Tourmaline Hot Rollers?


Well-Known Member
Anyone use Tourmaline Hot Rollers?

I just purchased the Conair brand from Target. I also have the Caruso Rollers.

Are the Tourmaline Hot Rollers safe or bad for your hair? I tried these last night and the curl seems to drop out.

I'm texturized and I get alot of frizz with my Caruso's.

I've also been wearing bantu knots and my ends are tore up! My hair sets better and seems to stay more moisturized when I use grease. I slapped some in my hair last night and the Tourmaline Hot Rollers AND the Caruso's actually set better today without any frizz.

I'm trying to decide which to keep.
Any feedback?

I purchased a set of tourmalline and a set of caruso. I had plans on taking one back when I decided which one I preferred. The tourmalline ones did a great job but I don't like all the heat. For more frequent use, the Carusos, imo, are better for me because I can at least touch the roller without fear of burning my finger.

When I was relaxed I had problems with frizz when using the caruso curlers, the key is to make sure your hair is dry. I usually put them in as soon as I get up and keep them in until after I am dressed.

Good luck!
I thought Tourmaline heat was ok for your hair. Guess too much of any type of heat isn't good. My carusos frizz by the end of the day. Stays straight if I have some type of oil on my hair. Guess my hair works just the opposite?

Do you think the Tourmaline Hot rollers can damage ends?