.
When it comes to highlights just pick a blond and hope for the best. Your guess will be as good as mine would - I promise you. As far as whether it will damage your hair. The answer is unequivocally yes. Esp if you're relaxed. But it doesn't have to be "cut your hair off damage". Again, I couldn't say for sure how MUCH it would or wouldn't damage your hair. You know your hair better than I do.
Thanks so much Tracy
I'll check out the Sebastian neutral brown you recommended, if I were willing to deal with a little red what which Sebastian color with a red base would you recommend?